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Urban Local Earthquake Disaster Risk Index (ULEDRI), which is firstly
    presented in this dissertation, analyzes the earthquake disaster threats faced by a
    megacity from a different perspective. This composite and hierarchical index focuses
    on the spatial imbalance of the earthquake disaster risk within a megacity, and gives
    the relative risk level among the local areas of the city.
    The spatial districts of the geological environments and urban features among the
    local areas within a megacity will cause the imbalance of risk distribution. It is
    significant for disaster management, resource allocation, city planning and site
    choosing to reveal this kind of imbalance. ULEDRI is the first risk analysis approach
    Whose object is to describe this kind of imbalance. It allows direct comparison of
    relative earthquake disaster risk of different local areas within a city, and describes the
    relative contributions of various factors (direct hazard, collateral hazard, exposure,
    vulnerability, city function and emergency response and recovery capability) to the
    overall risk, from which the feature of risk of each local area could be given.
    ULEDRI is different from the existing risk assessment approaches in three
    aspects. First, taking the composite index form makes ULEDRI easy to understand
    and use. This can not only consider those disaster components which cannot be
    described through physical results in general risk analysis methods, but also allow the
    nonprofessional users, e.g. city planner, make use of the index in their work. Second,
    the hierarchical structure of ULEDRI provides the different users with needed
    information according to their requests and knowledge level about the earthquake
    disaster. Third, the basis on which factors were identified is not the categories of
    exposure, as other approaches do, but the effects of the factors on the disaster
    formation, which is advantageous in revealing the reason of risk formation.
    Developing a city's ULEDRI should involve the following six- step procedure: (1)
    Determine the study unit of ULEDRI; (2) create a conceptual framework of all the
    factors that contribute to ULEDRI; (3) Choose measurable indicators to represent
    each of factors in the framework; (4) Collect the data of indicators; (5) Determine the
    combination way and weights; (6) present and assess the ULEDRI result. As a case
    study this dissertation developed Shanghai's ULEDRI, whose study units are the ten
    center districts of the city. From such an index, the spatial distribution features of
    earthquake disaster risk of Shanghai were shown. Its potential benefits to earthquake
    preparedness and disaster mitigation of Shanghai were analyzed and explored.
    Based on GIS technology,the unfixed study unit ULEDRI could keep the
    macroscopical sense of indcators even in small study unit. As a result, it could obtain
    the relative risk levels of smaller local areas. Additionally, this kind of ULEDRI could
    solve the fOllowing problems in the fixed study unit ULEDRI: blurring the spatial
    district of some indicators and the data processing troubles caused by unifying the
    indicator units. In addition, GIS provide an ideal platform to develop the dynamic
    ULEDRI and to present ULEDRI result in vivid way. A ULEDRI system of Shanghai
    (SH-UDI), which integrates data processing, study unit determination, ULEDRI
    calculation and result presentation, was developed based on the three different
    indication units.
    W are also seVeral forhal works about the deveoPing the inde cOnducted in
    thes disHon: first, in orde tO emPhasize the effect of city fimedon on seithe riSk,
    city Mon is deford as a faCtr of ULEDm, and the way to -- them was
    given. Second, present a new methd, the modifled SUbective assesSmen tO
    detennin the weights of ULEDm. Finaily, In dbog of concePt frameWrk and
    chOosing the indictors, new theories and lessons from recen city earthquaks wee
    considered and incfudd in these works.
    Some draWacks associated nd the conSt
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