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摘 要
     Through the analysis of research achievements on Keshan disease, this article shows that we has still not got last words about the pathogeny of Keshan disease, and there are many doubts and suspicions in the ascription, driving mechanism and influencing factors of Keshan disease, which were conducted by former experts. On the basis of that, we take Shannxi as an example, and think we should study from the following three aspects:
     1. The tectonic environmental analysis of Keshan disease areas. On the basis of analyzing tectonic features and ancient geographical environment flux of the most striking tectonic belt------Yanliao---Taihang---Longmen Mountain towards northeast in inner Chinese mainland, we have analyzed ancient geographical factors and the relationships of tectonic feature and fault structure belts as well as geological morbidities in Keshan disease areas. The research shows that there is high coherence between the distribution of Keshan disease areas and the tectonic belt of Yanliao---Taihang---Longmen Mountain towards northeast, and also shows that there are some inner connections between the areas and the belt.
     2. Through the analysis of Chemical geography features of Keshan disease areas, we found that the distribution of Keshan disease areas is just located in the belt filling with low selenium from the northeast to the southwest in China. Then combining the survey and research of Keshan disease areas in Shaanxi---loess plateau disease areas, we conform that low selenium is the important environmental factor of the morbidity of Keshan disease. In order to find out the basic pathogeny of Keshan disease, the author firstly think that it may be a beneficial experiment of breaking the deadlock and continuing the experiment to take the research on isotopes of chemical geography elements.
     3. Though the analysis of abnormal Physical geography features in Keshan disease areas, we combine construction units and deep-earth physical states of Keshan disease areas distribution in Shannxi as well as the connections between the years when the Keshan disease incident is high and the year when the Physical geography is abnormal (the earthquake is more severe), and confirm the abnormity of Physical geography is the potential pathogenic factor.
     Because of the complexity of Keshan disease pathogeny, the author thinks the ways to find the Keshan disease pathogen and get ride of the hidden danger of this widespread regional disease are the crossover and infiltration of multi-subjects (Geo-science, Medicine, Biology etc.), the use of latest Physical geography and Chemical geography approaches, and the cross-area cooperative research.
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