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This is the first time for studying Tourism Picking Festival(TPF) in the surbub of Beijing from the event and event tourism. Through surveying and analysing the perception and attitude of visitors, target mraket and the local residents involved in this festival, the author hopes that have a comprehensive understanding to TPF; Also this dissertation uses two methods—visitors survey and in-depth interview to get first-hand information, and make the conclusion creditable and operable.
    This dissertation has four parts, including fundamental theory analysis, fundamental theory analysis of TPF, visitor surveys and impact study. This dissertation firstly summarizes the concept, classification and general framework of events; And then putting the event and event tourism as the theoretic base of related studies, the paper analyses the concept, classification, characteristic, organizing ways and existed problems of TPF. Thirdly, the paper uses visitor surveys to analyse the motivation, satisifaction and the stated intent to revisit of the TPF and so on, then makes some suggestions for the devlopment of TPF. The last part is devided into two portion. The first portion aims to study if TPF can improve the image of the region, taking Pinggu as an example; the second portion analyses the perception of local residents involved in this festival of the ecnomic effects, social and cultural effects, environmental effects.
    The Tourism Picking Festival is an event of angriculture, and the local residents involved in this festival benefits directly from the visitors'costs. The TPF attracts a lot of "festival visitors", but the service, establishment and environment need to be improved, and it is also important to establish products system. The TPF helps to improve the image idendity, and has positive effects on ecnomic,social and cultural, environment.
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