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This thesis bases on all the novel texts of J.D.Sailinger, and absorb theprevious research achievements of the part, from the content, theme, artisticfeatures and ideological culture, all aspects of plug's novels to finish acomprehensive analysis and study, grasp their works ideological change,analyzes the social criticism consciousness of alienation works, and novelsreveal the existential dilemma, and works reflect the development of humancivilization to the ultimate human care, from historical cultural developmentlevel of this appear to the history of the novel necessity and positive sense andlimitations.
     First to Salinger record for creation of the historical and cultural contextgeneral overview, describes his life experiences and creation course, to all ofhis works according to before, during and after the staging period, according tothe division is he to create content and style of the obvious change events:veterans, such as turning point in the life for node, to comb the creation thewhole picture.
     Second characters of Salinger’s novels by summing up and detailedanalysis, is divided into five similar study groups, such as the world he juststepped into the young man; Have a clear recognition of reality of thedisenchanted; Embrace, tender and the soldiers suffered trauma world war ii;To holden as a representative of the rebels series; With glass as arepresentative of the young family wise series, tries to characterization and from what they reflect on the ideology of the novel's theme of Salinger fromindividual and secular opposition beyond opposition rheological course havean overall each of these four and master, will change the structure of theclearly show.
     The third is the philosophy of Salinger’s novels consciousness andaesthetic connotation thoroughly analyzed, this novel is a reflection of theexistential literature of the individual character of performance for livingpredicament, contains the existential philosophies, free choice failure; Tongzhen worship and youth sentimental aesthetic connotation, and the use ofeastern philosophy and Christian mix religious beliefs beyond opposition, forspiritual relief ultimate care consciousness.
     The fourth is to analyze Salinger's postmodernism novel style, before andafter the change of writing style, exploration, the drama of the former middle tolate plot of the novel change external performance and internal cause; Thenovel unique form of expression and its cartoon strategy, and comparativestudy salinger and "collapse generation" in the creation of the background, thetheme and writing the similarities and differences of art.
     The fifth is a summary of the novels of Salinger cultural value andhistorical significance, from his works reflect the alienation of social criticismand poetic survival for the works of the excavation of the progressive andlimitations, see its positive significance and insufficiency.
    [2]王俊报导:《塞林格与中国》专栏,《深圳特区报》,2010年1月30日出版。[3]这一时期出版的其他重要的书籍和文章包括:James E. Miller, ps J. D. Salinger (1965)—for a series of pamphlets published by the University ofMinnesota; Kenneth Hamilton, ps J. D. Salinger: A Critical Essay (1967)—for a series of pamphlets on contemporary writers; and James Lundwuist, ps J. D. Salinger (1979), etc.[4](美)Sanford Pinsker. The Catcher in the Rye:Innocence Under Pressure第14页. New York:Twayne, 1993.
    [2]小说原文为:She had a good figure, dressed expensively and in good taste, and was consideredIntelligent. That was the first season when Intelligent was the thing to be.
    [3]小说原文为:Lois and Carl got married in the spring, and less than a month after they weremarried, Carl stopped wearing white socks. He also stopped wearing a winged collar with hisdinner jacket. And he stopped giving people directions to get to Manasquan by avoiding the shoreroute.
    [4]小说原文为:Carl always slept heavily, and never heard Lois cry in her sleep.
    [5]小说原文为:Then finally she made it. And when she did, everybody seemed to know about it.Butchers began to give Lois the best cuts of meat. Cab drivers began to tell her about theirkids' whopping cough. Bertha, the maid, began to clean with a wet cloth instead of a duster.Poor Cookie Benson during her crying jags began to telephone Lois from the Stork Club. Womenin general began to look more closely at Lois' face than at the clothes. Men in theater-boxes,looking down at the women in the audience, began to single out Lois, if for no other reasonthan that they liked the way she put on her glasses.
    [6]小说原文为:During the entire show Mr. Freedlander pressed his leg against Elaine's. She madeno attempt to move her leg away from his. She simply was unaware of the imposed intimacy. Shewas sixteen years old and mature enough physically to like or dislike leg pressure from a manin the dark, but she was totally unqualified to accommodate sex and Mickey Mouse simultaneously.There was room for Mickey; no more.
