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The Eleusis Mysteries were one of mystical religious rites in ancient Greece, which mainly worshipped Demeter, Persephone and Iacchus. The Eleusis Mysteries kept every detail and revelation as a secret to the uninitiated, in any case, the ones who divulged the secrets would be sentenced to death. Thus, the classical authors, such as Herodotus, Diodorus, Pausanias, though referred to, however, described the mysteries vaguely. Nevertheless, we could still restore their basic features, according to the description given by the classical author and the research fruit of Western scholars nowadays.
     Being studied in the worship figures and the beliefs and the ideas they reflected, the Eleusis Mysteries worshipped mother goddess and god of Hades. The goddess Persephone was present in her triple role of goddess of agricultural, goddess of mysteries and the queen of Hades, combining the agricultural production, future well-being and mysteries rites. Hence, they altogether reflected some religious beliefs and concepts such as the worship of reproductive capacity, the sense of future well-being and revival.
     The Eleusis Mysteries consisted of the Lesser mysteries and the Great mysteries. The Lesser mysteries contained sacrifice, purification, sacred dancing and so on. Purification was the core, which could rid the sins of the applicants both physical and mental. And the Lesser mysteries were the preparation of the Great mysteries. The Great mysteries, mainly consisting of delivering the sacred objects to Athens, and holding sacrifice, purification, praying and sacred dance and the festivals of Asclepios and Iacchus as well at Athens, in addition, the activities such as fast, purification, and the mysterious initiation rites were held in Eleusis. The initiation was the key point for realizing the future well-being. However, for the secret kept unknown, the core secret of the peak point of the initiation remains puzzled. The so-called conclusions we already heard of are still somewhat supposing.
     From the selection and duties of priests, the main priests of Eleusis mysteries such as hierophant, torchbearer and Herald, they were all chosen from two families named Eumolpidae and Kerykes, they all attended to their own duties, and were proficient in their own religious knowledge. They got high social status, even especially the sacred status in the Roman. Therefore, the Eleusis Mysteries formed a special priest group which got a privilege, and professional monopoly the seats of priests class.
     As a religious and cultural phenomenon lasted for nearly 2,000 years, there was no doubt that the Eleusis Mysteries were tightly connected with the development and transformation of ancient Greek history and in different times.
     The Eleusis Mysteries generated during the Mycenae age. Myths and legends of ancient Greece and modern archaeological excavations as well both show that the Mysteries appeared about in the 15th century BC. However, there's heated debate about where they derived from, and now there is still no final conclusion. These ideas consist of Egyptian-origin, Thracian-origin and Greek-origin. These three ideas can somewhat make sense, but can't fully solve the problem. The turmoil of Greece in the 15-14 century B. C. was the social roots of the rise of the Eleusis Mysteries. The primitive worship of mother goddess and the snake goddess was the base of religious beliefs; the child worship, the sacred marriage and the cave rites of the Crete religion were also play an important role in the rise. Thus, the rise of the Eleusis Mysteries was the necessity result of a mix influence of the Hellenic and foreign culture.
     In the Homer Age, the Eleusis Mysteries continued to exist and develop. It was that Attica area which avoid from Doric invasion offered the mysteries peaceful social environment to sustain. The temple which was discovered in the Archaeological excavation proved the Eleusis Mysteries being of continuous in the very Eleusis. On the other hand, the imitations of the establishment of the Demeter Mysteries of some Greek colonies reveal the development of the Mysteries.
     The Archaic and Classic Age were the period in which the Eleusis Mysteries bloomed and developed. The Athens city-state played a very important role in the booming of the Eleusis Mysteries. The Athens government supported the development of mysteries without cessation after it was incorporated in official worship, for example: enlarging initiation and building temples at states expense and the ripe of the mysteries administration.
     The Eleusis Mysteries transformed and declined in the Greco-Roman age. It was the concern of Macedonian and the Roman rulers that brought the prosperity to the mystery and made them somewhat world-wide. However, it was also their interference, which had also broken the tradition of Mysteries, which mainly reflected in the aspects of the rise of the emperor-worship, the sacrifice at the private expense and the sanctifying of the main priest. However, the broken of the ritual tradition and the declining political fate of the Greek city-states states were tied together. When the rise of Christianity, the transformed Eleusis Mysteries had lost their space for existing freely and lost their original vigor. In 395 A. D., the destruction of the sacred temple put an end to the Eleusis Mysteries.
