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Government performance evaluation system is regarded as a management tool or incentive system. Whether realizing its value or not, and to what extent realized, have always been focusing on and continuing to improve for us. In practice, the subject of government performance evaluation, through a variety of ways and means, reacts on object of government performance evaluation, and has a positive effect and significance on subject and social development. In order to clarify the degree of realization of the government performance evaluation, we should set up a standard which can be measured the value of degree scientifically and reliably. On this basis, defining the scientific connotation of the efficiency and evaluation criteria is not only the reasonable basis which criticizes the government performance evaluation, but also an important manifestation which realizes the value of government performance evaluation.
     In the theoretical research and practice, researches into many aspects involving in the efficiency of government performance evaluation have been made, which provides a very important revelation on how to improve the efficiency of government performance evaluation. However, the current researches on the concept of efficiency of government performance evaluation are inadequate such as experience-based, localized and sporadic. Mostly explored concepts are related to effective operation of all sectors within the system of performance evaluation, but lack its investigation into the results of efficiency. Government department has also a lack of rigorous logical framework on performance evaluation, and does not fully grasp its basic level. The grasp and understanding of the efficiency of performance evaluation are in the initial stage, and is inconsistent with urgent needs to improve the efficiency of government performance evaluation in reality.
     Based on the above analysis, this thesis is guided by basic methods of Marxism as a guide, and makes use of systematic analysis method, cases and empirical analysis, comparative analysis, historical research methods, quantitative analysis methods. It also selects the Jilin provincial government performance evaluation system as a case connected with China's reality. Through the release and recover of the actual questionnaire in order to obtain the finished data of all aspects and public satisfaction since the performance valuation begins, it makes scientific analysis adopting cluster analysis, factor analysis technique as well. Finally it achieves the aim at the pursuit for the organic integration of realistic response to the question and the long-term mechanism focusing on the "content of the efficiency of government performance evaluation, logic and dimensions, the crux of Analysis, Line in recognition, strategic security" and other related issues.
     This thesis is divided into seven parts.
     The first part explores the origin of efficiency of government performance evaluation, and highlights the significance of evaluation system itself. Based on the related issues, it presents the main content of paper and an analytical framework, illustrates the research methods used in this article, and then brings forward the design idea and wording of the logic.
     In the second part, a tentative study is made of the connotation of the efficiency of government performance evaluation, logic and dimension. By general definition of efficiency, this paper proposes the connotation and denotation of efficiency of government performance evaluation. After analyzing the relevant literature, it also analyzes the concept of the efficiency of government performance analysis and clarifies its reality logic and evaluation dimension from the implementation process and the role.
     The third part is "the empirical study of the efficiency of the government performance assessment- take the Jilin Provincial Government Performance evaluation System as a case." This part is the basis of the thesis. Based on the current development of our performance assessment, the thesis selects Jilin provincial government performance evaluation system as the research paradigms. According to the design of interviews, questionnaires, and interviews one more time, the thesis conducts sub-domains, sub-level, sub-samples of exceptional distribution. Through a combination of empirical research methods of depth interviews and questionnaires, the thesis sends out 450 copies of questionnaires to measure and inspect the efficiency of government performance evaluation. Collecting relevant data, the thesis uses the techniques factor analysis, cluster analysis. Using SPSS software processing, the thesis analyses the efficiency of the implementation process and the role. What’s more, the thesis analyses inadequate source of the two efficiencyes and then explored the relationship of them. As a result, the thesis measures the entire questionnaire's reliability and validity and then obtained corresponding conclusions and inspiration.
     The fourth part is "crux analysis of the impact of the Government Performance Assessment." Based on the analysis of data, the thesis regards the Government Performance evaluation as a behavior system, an integrated process, composed of performance targets system design, performance evaluation standard design, performance evaluation, and performance evaluation feedback, etc. According to the analysis of the compatibility of the embedded reforms, the momentum difference between induced and mandatory reforms, and the separation of instrumental and value rationality, the thesis explores the constraints of the efficiency of the Government Performance evaluation in general.
     Part V is "to improve the rational identification of the efficiency of the Government Performance Assessment." From evaluation system rules and characteristics, on the basis of related performance evaluation, the thesis reinvents Government Performance evaluation value rationality and re-examines the core functions of the system. On the purpose of the full play to the Government Performance evaluation efficiency system, the thesis’purpose is to set up goals of its sustainable development and achieve the development of its system overall.
     Part VI is“to improve the protection strategy for the efficiency of the Government Performance Assessment.”Starting from exact orientation of the Government Performance Assessment, this part re-affirms its values. On the basis of the reality of pluralistic governance in public affairs, this part emphasizes the importance of multi-subject assessment of government performance and puts forward the perfect way of multiple subjects involved in the mechanism. Focus on the legal perspective, this part proposes a detailed analysis of a number of issues on the Government Performance Assessment. In the end, this part proposes the following mechanisms: the establishment of new accountability, decentralized system, competition and inventiveness, the assessment use, as well as information disclosure mechanism, so that the efficiency of the Government Performance evaluation can be improved.
     Part VII, "Conclusion" section. This part reviews the process of writing the whole thesis, and responds to the questions raised at the beginning. It also proposes a relatively objective analysis of the shortage of the thesis and further in-depth research directions
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