    [7]小说原文为:Standing up, Elaine was almost instantly involved in a private, terrible panic.She had never been to a beach before, but she had seen hordes of Coney Islanders in newsreelshots taken annually on the Fourth of July or Labor Day, and the occasion of being on a crowdedbeach all day had not estranged her violently from the dimensions of her own world. But now
    [10]小说原文为:In return for all this love and deification, Lida Louise was very, very good withthe Agersburg kids. No matter what they asked her to sing, or how many times they asked herto sing it, she gave them what there was of her smile, said, "Nice tune," and gave.
    [11]小说原文为:"Wait just a min-ute, now. I'm callin' up the resident surgeon…Let go of my coat,please. This is a hospital, sonny." "Don't call him up," Rudford said through his teeth. "Don'tcall up anybody. We're gonna take her to a good hospital. In Memphis." Half-blinded, Rudfordswung crazily around. "C'mon, Peggy."But Peggy stood some ground, for a moment. Shaking violently, she addressed everybody in thereception lobby: "Damn you! Damn you all!"
    小说原文为:Ruthie and I, we never really split up. Not really split up. Not that Ruthie'smother wasn't wishing we did.
    [21]Then I started to memorize it backwards, like this: while a wait please baby the see to wantyou If. Like that. Crazy. I was crazy. I still hadn't even took off my hat.
    [22]小说原文为:Ruthie said her mother nearly killed her for coming home to see me. I didn't sayanything. Then Ruthie said something funny:"Mother answered the phone wearing her hair net," Ruthie said. "It got me down. I mean whenI saw her looking so funny in her hair net again. I knew I wouldn't be any good at home anymore.I mean not any good at their home."
    [23]小说原文为:"Wake me when it thunders, Ruthie. Please. It's okay. I mean, wake me when itthunders." That made her cry harder. Funny kid. But she wakes me now, that's what I mean.It's okay with me. I mean it's okay with me. I mean I don't care if it thunders every night.
    [24]小说原文为:"I’m considered dumb," said Barbara slowly. "I am a little dumb. I guess.""Now stop that talk. I mean, stop it. You’re not dumb. You’re - smart. Who said you’redumb? That guy Carl?" Barbara was vague about it. "Oh, not exactly. Girls, more. Girls Iwent to school with and go around with."
    [25]小说原文为:"She has no waist at all," said Mrs. Woodruff and looked gently at Ray. "How perfectit must be for you to be out on a night like this with somebody who has absolutely no waistat all."
    [26]小说原文为:The fragile hour was a carrier of many things, but Barbara was now exclusivelysusceptible to the difficult counterpoint sounding just past the last minutes of her girlhood.
    [27]小说原文为:HELEN'S bedroom was always straightened while she bathed so that when she cameout of the bathroom her dressing table was free of last night's cream jars and soiled tissues,and there were glimpses in her mirror of flat bedspreads and spotted chair cushions. When itwas sunny, as it was now, there were bright warm blotches to bring out the pastels chosen fromthe decorator's little book.She was brushing her thick red hair when Elsie, the maid, came in.
    [28]小说原文为:From her robe pocket she took an emory board and proceeded to apply it to her long,flesh-pink nails……He sat up with a grunt, took a package of cigarettes from his overcoatpocked, stuck them back, then stood up to remove the overcoat. He tossed the heavy thing onHelen's bed, scattering a colony of sunbeams. Helen continued filing her nails. Bobby sat onthe edge of the chaise-lounge, lighted a cigarette, and leaned forward. The sun was on themboth, lushing her milky skin, and doing nothing for Bobby but showing up his dandruff and thepockets under his eyes.
    [29]小说原文为:"Bobby, I love Phil. On my word of honor. I don't want you to think I'm just playingaround. You don't, do you? I mean you don't just think I'm playing around, trying to hurtpeople?" Bobby made no reply."My word of honor, Bob. You don't know Phil. He's really a grand person."
    [30]小说原文为:"You used to be such a swell kid"
    [31]小说原文为:"Hanson?" she said. "This is me. Us. We. You dog."
