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Beishan area, Inner-Mongolia is located in the joint between Kazakstan plate and NorthChina plate. Paleozoic layer distribute abroad and magma active violence so it have goodcondition and great potential for large metallogenesis. Many clues for prospecting in Beishan areacould not be used to actualize more appreciation due to hard natural surrounding and lower gradeof geology survey and shortage of prospecting financing. Hence, it have important realisticsignification to strengthen fast prospecting approach research because it can mitigate resourcesshortage effectively and support regional economy develop fleetly and it also can realize greatbreach for Inner-Mongolia's metallic mine prospecting.
     Many multi-source geological data was collected in this research, these data include: 1:20000 standard mineral map sheet such as Heiyingshan,Hongliudaquan,Liutuoshan,Lujin,Shibanjinand Wudaoming,1:50 000(partial 1:100 000) aero magnetic data, 1:10 000 000 gravity data,1:20 0000 geochemical data about 8 kinds of element and remote sensing data. Whole these data wasdigitalized in MapGis software. For geophysical data, all data was processed in advancedgeophysical software-Geosoft. The process method include susceptibility mapping, analytic signaland grade flitter enhance method suppressed noise effectively and stand out useful information.By these methods, some information about basic rock and acidic rock was extracted and manymagnetic plates were also confirmed. The deep structure, Moho discontinuity and undulation ofbase were also be researched in this paper. Background field and anomaly field forAu,Ag,Cu,Cr,Mo,Ni,Pb and Zn were separated and the space distribution of geochemicalanomalies were confirmed. The prospecting alternation information extract from multi-spectrumremote sensing were carry out based on image process in ENVI software and circle wisedstructure and lineal structure in research area were plot out. Under the guide of regional geologicalmetallogenic theory, the "evidence weight method" was used to metallogenic prognosis in mineralresources forecast software-MRAS.The forecast result point out the direction for metallic mineprospecting in Beishan area,Inner-Mongolia. The main production of this paper as follows:
     1. Regional gravity and magnetic dada were processed in Geosoft software, the research areawas divided into 2 bigⅠstructure area and 6Ⅱstructure area among east edgestructure area of Kazakstan plate and north edge of Talimu plate based on the geologicalinterpret ion from gravity and magnetic data. 5 deep west north (east west) faults and 7 eastnorth faults were inferred. Many magnetic plates were estimated primarily and distribution ofbasic rock and acidic rock were distinguished.
     2. On the mineral resource forecast software MRAS, anomaly lower limit, average, STDEV of8 kinds of geochemical element were confirmed and their correlation and clusteringrelationship were also be analyzed. Combination character and distributional trend of mainelement were researched and 5 high concentration anomalies and several valuable highanomalies were distinguished.
     3. ENVI software was utilized to process multi-spectrum satellite Aster data. The processmethod include Spectral feature fitting, Spectral fitting filtering, Multi-Range SFF, radiomethod, Maximum Noise Fraction and so on. By these method, some kinds of alternationinformation include iron oxide and hydroxide and biotite and epidote were extracted from multi-spectrum information and contraposed key research area some other alternationinformation include silification and fluorite and greisenization were also be extracted.
     4. A multi-source geological information spatial database and attribute database was built basedon MAPGIS software and it realized synthetical management effectively for complexgeological data of Beishan. On the mineral resource forecast software -MARS, syntheticalinformation forecast was completed by utilized this multi-sources information. On the basisof "evidence weight method",integrated with regional metallogenic rules, 13 target forprospecting were confrmed and this result point out the direction for metallic prospectingof Beishan,Inner-Mogolia.
     5. One the basis of metallogenic pattern research for all main kinds of metallic mine, themain mine type that have good foreground for prospecting in Beishan area are iron ore,molybdenum(copper), tungsten(stannum), antimony, golden and chrome. The mainprospecting direction for iron mine are submarine plume deposit type and skam type,for molybdenum(copper) is porphyry type,for ungsten(stannum) and antimony are quartzesvein type and alternation rock type, for golden is also quartzes vein type and alternationrock type, for chrome iron is ultrabasic magmatic fusion separated type.
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