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Urban traffic system construction, which is comprehensive and of large-scale, needs meticulous and scrutinized planning by considering both internal and external factors, such as social conditions, economic development, and natural & environmental conditions. Accordingly, it is imperative to build up comprehensive evaluation methods to estimate the efficiency and equity of the whole planning. However, the author finds that this work still lags behind even though people have realized its significance.
     By reviewing and making thorough analysis of related works from both home and abroad, the author mainly focuses on four parts in this paper. First, fundamental theory-based research is made. Analysis of the benefit and cost composition based on the traffic benefit sources sets up the strong support for the whole research. A three-index system framework, which sets different evaluation standards, not only optimizes the evaluation methods but also makes it possible for the step-by-step, dynamic and comprehensive economic evaluation during the entire planning process. Second, research in key evaluation skills is conducted, for example, how to build up the traffic model to reflect completely various measures taken in the planning process and how to quantify the evaluation indexes through output data provided by the model. Third, empirical research is carried out to reinforce the credibility and practicability of the research results. In this part, three subparts are discussed in detail. I. Contend the quantitative analysis is essential for the traffic planning by probing into the planning status II. Illustrate that present evaluation methods still need improving through comparative study of the methods in operation and the new methods introduced in this paper III. Testify the feasibility of the new evaluation methods by making a thorough evaluation research case based on a certain city's traffic planning, covering estimating its traffic strategy, planning and operation. Finally, the author presents some conclusions & breakthroughs in this paper and lists some up-coming research tasks within the research perspective.
     With regard to the breakthroughs, four are made as follows: First, improve and perfect the evaluation factors through the analysis of benefit and cost composition; second, make step-by-step, dynamic and comprehensive economic evaluation by taking the traffic system as evaluation object; third, establish a three-index framework, including the environmental friendliness index, social fairness index, socioeconomic adaptation index, to better evaluate three distinct phases during the urban traffic planning; four, fully utilize the new traffic model development so as to completely reflect the status of traffic construction, policies and management and provide data for analysis.
     In summary, the author puts forward a set of economic evaluation methods based on the present economic evaluation skills and by absorbing related advanced theories and practices both from home and abroad. These methods attach great importance to the whole process of urban traffic planning and underpin the success of the entire planning.
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    [13]Edward Weiner,Urban Transportation Planning in the United States:an historical overview[J].The Planners,1997,28:35-36
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    [17]RB Mitchell,C Rapkin.The influence of movement on landuse patterns[J].Urban Planning Theory,1975(12):18-36
    [18]Urban Land Institute,Joint Development:Making the Real Estate-Transit Connection[R],1990,1990专门阐述了轨道交通站点同土地利用相结合共同开发的案例,总结了一些著名的研究成果后发现:在城市间铁路站点附近的财产价值会受损失,而在有那些中转铁路或者通勤性公交站点的社区的地租平均会上升。
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    [22]DA Tsamboulas,S Kapros.Decision-Making Process in Intermodal Transportation[J].Transportation Research Record,1981(5):15-19
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    [24]David A.Hensher,Kenneth John Button.Handbook of Transport Modellling[M].Emerald Group Publishing,2000
    [26]Eric Ho.Transport Model Workshop[R].2003
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    [28]WW.Recker.A bridge between travel demand modeling and activity-based travel analysis [J].Transportaion Research PartB,2001.15:12-13
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    [52]M Ravallion.Growth,Inequality and Poverty[R].Worldbank,2001
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    [96]从我国目前各大城市轨道交通选择车辆来看,广州市地铁采用庞巴迪公司车辆,定员310名,最小转弯 半径300米。上海市已投入运营的地铁一号线的车辆为德国Adtramz公司车辆,定员310名,最小转弯半径300米;地铁二号线的车辆为德国Siemens公司车辆,定员310名,最小转弯半径300米:明珠线一期的车辆为法国Alstome公司车辆,定员310名,最小转弯半径300米。上述几种车辆都为宽3.0米的大车,单位价格基本在120万美元/车,约为人民币1000万元/车。
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