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随着空间信息应用需求的不断增长,空间数据海量、异构分布、处理复杂、计算密集等问题逐渐成为制约空间信息广泛共享和应用的因素;空间信息服务(Geo-spatial Web Service,GWS)技术的出现和发展有效地解决了分布、异构环境下的空间信息共享和互操作问题,是分布式空间信息应用的趋势,也是新一代GIS技术的要求。不断丰富的空间信息服务使得通过集成已有服务的功能来提供新的增值服务成为一种重要的空间信息应用构造模式,空间信息服务聚合技术也成为空间信息领域一个新的研究热点。目前,国内外许多研究者围绕空间信息服务聚合技术展开研究工作,并获得了一些有价值的探索性成果。但从总体上来讲,目前空间信息服务聚合技术研究还处于起始阶段,聚合的计算框架、模型理论、关键技术等各方面仍不成熟,还存在许多亟待解决的关键问题。
With the increasing requirements of spatial information application, such problems as huge amounts of distributed data, heterogeneous data format, complexity of data processing, etc., become obstacles of sharing and integration of spatial information. Geo-spatial Web Service (GWS) efficiently resolves the sharing and interoperability of distributed and heterogeneous spatial information. With the enrichment of GWSs, it is an important pattern of using spatial information to dynamically integrate the various existent GWSs to form a newly value-added and complex GWS, so the technology of composition of GWSs is to be a new pop research area in the field of spatial information. Currently, researchers of the world have made some valuable achievements on GWSs composition, however, the computing framework, modeling theory and other key technologies are to be further researched.
     In this thesis, our research focus on the GWSs composition framework based on workflow and some key issues of GWSs composition. The main contributions of this thesis are as follows:
     1、Composition framework based on workflow. The thesis studies the difference between GWSs composition and traditional workflow applications, proposes the implement mechanism and technical architecture of GWSs composition and defines the reference model of GWSs composition platform, which provide holistic framework and top-level guidance for studying dynamic GWSs composition technology, designing GWSs composition platform, and implementing representative composite service applications.
     2、Theories and methods of composite process modeling and process analysis. This thesis proposes a meta-model of Geo-spatial Web services composition process defining from two aspects, i.e. process and resource. According to the process definition meta-model, we propose a new Geo-spatial Web services composition Process/Resource model (WSCP/R-net) based on extended WF-net, which effectively resolves the problems on uncertain activity option and dynamic variation of service in composite process model. A notion with regard to soundness of process model is proposed from three aspects, i.e. the structural correctness of process model, validity of data link and validity of resource. The notion of soundness definitely gives a dividing line on correctness of composite GWS process. This thesis analyzes sufficient and essential terms of soundness, and studies compositional property of WSCP/R-net models which provides an effective method to construct a soundness WSCP/R-net model. According to WSCP/R-net, the thesis proposes composition algebra and studies the properties of it. Based on the composition algebra, 6 kinds of composite process reduction rules are induced to optimize the process.
     3、Geo-spatial Web service QoS model and its application architecture. This thesis proposes an extendable GWS QoS model from three aspects, i.e. Geo-spatial Web Service itself, networking conditions and service consumer which can be used to distinguish GWSs with overlapping or identical functionality. We work over the QoS evaluation methods of composite GWS process which can be used to guide the execution, monitor and service selection of composition process. Aming at some disadvantages in traditional Web service discovery model for its lacking of QoS supporting, this thesis proposes a new service discovery model SDMQ supporting QoS constraints.
     4、Technologies of composite service executing. SSPL, a new composite service process language, is defined to overcome the disadvantages of existing composite services process languages which can not adapt to the dynamic variation of Geo-spatial Web Services. An algorithm is described to translate WSCP/R-net model into SSPL. The thesis studies the model of dynamic services selection with QoS global optimization, presenting an algorithm GODSS to resolve dynamic services selection with QoS global optimization in GWSs Composition.
     5、Design and implement experimental system and representative applications. According to the research findings presented above, we design and implement an experimental system and construct two representative applications to show that our achievements are effective and practical.
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