    [32](美) J.D.塞林格著:《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第136页,人民文学出版社,2009年出版。
    [34](美) J.D.塞林格著:《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第137页,人民文学出版社,2009年出版。
    [40]小说原文为:And Justin Horgenschlag that night stayed home and listened to the Lux Toilet Soapradio play. He thought about Shirley all night, all the next day, and very often during thatmonth. Then all of a sudden he was introduced to Doris Hillman who was beginning to be afraidshe wasn't going to get a husband. And then before Justin Horgenschlag knew it, Doris Hillmanand things were filing away Shirley Lester in the back of his mind. And Shirley Lester, thethought of her, was no longer available.
    [41]小说原文为:I was there on the fatal night their music publisher and friend, Teddy Barto, gavethem the handsomest, most ostentatious party of the crazy Twenties. It was in celebration oftheir fifth year of collaboration and success. The Varioni Brothers' mansion was stuffed withthe best shirts of the day. And the most beautiful, most talked about or against, women. Themost supercolossal blackest colored boy I have ever seen stood at the front door with a silverplate the size of a manhole cover into which dropped the invitation cards of our then favoriteactors, actresses, writers, producers, dancers, men and ladies about town.
    [42]小说原文为:"He finished it. He finished it that time you went to California with your father.I never let him put it together."
    [43]小说原文为:Professor Voorhees accepted the responsibility of making further comment. He leanedforward over his desk. "It will be a tremendous job," he told Sonny."Yes.""Why do you want to undertake it?""Because I hear the music for the first time in my life when I read his book."
    [44]小说原文为:who since eight o'clock had been sitting in the big red chair, smoking cigarettesand yodeling hellos and wearing a very bright eye which young men were not bothering to catch.
    [45]小说原文为:I really oughtta be getting' home. I got this theme for Monday I'm supposed todo. I wasn't really gonna come home this week-end.""Oh, but the party's young!" Edna said. "The shank of the evening!"
    [51](美) J.D.塞林格著:《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第49页,人民文学出版社,2009年出版。
    [56](美) J.D.塞林格著:《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第62-63页,人民文学出版社,2009年出版。
    [57](美) J.D.塞林格著:《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第152页,人民文学出版社,2009年出版。
    [83]小说原文为:"When I take my hand out of this blanket," he thought, "my nail will be grown back,my hands will be clean. My body will be clean. I'll have on clean shorts, clean undershirt,a white shirt. A blue polka-dot tie. A gray suit with a stripe, and I'll be home, and I'llbolt the door. I'll put some coffee on the stove, some records on the phonograph, and I'llbolt the door. I'll read my books and I'll drink coffee and I'll listen to music, and I'llbolt the door. I'll open the window, I'll let in a nice, quiet girl--not Frances, not anyoneI've ever known--and I'll bolt the door. I'll ask her to read some Emily Dickinson to me--thatone abut being chartless--and I'll ask her to read some William Blake to me--that one aboutthe little lamb that made thee--and I'll bolt the door. She'll have an American voice, andshe won't ask me if I have any chewing gum or bonbons, and I'll bolt the door."
    [90]《为埃斯米而作——既有爱也有污秽凄苦》此段引文及论文中下列引文见:(美) J.D.塞林格著:《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,99-129页,人民文学出版社,2009年出版。
    [91](美)Jerry M·Burger著:《人格心理学》,陈会昌等译,第312页,中国轻工业出版社,2000年10月出版。
    [93]小说原文为:My father informed me quietly that my formal education was formally over.
