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Technologies about digital 3D models of real object surface have some applications, such as entertainment, virtual reality, cultural heritage, and so on. In the paper, denser 3D data is acquired when object is slowly moving without limit. Main innovations in the paper include real-time coded pattern design, 3D data acquisition (system calibration, error transmission model and layout optimization), and sparse range image registration.
     According to mechanism of deformations of stripe, spatial periodicity theory is proposed in the paper, the relation between resolutions and real-time of system is estimated in the paper. Combination with time-space coding, a new real-time coding is designed making use of spatial periodicity, which is called as alternatice time-space stripe coding. It can ensure measuring resolution and accuracy, and acquire the real-time data of dynamic scenes.
     Calibration method using coplanar target is proposed in the paper. The robustness during calibration is analyzed. The method can obtain some calibration points with high accuracy, and decrease the error from image processing and multiple cross-ratio computation.
     Error transmission model is proposed in the paper. Based on the model, the relationship between measuring accuracy and accuracy of calibration sample is concluded. In order to obtain higher measuring with layout optimization, some analysis is measuring accuracy robustness to image extraction. Some conclusions are obtained, which can guide system design.
     Improving iterative closed point algorithm is proposed, which is used for on-line sparse range image registration. In the algorithm, invariant is added during search corresponding points such as the volume of tetrahedron. The volume of tetrahedron is proved as an invariant in the paper. By the characteristics of volume, the algorithm is advanced in the respects of real-time and intial estimation. Then the advanced algorithm completes the on-line data registration from multipleview.
     Experiments of real object’s surface prove that the relability of real-time structured light system for dynamic scenes, and the validity of some new theories used in real-time structured light system.
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