     The Eleusis Mysteries were considered as typical mysteries activities, and formed its own characteristics. Firstly, the administration of the mysteries, including the government of city-states and the priests of the dual-administration; secondly, they had formed a specialized and privileged priests; Thirdly, they seized a broad range of social base; Fourthly, the ceremonial taboo deeply influenced by politics; fifthly, the stress of religious notion saying that "initiation is everything".
     As a social and religious phenomenon which widely based on the society and had a long history, the Eleusis Mysteries influenced different aspects of ancient Greece deeply, social political and cultural. To some degrees, it strengthened the Athens' power in Greek world and has a positive effect on the growing of Greek race identity and the keeping of social order. Also it promoted the development of drama, helped the prosperity of poems and philosophy, and had a further impact on other Mysteries and even the Christianity.
[1]希腊神话中的潘迪恩一世(Pandion 1),雅典的国王,是厄里克桑尼乌斯(Erichthonius)的儿子,俄瑞克透斯(Erechtheus)的父亲。
    [3]希腊神话中,马人肯陶洛斯是一个半人半马的部落,据说居住在帖萨利(Thessaly)境内的马格尼西亚(Magnesia)和皮利翁山(Mount Pelion),阿卡迪亚(Arcadia)境内的弗洛山(Mount Pholoe)以及拉哥尼亚(Laconia)南部的马里恩半岛(Malean peninsula)。根据希腊神话,肯陶洛斯是由拉庇泰国王伊克西翁(Ixion)和宁芙涅福勒(Nephele)所生,涅福勒被宙斯变成天后赫拉(Hera)形状的云彩。
    [4]德米特里奥斯即德米特里一世,“独目”安提柯一世(Antigonus Ⅰ)之子,是马其顿安提柯王朝(Antigonid dynasty)的国王,公元前294年—前288年在位,他被称为“城市围攻者”(Poliorcetes)。
    [1]继承者战争或继业者战争时期(The Diadochoi,公元前323年—前280年),见[苏联]塞尔格叶夫:《希腊史》,缪玲珠译,北京:高等教育出版社,1955年,第430页。
    [2]Kevin Clinton."A Law in the City Eleusinion Concerning the Mysteries",Hesperia,Vol.49,No.3.(Jul.-Sep.,1980),pp.258-288.
    [1]Kevin Clinton.Myth and Cult,The lconography of the Eleusinian Mysteries,The Martin P.Nilsson Lectures on Greek Religion,delivered 19-21 November 1990 at the Swedish Institute at Athens,printed in Sweden by Texgruppen I Uppsala AB,1992,p.68.
    [1]Martin P.Nilsson."Greek Mysteries in the Confession of St.Cyprian",The Harvard Theological Review,Vol.40,No.3.(Jul.,1947),pp.167-176.
    [1]William Keith Chambers Guthrie.The Greeks and Their Gods,Methuen & CO.LTD.London,36Essex Street,Strand,W.C.L.1954,p.282.
    [1]Nancy A.Evans."Sanctuaries,Sacrifices,and the Eleusinian Mysteries",Numen,Vol.49,No.3(2002),pp.227-254.
    [2]Rufus B.Richardson."A Trace of Egypt at Eleusis",American Journal of Archaeology,Vol.2,No.3/4.(May-Aug.,1898),pp.223-232.
    [3]Noel D.Robertson."The Two Processions to Eleusis and the Program of the Mysteries",The American Journal of Philology,Vol.119,No.4.(Winter,1998),pp.547-575.
    [4]Jerome J.Pollitt."Kernoi from the Athenian Agora",Hesperia,Vol.48,No.3.(Jul.-Sep.,1979),pp.205-233.
    [5]John Boardman."Herakles,Peisistratos and Eleusis",The Journal of Hellenic Studies,Vol.95.(1975),pp.1-12.
    [6]F.Sokolowski."On the Rules Regulating the Celebration of the Eleusinian Mysteries",The Harvard Theological Review,Vol.52,No.1.(Jan.,1959),pp.1-7.
    [1]Diodorus.The Library of History,1.12.
    [3]Pausanias.Description of Greece,8.37.10.
