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With the increase in urban population and the urbanization process speeding up, urban development and the shortage of land becoming more and more intense c-onflicts. If the city went to maintain sustainable development, it is necessary to develop the surrounding areas of city, or develop in direction in a highly and un-derground space. So, it is essential to do indepth study on technology of constru- ction in underground space and development trends.
     However, indoor environment in construction of underground space entirely created by the artificial. It is isolation from the environment air, closed, humid and has more strongly regenerative capacity. Compared with the open ground, it is more differences in indoor air environment. So, if directiy useing ordinary air-conditioning unit in underground space Will not achieve the requirements of indoor comfortable.
     In order to solve this problem, in this paper, a in-depth analysis of heat and moisture load and the specificity of the indoor air environment in the construction of underground space had been taken, the specificity of the indoor air environment, and comparison of the new technologies on air-conditioning units has been taken simultaneously. Based on these results, two types of new air conditioning units for construction of underground space and its control method have been developed,. These two new air conditioning units were known as bypass-type air surface cooler air conditioning units and rotating-type air surface cooler air conditioning units.
     In order to test all aspects of its performance, this paper took another similar kind of air-conditioning unit for compared. In different conditions and different operating state, the three air-conditioning units have been test in air supply volume, total pressure and fan unit energy consumption. Based on these results, to analyze the performance of the different unit. In this paper, the energy-saving rate of these three air-conditioning unit has also been compared in two conditions.
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