    [104](美)Jerry M·Burger著:《人格心理学》,陈会昌等译,第93页,中国轻工业出版社,2000年10月出版。
    [107](美) J.D.塞林格著:《麦田里的守望者》,施咸荣译,第6页时代文艺出版社,2007年3月出版。
    [109](美)Jerry M·Burger著:《人格心理学》,陈会昌等译,第95页,中国轻工业出版社,2000年10月出版。
    [110](美) J.D.塞林格著:《麦田里的守望者》,施咸荣译,第170页时代文艺出版社,2007年3月出版。
    [118](美) J.D.塞林格著:《祖伊》,《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,第46页,人民文学出版社,2007年9月出版。
    [119](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第99页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [120](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第91页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [121](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第97页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [122](美) J.D.塞林格著:《抬高房梁,木匠们》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第61页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [123](美) J.D.塞林格著:《逮香蕉鱼的最佳日子》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第3页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [126](美) J.D.塞林格著:《抬高房梁,木匠们》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,第4页,丁骏译,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [127](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,第177页,丁骏译,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [130](美) J.D.塞林格著:《抬高房梁,木匠们》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,第59页,丁骏译,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [132](美) J.D.塞林格著:《抬高房梁,木匠们》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第64~65页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [133](美) J.D.塞林格著:《逮香蕉鱼的最佳日子》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第5页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [135](美) J.D.塞林格著:《特迪》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第220页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    (美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第108页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [138](美) J.D.塞林格著:《特迪》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第218页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [139](美) J.D.塞林格著:《抬高房梁,木匠们》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第65~66页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [140](美) J.D.塞林格著:《弗兰妮》,《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,人民文学出版社,第22页,2007年9月出版。
    [141](美) J.D.塞林格著:《祖伊》,《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,人民文学出版社,第60页,2007年9月出版。
    [142](美) J.D.塞林格著:《祖伊》,《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,人民文学出版社,第174~175页,2007年9月出版。
    [144](美) J.D.塞林格著:《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第159页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [146](美) J.D.塞林格著:《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第55页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [147]中译本原注:“开克”(Kike),美俚语,是对犹太人的贬称。(美) J.D.塞林格著:《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第96页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [148](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第145页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [149]原译本注:威格利大叔是美国作家H.R.Garis所写的儿童读物中的一个中心人物。“大叔”原文“Uncle”与“脚腕”原文“ankle”发音相近。“威格利”原文“Wigglly”又与“扭动”原文“Wriggle”音相近,故而好笑。(美) J.D.塞林格著:《威格利大叔在康涅狄格州》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第33页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [150]中译本注:W.C.菲尔兹(1880~1946),美国著名喜剧演员。(美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第126页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [151](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第126页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [5](美) J.D.塞林格著:《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,第104页,人民文学出版社,2007年9月出版。
    [40]小说原文为:"You've been so sweet to Mattie," his mother remarked thoughtfully."Good kid," Babe said.
    [41]小说原文为:Mattie was under the table, untying Vincent's shoes. He was holding his feet still,letting her, pretending not to notice.……Mattie suddenly came up from under the table,wriggled onto her chair, in cahoots with herself. Vincent moved his feet, looking at heraccusingly. The laces of one shoe were tied to the laces of the other.
    [42]小说原文为:And then we came out of the building and there was Holden, with Hart and KirkyMorris. He had my terry-cloth shirt on. No coat. He came over and asked Phoebe for her autographand she socked him in the stomach, happy to see him, happy he was her brother.
    [43](美) J.D.塞林格著:《为埃斯米而作——既有爱也有污秽凄苦》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第116页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [44](美) J.D.塞林格著:《逮香蕉鱼的最佳日子》,《《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第13~14页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [47](美) J.D.塞林格著:《抬高房梁,木匠们》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第8页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [48]小说原文为:The other kids, the rest of the Wuthering Heights crowd, stared. Babe thought,This is for me. I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. This is better than my books,this is better than Frances, this is better and bigger than myself.
    [49]小说原文为:"I'll go down Spring with you, Babe. Honest. I'll go down Spring with you," Mattiesaid anxiously."I know that," said her brother. "I know that." I'm happier than I ever was, he thought."C'mon," he said. "Randolph is just as good. Better." He took her hand.
    [50]小说原文为:But this is where Mattie is sleeping. No enemy is banging on our door, waking herup, frightening her. But it could happen if I don't go out and meet him with my gun. And Iwill, and I'll kill him.
    [51](美) J.D.塞林格著:《逮香蕉鱼的最佳日子》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第19页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版
    [52](美) J.D.塞林格著:《麦田里的守望者》,施咸荣译,第198页,时代文艺出版社,2007年3月出版。
    [56](美) J.D.塞林格著:《麦田里的守望者》,施咸荣译,第121~122页,时代文艺出版社,2007年3月出版。
    [59]小说原文为:"Mattie," he said silently to no one in the room, "You're a little girl. But nobodystays a little girl or a little boy long - take me, for instance. All of a sudden little girlswear lipstick, all of a sudden little boys shave and smoke. So it's a quick business, beinga kid. Today you're ten years old, running to meet me in the snow, ready, so ready, to coastdown Spring Street with me; tomorrow you'll be twenty, with guys sitting in the living roomwaiting to take you out.
    [60]小说原文为:But if you can't be smart and a swell girl, too, then I don't want to see yougrow up.