    [3]关于得墨忒耳和珀尔塞福涅的秘仪神话,许多古典作家都有所涉及,诸如《荷马颂歌》的作者、阿波罗多鲁斯、奥维德等,他们在主要内容上基本保持一致,但细节上略有差异。主要表现在四方面:一是关于那个被放在炉火上烤的孩子的父母是谁的问题。阿波罗多鲁斯和奥维德同意《荷马颂歌》的作者,称之为凯留斯(Celeus)和梅塔尼拉(Metanira)。但许金努斯(Hygnius)称之为埃琉息努斯(Eleusinus)和科托尼亚(Cothonea);塞尔维乌斯(Servius)(on georg.1.19)称之为埃琉息努斯和昆提尼亚(Cyntinia),而在另一篇文章中(on georg.1.163)又称其父亲为凯留斯。拉克坦提乌斯·普拉西杜斯(Lactantius Placidus)称他们为埃留息乌斯(Eleusius)和西奥玛(Hioma);第二罗马教廷的神话收集者(the second Vatican mythographer)称他们为凯留斯和西奥娜(Hiona)。二是那个被放进火中的孩子究竟是谁。阿波罗多鲁斯同意《荷马颂歌》的作者,称之为德莫风(Demophon)并区别于其兄长特里普托勒姆斯的说法。但奥
    [1]Carl Kerenyi.Eleusis:archetypal image of mother and daughter,p.64.
    [2]Jane Harrison.Prolegomena to the study of Greek religion,Cambridge University Press,1922,p.539.
    [3]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,Princeton:University Press,London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1961,p.270,p.311,p.318.
    [5]Kevin Clinton.Myth and Cult,The Iconography of the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.66.
    [8]Pausanias.Description of Greece,1.2.4.
    [3]Kevin Clinton Myth and Cult,The Iconogranhy of the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.67.
    [1]Proclus.Timaios,293c.转引自George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.270.
    [2]BCH,20(1896),转引自George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.270.
    [4]Homeric Hymns:To Demeter.480-485.
    [3]William Keith Chambers Guthrie.The Greeks and Their Gods,p.292.
    [1]Decree Honoring Daduch Themistocles,Inscription of a daduchos,first century B.C.,line 64,in Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Eleusinian Mysteries,the American Philosophical Society,1974,pp.50-52.
    [2]Philostratus.In Honor of Apollonius of Tyana,4.18.
    [4]William Keith Chambers Guthrie.Orpheus and Greek Religion,Methuen & CO.LTD.London,36Essex Street,Strand,W.C.L.1952,p.154.
    [5]Lysias.Against Andocides,6.10.
    [6]Athenaeus.The Deipnosophists,1.12.“埃斯库罗斯还发明了那种漂亮又庄严的服装,传秘师和火炬手/传令官模仿这一服饰,当他们穿上其祭司服时……”
    [7]参见Kevin Clinton.The Sacred officials of the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.33.在古代,紫色往往是贵族钟爱的颜 色,表现出一种高贵、忧郁的气质。
    [2]Lysias.Against Andocides,6.54,提到传秘师扎格鲁斯(Zacorus)的子女;Isaeus.7.9,提到传秘师拉克拉提德斯(Lakratides)的子女。
    [4]S.E.G,ⅩⅪ,3-4,IGI~26,Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,pp.10-11.
    [5]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.86.
    [8]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.231.
    [2]IGII~23575,Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.87.
    [3]IGII~23632,Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.88.
    [4]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.69.
    [5]IGI~26,Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.69.
    [7]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.231.
    [8]Porphyry.On the Cave of the Nymphs,8,Thomas Taylor:Select works of Porphyry:containing his four books on abstinence from animal food;his treatise on the Homeric care of the nymphs;and his auxiliaries to the perception of intelligible natures.With an appendix explaining the allegory of the wanderings of Ulysses by the.translator,printed in London:Thomas Rodd,17,Great Newport street,1823,p.249.
    [2]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.68.
    [5]Andocides.Against Alcibiades,13.
    [2]IGII~21672,Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.50.
    [3]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.232.
    [5]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.77.
    [1]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.82.
    [2]Plutarch.On Exile,17.
    [3]IGII~2204或BCH13,Rhodes and Osborne Robin edit.Greek Historical Inscriptions 404-323BC,Oxford University press,2003.前352年的一碑铭文献。
    [4]Aeschines.Against Ctesiphon,3.18.
    [5]IGII~21078,Athenian Democracy:speaking through its inscription,edited by M.Lagogianni,Georgakarakos,K.Buraselis,University of Athens,Department of History and Archaeology,2009,p.132.
    [6]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.95.
    [1]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.97.
    [2]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.236.
    [3]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.236.
    [4]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.97.
    [5]Dinarehus.Against Demosthenes,23.
    [6]Dio Chrysostom.45.9.
    [7]Andocides.On the Mysteries,127.
    [1]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,pp.98-114.
    [2]Porphyry.On Abstinence From Animal Food,4.5,p.138.
