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     异常血红蛋白病(Abnormal hemoglobinopathies)属于常染色体显性遗传遗传疾病,珠蛋白肽链结构异常导致一种或一种以上结构异常的血红蛋白,部分或完全替代了正常的血红蛋白。肽链结构改变可导致血红蛋白功能和理化性质的变化或异常。结构异常可发生于任何一种珠蛋白链,但以β珠蛋白链受累为常见,异常血红蛋白病的蛋白表型均以其基因突变为基础。文献已报道的异常血红蛋白已达1021种,涉及不同的珠蛋白链。多数变种仅为携带者的遗传特性,少数变种则可引起临床症状从而影响患者的健康。血红蛋白G病(Hb G disease)属于异常血红蛋白病范围,于1954年由Edington和Lehamann第一次报导,其正常的血红蛋白为异常的血红蛋白完全或部分替代。血红蛋白G在过去的大规模血红蛋白普查中偶有发现,是一种少见的异常血红蛋白。目前已知HbG病主要是由于α链或β链异常所致,文献报道属α链异常的有HbGTaichung(常称HbQThailand)、HbGAudbaii和HbG Chinese等8种,属β链异常的有HbG Taipei、HbG Coushatta等14种。HbG病的发生与民族、地域有关,中国人以HbGTaichung、HbG Chinese、HbG Taipei和HbG Coushatta为主,HbGCoushatta以北方居多。多数异常血红蛋白G病无临床症状, HbG病分子异质性相当明显,包含多种类型的变异,通常按异常肽链一级结构分析进行分类。我国八、九十年代主要运用肽链氨基酸指纹图谱法进行氨基酸序列分析,目前国外常用高压液相色谱仪、毛细血管电泳等方法进行珠蛋白肽链分析鉴定异常血红蛋白类型。本课题通过血液学检查、高分辨琼脂糖凝胶电泳、珠蛋白α、β基因DNA测序的方法,对血红蛋白G病的血液学表现、分子生物学特点、珠蛋白基因突变进行分析,同时运用Gap-PCR法、反向斑点杂交法进行地中海贫血基因检测。确定本两例血红蛋白G基因突变类型,以及复合地中海贫血的分子基础。为异常血红蛋白G的临床、分子遗传学研究,提供更多的科学实验和理论依据。
     采用苯酚:氯仿:异戊醇法提取两例患者外周血DNA,对α、β珠蛋白基因进行DNA测序,均发现α_1珠蛋白基因外显子2第128位G→C,密码子GAC→CAC,即α链N端的第74位天冬氨酸被组氨酸取代(Asp→His),为HbG Taichung(α_274Asp→His β_2)。α1的外显子1、3无异常。β珠蛋白基因外显子1、2和3均无异常。
     3. HbG Taichung是异常血红蛋白G的特殊类型,复合地中海贫血,引发临床症状。
Background and Objectives
     Abnormal hemoglobinopathies are autosomal dominant genetic disease,globin chains structure abnormalities in one or more than one kind of structuralabnormality of the hemoglobin, partially or completely replacing the normalhemoglobin. Polypeptide chain structure changing can lead to change the function ofhemoglobin or abnormality of physicochemical properties. Structural abnormalitiescan occur in any kind of globin chains, but to the beta globin chain involvement iscommon, abnormal hemoglobin disease protein phenotypes are based on its genemutation. Reported abnormal hemoglobin has reached1021types in the literature,involving different globin chains. Most variants only carriers of the geneticcharacteristics, and few variants can cause clinical symptoms and thus affect thepatient's health. Hemoglobin G disease belonging to the abnormal hemoglobin diseaserange and first reported, by Edington and Lehamann in1954, its abnormalhemoglobin completely or partly replaced of normal haemoglobin.Hemoglobin G wasoccasionally found in the past large-scale hemoglobin census,wihch is an uncommonabnormal hemoglobin. Currently known HbG disease is mainly because of the alphaor beta chain replaced by the abnormal chain. The abnormal alpha chainincludes8types in the literature,such as HbG Taichung (It is usually named asHbQThailand),HbGAudbaii、HbGChinese and so on.; The abnormal alpha chainincludes14types in the literature,such as HbG Taipei, HbG Coushatta,and soon.HbG disease is related to nation and region. HbGTaichung, HbG Chinese, HbGTaipei and HbG Coushatta maintly exist,in the Chinese. HbG Coushatta mostly occursin the North area. Most of the abnormal hemoglobin G disease without clinicalsymptoms, The molecular heterogeneity in HbG disease is obvious, containing manytypes, usually analysised as primary structure of in abnormal chains to classify. Wemainly used of peptide amino acid fingerprinting method to analysis amino acidsequence in the eighties or nineties time of20th century, though nowadays peopleusing of high pressure liquid chromatography,capillary electrophoresis to analysistypes of abnormal hemoglobin on abroad, In This topic, haematologic almanifestations,molecular biological characteristics, and globin gene mutations wereanalyzed through blood examination, high-resolution agarose gel electrophoresis, alpha and beta globin gene DNA sequencing method for hemoglobin G disease, at thesame time using Gap-PCR method and reverse dot blot hybridization method forthalassemia gene detection. We will provide more scientific experiments andtheoretical basis for the abnormal hemoglobin G clinical and molecular genetics byidentifying the case of hemoglobin G gene mutations, as well as the molecular basisof compound thalassemia.
