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Long-men Mountain area is explicitly supported construction development area inChina12th Five Year Plan. With obvious vertical gradient, multi-scale landscape,Tibetan, Qiang and Han nationalities multi-ethnic Living habitation, characteristicregion which historical cultural city of Sichuan province concentrated distribution.Paper Long-men Mountains north of selecting the landscape and regional geologicaltraditional settlements suitability launched research, mainly concentrated in theGuangyuan-Wenchuan area, regional geodetic coordinates for longitude103°00'~106°00', latitude30°34'~32°40' range. Mass destruction disasters brought byearthquake on the traditional settlement, characteristics of the traditional settlementhave being lost through reconstruction activities; this research seems to be more urgent.Study on " Allo Isomorphism " of geographical Landscape spatial pattern of traditionalsettlements is significant on avoiding constructive destruction, enhancement regionalidentification, protection of traditional settlements, promoting new countrysidebuilding, realization area sustainable development.
     Paper comprehensive use literature study, field investigation, quantitative research,qualitative research and empirical research method, has several times in the mountainsto the north area on a field surveying and mapping, collect and master a mass offirst-hand data material, to traditional settlements suitability as the breakthrough point,the geological landscape as the research background, innovation, combined withgeography, geology, landscape ecology, architecture, planning and design sciencetheory, using the Arcgis space analysis technology, the traditional settlements DSRsuccession driving factors, AutoCAD vector chart drawing and Matlab3D data modelof technical means, through the national geographic SMC, national dynamic map netsand so on some of the data and vector diagram of the calculation of the transformation,form regional elevation figure, slope figure, slope to figure, form the traditionalsettlements based on average area, settlement, the direction of settlements, settlementof the distance from the average recently mathematical model, and through a lot ofstatistics research area, perimeter and settlement calculation morphology index,Long-men Mountains to the north of regional geological landscape into landscapesystem, geological landscape characteristics and evaluation, the traditional settlementsin geological landscape suitability distribution rule and succession law and integrating reconstruction the principle of sustainable development on study, this thesis maincontent includes:
     First of all, in the north area in Long-men Mountains geological landscapedevelopment and protection research situation, the geological landscapes andtraditional settlements suitability and related concept, the paper put forward based onresearch approach, the research content, the technical route, constructing "regionalgeological survey, geological characteristics of landscape evaluation-traditionalsettlements geological landscape suitability in distribution of traditional settlements--ingeological landscape suitability succession law-the traditional settlements and thereconstruction integration" the main structure of the paper.
     Second, summarize the geological landscape explore and protection in theMiddle-north the Long-men Mountain geological landscape into landscape system. Atpresent in Long-men Mountain north of regional geological landscape research focuson the mountain disaster post-earthquake processing, the Long-men Mountaingeological park tourism resources development, the geological relics protection, forregional geological landscape into a scene of the system has further research,especially the lack of geological landscapes and traditional settlements haveappropriate on the concrete analysis research. Paper provides important theoreticalbasis and data for rational utilization of Middle-north section of Long-men Mountainof regional geological landscape, scientific development geological landscaperesources to
     Third, the papers to the north in Long-men Mountain area formation, structurecharacteristics, rock outcrop and exhibition, and environmental geology and thecharacter of the characters of natural geography regional comprehensive research forresearch foundation, study of regional geological Long-men Mountain north oflandscape classification, main geological landscape characteristics analysis,geological landscape evaluation and its formation mechanism; Comprehensivegeological landscape genetic types and nature of the partition of Long-men Mountainnorth of regional geological landscape type classification system and is divided intotwo categories, five and kind, and kind of geological landscape types. The study arealandscape are rich, number of geological numerous, but its abundance and type indifferent areas, there are certain differences, including north to Guangyuan, South tothe most prominent and typical Pengzhou. Papers describes on the north area ofLong-men Mountain geomorphology, landscape canyon, Danxia Landform,stratigraphic profiles, these klippen, earthquakes, ancient landscape and sites oftypical geological landscape morphological characteristics respectively in this paper.From the qualitative and quantitative two Angle in the study area of typical geologicallandscape of the evaluation of the system, the paper believes that the north inLong-men Mountain regional geological landscape generally high level. Keydiscussion and expounds the sword door Danxia Landform landscape, seismic landscape, karst landscape mechanism of formation. Combined with thecharacteristics of structural evolution Long-men Mountain, preliminary analysis ofLong-men Mountain north of geological evolution characteristics of landscapeformation;
     Fourth, the use of geography, ecology, landscape architecture, architecture, cityplanning learn crossover study object as the subject topics, avoid before a singlediscipline research the limitations of traditional settlements perfect geographiclandscape pattern system of research. Summarizes the geological landscape based ontraditional settlements under the background of the macro, medium scale suitabilitydistribution law, this paper reveals the traditional settlements and geologicalenvironment suitable for causality of landscape, according to the geological landscapefeatures on the Long-men Mountain north of traditional settlements are classifiedsummarized; Rejecting a large study at present traditional settlements color, structure,the specific architectural interior space design, rich traditional settlements keyresearch the internal order form, by mathematical construct, for Long-men Mountainnorth of post-disaster reconstruction, new rural construction as well as the traditionalsettlements and provide a basis for their own integration reconstruction;
     Fifth, reveals the Long-men Mountain north of traditional settlement spatialstructure area way in importance. Statistics a settlement and alluvial fan impact basinsettlement distance between the respondent to regional conventional size, summary ofLong-men Mountain north area regional features traditional settlements, and finallyreveal the traditional settlements layout form key lies in the continuation of thecontext of the settlement field feeling, the centricity and boundary shape of distinction.The Han nationality plain settlement the national characteristics of shallow roots of itslack of reason is that in the field of in terms of form layout;
     Sixth, this paper puts forward that the traditional settlements in the suitability ofthe driving factors in succession law DSR model, this paper reveals the traditionalsettlements succession law, research in earthquake bring traditional settlement andgeological environmental landscape suitability mutations, this paper summarizes thesuitable assessment index settlement site selection and base geological conditionslocation basic principle, and the empirical case the paper analyzes the post-disasterreconstruction successful cases of the specific design process and method. Finally thispaper puts forward that the traditional settlements succession law always in suitabilityadjustment, through continuous integration, and finally achieve the settlementbuilding into the geological environmental landscape.
     Seventh, a paper, the relation between human and land from the geologicallandscape ecology protection principle and traditional settlements suitability of theprinciples of sustainable development are discussed and summarized in this paper.Research the geological landscape ecology protection principle according to landformtypes and its ecological sensitivity protection principle. Physiognomy types ecological protection principle of ecological construction in accordance with the summary ondivision, including banning construction area, be restricted to the building of the area,has the building of the area. Traditional settlements suitability integration with thereconstruction of the sustainable development of the city put forward to exploredifference between design method, the way of life with residents production functionblock design and perfect the new rural planning design norms and strengthen thegeological landscape nature reserve, scenic spot of the settlement suitability andadjustment, and pay attention to grasp the traditional settlements with the principle ofintegration reconstruction method.
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