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Urban planning is the blueprint as well as the basis of urban construction, development and administration. With the quick development of global economic and technology in recent years, the pace of urban construction in our country is greatly speeding up, and the level of urbanization has been steadily raised. The traditional manual approval pattern can no longer meet the need of the development of the modern age. The electronic approval system in urban planning, which is based on GIS, brings forth a brand-new pattern for the modern planning industry in the Internet era. The system makes use of the computer technology in planning approval, making a shift from the traditional paper medium to electronic medium and thus effectively overcoming such flaws in traditional approval as the computing inaccuracy, long approval period, nonstandard design, statistical ambiguity in the economic norms and the difficult preservation and easy contamination of the drawings.
    This article analyzes the drawbacks of the traditional approval in urban planning and the current condition of planning approval. It defines the electronic approval and elaborates on the significance of implementing it in the urban planning. Based on the study of the urban planning of Changsha city, it offers a thorough explanation of the outlining design of the system and the design of the result data base in the urban planning, placing an emphasis on the data standardization and normalization-the effective guarantee for the electronic approval system and office automation. Referring to the approval
    process of Changsha Planning Bureau, the article also makes an outlining design and examines the specific realization of the function of the system.
    With its practical applicability, this system will bring about the "paperless office" and greatly shorten the planning approval period, which will consequently improve the accuracy and ensure the scientific nature of the planning approval. Meanwhile, it can guarantee the dynamic storage and administration as well as the updating of the information data of the planning information, and thus will accelerate the pace of the informationism of the urban administration. For the designing institutions, the application of the system can solve such problems as the nonstandard planning and the statistical ambiguity in the technological norms, and it will make the planning more scientific and reliable.
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