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     5)应用改进的PSInSAR技术对北京地下水开采导致的地表形变进行了监测分析。针对缺乏地面监测数据的情况,应用不同的SAR影像(ENVISAT ASAR和ALOS PALSAR)进行实验,将两者的结果进行交叉验证。结合北京市浅层地下水水位的历史变化数据,对PSInSAR结果进行分析,探讨了浅层地下水水位与地表形变的关系,比较了ENVISAT ASAR和ALOS PALSAR数据用于PSInSAR分析的优缺点。
     6)用时序差分干涉数据对澳大利亚某矿区开采导致的地表形变进行了监测分析。为了保证差分干涉图的相干性,选用了长波段的ALOS PALSAR影像进行实验研究。将实验结果与开采工作面位置、推进进度信息相叠加,验证了结果的准确性以及开采沉陷与工作面推进速度之间的关系。将GPS实际监测数据与DInSAR实验结果进行了比较分析,得出GPS监测结果与DInSAR结果大致吻合,两者误差最大值为45mm,平均误差为12mm,标准差为8mm。
In recent years, with the rapid growth of economy, industrialization, urbanization and population, the whole world is consuming a huge number of resources. Many kinds of underground resources, underground water, coal, oil and gas, are mined to meet the social requirement. These mine activities has caused devastating ground surface deformation. It is very important to research on how to monitor, analyze and mitigate the ground surface deformation rapidly and efficiently. InSAR is a remote sensing technique for topographic mapping and ground surface deformation monitoring which was developed in recent decades. In order to monitor the ground surface deformation caused by continuous underground resources mine activities, various time-series SAR data processing methodologies and algorithms are developed in this thesis according to two types of ground surface deformation: linear and non-linear.
     A high-accuracy baseline estimation algorithm based on the Interferometric phases is developed to enhance the accuracy of InSAR technique. One ALOS PASAR pair is used to evaluate this algorithm, and the result is quite convincing.
     The advanced PSInSAR method based on the adaptive estimation of PS points is developed and applied to monitor the linear ground surface deformation caused by underground water extraction around Beijing. Two SAR images dataset, ENVISAT ASAR and ALOS PALSAR, are used for experimental research. The PSInSAR results fit quite well with the underground water level data.
     The multiple time-series differential interferograms processing strategy is discussed and applied to monitor the non-linear mine subsidence in Australia. The DInSAR results match quite well with the mine schedule. The accuracy of the DInSAR results is evaluated by the GPS surveying data; it is found that the accuracy of DInSAR results is up to cm level, which is lower than the mm level GPS data.
     There are 63 figures, 18 tables and 119 references.
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