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Main Functional zoning is the great innovation with strategic significance that our government puts forward in Eleventh Five-Year Planning, which is in fact the spacial domain considering the evaluation of the developmental suitability in our country. Our national space is divided into four types of main functional regions: optimalizing development zone, key development zone, restricted development zone and prohibited development zone, based on the following factors such as the region's resource and environment's carry capacity, current development density and potential development ability, at the same time, different development directions are specified and our country gradually forms harmonious and sustainable development pattern of space.
     With the plan of Main Functional Zoning entering the substantial operation stage gradually, different areas implement different land development policies and regulate intensity of development. This must cause the conflicts of distribution of interests between different stakeholders of land property inside and outside the function zones, and may cause a series of questions, which can be resolved by means of the system design about development rights of agricultural land. Therefore, there are a lot of questions to be explored, such as, which influence is exerted on the farmland value in every function zones, whether different functions zones are compensated of different values of farmland development rights, what's the exact compensation standard, How to construct compensation mechanism to coordinate stakeholders' conflicts of interests inside and outside the function zones and guarantee the smooth implementation of zoning planning, and so on. The dissertation makes a systematic research toward these above-mentioned problems. The main content includes seven chapters; Brief introduction is as follows:
     Chapter 1: Preface. This section mainly states the background, research purpose and meaning, the domestic and international literatures related to our main contents, at last,related methods and some possible innovation are summarized.
     Chapter 2: Summary and ownership of farmland development rights. Based on our current agricultural land properties system and existing studies both at home and abroad, the connotation of farmland development rights, the characteristics of farmland development rights are discussed at first. Then the necessity and possibility of farmland development rights design are analyzed at the angles of land property right system, protection and utilizing of the resources, realistic condition, etc. Finally, based on law science, the reason and meaning of farmland development rights mainly belonging to peasant collective are expounded, which provides a basis for the compensation studies.
     Chapter 3: The pricing and empirical study of farmland development rights. Accurate appraising the value of farmland development rights is the premise of farmland development rights compensation. Connotation of farmland development rights price is the important contents of this chapter. Then the formation mechanism of development rights price is explored in terms of connotation of development rights, planning control, scarcity and distribution of land resources, etc. From the respects such as expected rent, government's planning, farmland price changing and policy environment, etc, the influence factors of the farmland development rights price are analyzed. At the same time, this section also summarizes the main methods of foreign farmland development rights pricing emphatically. Next the contingent valuation method (CVM) is used to estimate the developable farmland value separately, taking a case of some areas in Yichang, Xiantao and Jingmen City. Based on this, the value of development rights in different areas is evaluated finally.
     Chapter 4: The study on the constrain of farmland development under the Main Functional Zoning.This section detailedly analyzes the connotation about the constrain of farmland development during the main function division, selects the assets price theory to construct the model of development limitation degree. On the basis of empirical analysis in chapter three, farmland development limitation coefficients of restricted development zone (some areas in Yichang, Xiantao), and prohibited development zone (some areas in Jingmen) are also estimated separately.
     Chapter 5: The research on farmland development rights compensation standard based on main functional zoning. Firstly, this chapter studies the connotation of farmland development rights compensation from the beginning of realizing the essence and characteristics of farmland development rights compensation. Then, on the basis of analyzing the compensation standard of farmland development rights, compensation standard model of the development rights is constructed. At last, according to the results of chapters three and four, related value compensation standards of farmland development rights in restricted development zone and prohibited development zone are calculated separately.
     Chapter 6: The study on the mechanism of farmland development rights compensation based on main functional zoning. Firstly, the concept of compensation mechanism of farmland development rights based on main functional zoning is clarified. This section proposes the compensation principles, such as the fair and reasonable principle, the synthetic coordination principle, government-guidance principle, principle of flexibility and normalization, principle of progress,etc. The body of compensation is provincial government,central government, government of key development zone, enterprises and residents of optimalizing development zone and key development zone,compensation objectives are enterprises and farmers of restricted development zone and prohibited development zone. Secondly, the capital source of farmland development rights compensation is analyzed mainly. Lastly, this section attempts to construct the allocation mechanism of compensating funds about farmland development rights, combined government's guidance patterns with market compensating model.
     Chapter 7: The conclusion and discusstion. The full text is summarized, some suggestions and policies about compensation of farmland development rights are put forward. In the end, some issues and future work for this research are discussed.
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