     The Patient Wang XX, female,41years old, ancestral home is the city of Zhuhai.Recurrenting scleral yellow dye from childhood,the patient had fall in cholecystitis,gallbladder lithiasis. Physical examination revealed mild scleral yellow dye, the liversize is normal, The tip of the spleen belows of the costal margin about2cm. Theinspection report shows: Blood routine test:Hb97.8g/L, MCV63.8fL, MCH18.8pg,MCHC295.0g/L; Examination of blood:serum iron42umol/L, ALT60u/L,aminotransferase AST57U/L, TBIL30.9u mol/L, DBIL10.6u/L,IBIL20.3umol/L。Hemoglobin agarose gel electrophoresis: absence of HbA,HbF2.0%, HbG87.6%HbH10.1%. Erythrocyte fragility22.9%.
     The Patient Xiao XX, female,32years old, ancestral home is the city of Shaoguan.Physical examination revealed moderate anemia appearance, hepatosplenic no touched,Blood routine test: Hb84g/L, MCV61fL, MCH19.8pg, MCHC325g/L; Examinationof blood: serum iron21umol/L, ALT13u/L, AST26U/L, TBIL13umol/L, DBIL6.4umol/L, IBIL6.6umol/L; Hemoglobin agarose gel electrophoresis: absence of HbA,HbF1%, HbA20.5%,HbG81%, HbH7.5%. Erythrocyte fragility7.9%.
     Hematologic Methods
     Hematological parameters were measured by ABBOTT CD-3700Full AutomaticBlood Analyzer and quantification of hemoglobin were conducted on the SebiaHydrasys automatic electrophoresis.Serum ferritin, liver function by using HITACHI7170s full automatic biochemical analyzer.
     DNA Analysis
     1. Extract DNA from the Peripheral blood by a improved phenol: chloroform:isoamyl alcohol method.
     2. DNA sequencing on alpha and beta globin chain gene.
     3. The PCR and reverse dot blot hybridization assay for detection of thalassemiagene.
     Hematological data analysis
     The patient Wang XX has small cell low pigment anaemia (Hb97.8g/L,MCV63.8fL, MCH18.8pg,MCHC295.0g/L) through blood routine examination.Erythrocyte fragility is22.9%, obviously falling than normal. Agarose gelelectrophoresis reveals abnormal Hb G87.6%, HbA20.3%,absence of HbA,Hb H10.1%. Serum iron42umol/L, higher than normal value. ALT60u/L, AST57u/L,TBIL30.9u mol/,L DBIL10.6u mol/L,IBIL20.3u mol/L.
     The patient Xiao XX has small cell low pigment anaemia (Hb84g/L,MCV61fL,MCH19.8pg, MCHC325g/L) through blood routine examination. Erythrocytefragility is7.9%, obviously falling than normal. Agarose gel electrophoresis revealsabnormal Hb G81%, HbA20.5%,absence of HbA, Hb H17.5%. Serum iron21umol/L. ALT13u/L, AST26u/L, TBIL13u mol/,L DBIL6.4u mol/L,IBIL6.6u mol/L.
     DNA Analysis Result
     Using phenol: chloroform: isoamyl alcohol to extract DNA in peripheral blood oftwo patients, DNA sequencing on alpha, beta globin gene, found that the128th baseG had changed to the base C in the exon2of Alpha1globin gene. GAC codonchanged to CAC codon, alpha chain N end the seventy-fourth aspartic acid wassubstituted by histidine (Asp changes to His), that is HbG Taichung(α_274Asp→Hisβ_2). Exon1,3of Alpha1without mutation. Exon1,2and3of Beta globin gene allhave no mutation,too.
     The two patients’ DNA on alpha thalassemia,3.7,SEA,4.2missing genes weredetected by PCR, found SEA deletion detection of thalassemia heterozygotes and4.2deletion heterozygote. The beta thalassemia gene mutation: as follows-29,-28,17,E,41/42, P43,71/72/654, Int,14/15,27/28, I-1, I-5,31by reverse dot blot hybridization (RBD) gene diagnosis not detected mutant gene. The patient is theintermediate thalassemia HbH.(--/-α~(4.2))
     1. High-resolution agarose gel electrophoresis is effectively to find the abnormalhemoglobin G. Electrophoresis shows an advantage belt Hb G, and Hb A belt withlack, This Performance may result from homozygous or heterozygous compoundthalassemia, and we confirmed the heterozygous compound hemoglobin H (--/-α~(4.2))gene mutation by Molecular biological methods. It suggests that hemoglobin Gmutation should furtherly analyze the DNA gene.
     2. Molecular biological DNA sequencing can accurately detect the hemoglobin Ggene mutation, which is the direct evidence.of diagnosing abnormal hemoglobin Gtype.
     3. HbG Taichung is the special type of abnormal hemoglobin G compoundthalassemia, causing clinical symptoms.
     4. Hemoglobin G disease is a group of highly heterogeneous disease, havingdiversity of Hematology, molecular biology, gene mutation, clinical characteristics.
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