    [61]小说原文为:Sitting on a beauty, a story above the ground, they talked about the things thatcounted: the smell of gasoline, Robert Hermanson's ear, Alice Caldwell's teeth, rocks thatwere all right to throw at somebody, Milton Sills, how to make cigarette smoke come out yournose,men and ladies who had bad breath, the best size knife to kill somebody with.They exchanged ambitions. Peggy decided that when she grew up she would be a war nurse. Alsoa movie actress. Also a piano player. Also a crook--one that swiped a lot of diamonds and stuff,but gave some of it to poor people; very poor people. Rudford racer--he already had a prettygood pair of goggles.
    [62]小说原文为:he almost never played the record for anybody in 1942. It was terribly scratchynow. It didn't even sound like Lida Louise anymore.
    [63](美) J.D.塞林格著:《笑面人》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第65~82页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [76](法)马蒂厄·理查德和让-弗朗索瓦·勒维尔:《和尚与哲学家》(Le Moine et le phi2 losophe) ,第143页,巴黎,尼尔出版社,1997出版,转引自(法)弗里德里克·勒努瓦:《佛教在西方的接受》,陆象淦译,《第欧根尼》,2002年第02期,国际哲学人文科学理事会主办(会刊DIOGENES的中文选刊)。
    [77](美) J.D.塞林格著:《麦田里的守望者》,施咸荣译,第212页,时代文艺出版社,2007年3月出版。
    [80](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第186页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [82](美) J.D.塞林格著:《祖伊》,《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,第60页,人民文学出版社,2007年9月出版。
    [84](美) J.D.塞林格著:《祖伊》,《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,第149页,人民文学出版社,2007年9月出
    [1]William V Spanos :《Repetitions : the postmodern occasion in literatureand culture》,P244,Louisiana State University Press,1987.
    [6](美) J.D.塞林格著:《笑面人》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第82页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [9]胡全生:《情节之概念与后现代主义小说中的情节》,载《外国语》, 1998年第5期,上海外国语大学主办。
    [10]胡全生:《读者在后现代主义小说中的作用》,载《外国文学研究》, 1999年第1期,华中师范大学主办。
    [13](美) J.D.塞林格著:《麦田里的守望者》,施咸荣译,第173~174页,时代文艺出版社,2007年3月出版。
    [25](美) J.D.塞林格著:《德·杜米埃-史密斯的蓝色时期》,《九故事》,李文俊,何上峰译,第155页,人民文学出版社,2009年5月出版。
    [26](美) J.D.塞林格著:《麦田里的守望者》,施咸荣译,第9页,时代文艺出版社,2007年3月出版。
    [27]小说原文为:She was having a few dates with the brother of her last roommate in college. Theyoung man was one of the most successful tomcats in town, and Corinne was young enough toinform him one evening that he had a simply terrible Oedipus complex. Displeased with theinformation, the young gentleman threw his highball at her, catching her in the right eyewith a fresh ice cube. The shiner that developed started Corinne off as a career girl, becausewhen it disappeared she felt she ought to do something constructive by way of celebration.
    [28](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第163页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [31]Johnson,Kent&Craig Paulenich:《Beneath a Single Moon:Buddhism in Contemporary AmericanPoetry》,P95,Boston and London:Shambhala,1991.2
    [32]Jack Kerouac:《Essentials of Spontaneous Prose》,《Evergreen Review》,P72,1952(2).
    [34](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第181~182页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [35](美) J.D.塞林格著:《弗兰妮》,《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,第17页,人民文学出版社,2007年9月出版。
    [4](德)阿多尔诺:《当代小说中叙述者的处境》,伍蠡甫,胡经之主编:《西方文艺理论名著选编》(下),第700-701页,北京大学出版社,1996. 5
    [6](美) J.D.塞林格著:《祖伊》,《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,第77页,人民文学出版社,2007年9月出版。
    [7](美) J.D.塞林格著:《祖伊》,《弗兰妮与祖伊》,丁骏译,第172~173页,人民文学出版社,2007年9月出版。
    [8](美) J.D.塞林格著:《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第186页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
    [9](美) J.D.塞林格著:《西摩:小传》,《抬高房梁,木匠们;西摩:小传》,丁骏译,第186页,人民文学出版社,2009年1月出版。
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