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BG即The Beat Generation,在中国我们称之为“垮掉的一代”。作为一个文学派别它以对另类生活方式的描写引起人们的关注并成名于二十世纪五十年代,其作品中所富含的反叛性对后世有着深远的影响,如嬉皮士等。在不停的反叛中不懈的追求是贯穿BG及其创作的主线,但在中国,因为译名、观念差异、作品翻译等等诸多方面的原因,许多人对其反叛性并没有充分的认识,大多数人只是注意到BG另类反叛生活的表面而没有看到其实质。本文试图以BG代表人物金斯伯格和凯鲁亚克为例,对其另类生活方式的反叛性进行全面的说明和分析,希望通过种种探讨可以更正人们以前对于BG“垮掉”的错误认识,对其有一个更加全面、深入的了解。
BG means The Beat Generation, but in Chinese we call it“Kuadiaodeyidai”. As a famous group in 1950s, it received concern for its depiction of the abnormal way of life, the rebellion that contained in its works had a profound influence on later ages, for instance: Hippies. Persevering in rebellion pursuit is the main undertaking that can be found in BG and their works. But in China because of the translated name, the translator of their books and the big difference in conceptions, people haven’t a sufficient understanding about it because they only pay attention to the surface of the abnormal rebellion life of BG, but not the essence in it. This thesis will take Kerouac and Ginsberg, the representatives of BG for instance, try to explain and analyze the rebellion in BG’s abnormal way of life. The author hope that people can change their wrong attitude toward BG about their“Beat”, and understand them more sufficiently and thoroughly.
     This thesis is composed of three parts: the introduction, the body of the following three chapters, and the conclusion.
     Chapter 1 is about the historical background that brings BG, mainly contains two aspects. The first point discusses the periodical background in BG’s time. The second point discusses three big trends of social thought that influence the period in BG’s time a lot. Learning the historical background in BG’s time will help us in understanding their abnormal way of life and the rebellion of BG.
     Chapter 2 takes Kerouac and Ginsberg, the representatives of BG for instance, to expand the rebellion of BG, it contains three parts. The first part is an introduction to the concept“queer”, cause in writer’s opinions , in essence, BG is a group of rebellious queers. The second part will take Kerouac and Ginsberg for instance, and make a close discussion about BG’s rebellion from seven aspects. The third part will go a step further, make a close discussion on the rebellion more profoundly, and point out that because they were unavoidably affected by the traditional conception and be exploit by the consumed society, the rebellion of BG has its limited sides. For the limited side of BG’s rebellion we will use two parts to discuss from different aspects, hoping that people can obtain a more sufficient attitude toward BG’s rebellion.
     Chapter 3 is about the impact of BG’s rebellion. It contains three parts: the impact on 1960s’counter culture, on 1970s’American literature, and on modern Chinese literature. This discussion will not only bring us an obvious understanding and orientation of BG in literary but also take us a little further in understanding of rebellion.
     When the members of BG are continuously pursuing transcendency and escapism, they are often criticized because their ways of rebelling are extraordinarily abnormal and different from their former countparts. Apart from their brand of BG, we could not only understand and comprehend their rebellion better but apprehend their parochialism. And then we could obtain a more comprehensive perspective of BG. Today the influence of BG’s rebellion are undoubted, so it is significant to probe into the influence of BG’s rebellion in the context environment that the Chinese youth are highly emotional in“rebellion”.
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