    [4]Plato.Gorgias,497. 制服务课程,内容是训练500名雅典年轻男子。德米特里奥斯统治期间或在他下台后,服务课程缩减了1年,因以弗比会员限制于高经济阶层,数量也日渐较少。在公元前3世纪末期,男青年的数量可能只有20-50名,他们可能都来自特权阶层,在城邦举行的许多仪式活动中扮演着重要的角色,参与主要节庆的游行队伍和赛会,承担大范围的其他宗教责任。这可能就是所谓的雅典宗教中的“青年运动”,这种运动在后期也极为常见。可见,随着历史的发展,以弗比的军事职责逐渐被宗教职责所取代。
    [2]IGII~21078,Athenian Democracy:speaking through its inscription,edited by M.Lagogianni,Georgakarakos,K.Buraselis,p.132.
    [1]Noel D.Robertson."The Two Processions to Eleusis and the Program of the Mysteries",The American Journal of Philology,Vol.119,No.4.(Winter,1998),p.556.
    [4]IGI~281,Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.14.
    [5]Philostratus.Lives of the Philosophers,Apollonius of Athens,20.602.
    [2]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.247.
    [5]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.248.
    [7]Philostratus.In Honor of Apollonius of Tyana,4.18.
    [2]IGII~2847,Carl Kerenyi.Eleusis:archetypal image of mother and daughter,p.60.
    [3]IGII~2847,Carl Kerenyi.Eleusis:archetypal image of mother and daughter,p.61.
    [4]James Christie.Disquisitions upon the painted Greek vases,and their probable connection with the shows of the Eleusinian and other mysteries,published in Longman,Hurst,Rees,Orme,Brown and Green,1825,p.59.
    [6]Euripides.Iphigenia Among the Tauri,1193.
    [7]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.249.
    [1]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.250.
    [2]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.250.
    [4]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.251.
    [6]Philostratus.In Honor of Apollonius of Tyana,4.18.
    [7]Aristotle.The Athenian Constitution,56.4.亚里士多德:《雅典政制》,第59-60页。
    [1]IGII~21078,Athenian Democracy:speaking through its inscription,edited by M.Lagogianni,Georgakarakos,K.Buraselis,p.132.
    [3]Noel D.Robertson."The Two Processions to Eleusis and the Program of the Mysteries",The American Journal of Philology,Vol.119,No.4.(Winter,1998),pp.547-575.
    [1]Noel D.Robertson."The Two Processions to Eleusis and the Program of the Mysteries",The American Journal of Philology,Vol.119,No.4.(Winter,1998),p.557.
    [4]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.256.
    [5]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.256.
    [7]Jon D.Mikalson.Religion in Hellenistic Athens,Chapel Hill,NC,USA:University of North Carolina Press,2003,p.35.
    [1]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.256.
    [4]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.257.
    [1]Callimachus.Aetia 10.
    [3]Homeric Hymns:To Demeter.200-201.饮用混合饮料也构成了当天仪式活动的一部分,它不仅标志着禁食的结束,还是入会仪式即将开始的象征。饮品的混合在《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》中略有提及。在人类的宗教传统中,它可能属于农业庆典的一部分。后来逐渐发展成为纪念农业女神的象征性仪式。《荷马致得墨忒耳颂歌》里描述的混合饮料显然己经流行,作者将这一仪式归于女神自身,即是女神自己制定了它的成分,“混有不含酒精的薄荷的食物和水”。Iliad.11.624-641,Odysseus.10.234,见中文版荷马:《伊利亚特》,王焕生译,北京:人民文学出版社,2006年,第259页,《奥德赛》,第181页。
    [5]Plotinus.First Ennead,6.7.
    [6]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,pp.260-261.
    [7]Proclus.A lcibiades,1.5.转引自George M ylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.261.
    [8]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.261.
    [3]Themistius.Oration,50.转引自 http://www.san.beck.org/index.html,THE MYSTERIES OF ELEUSIS:Initiation by Sanderson Beck.
    [4]转引自 Walter Burkert.Ancient Mystery Cults,Harvard University Press,1987,p.114.
    [1]Michael B.Cosmopoulos.Greek Mysteries:The Archaeology and Ritual of Ancient Greek Secret Cults,Routledge,London and New York press,2003,p.60.
    [3]Michael B.Cosmopoulos.Greek Mysteries:The Archaeology and Ritual of Ancient Greek Secret Cults,p.67.
    [1]Tertullian.To the Nations,30.
    [1]Plutarch.On the Soul,178.
    [1]Sopatros.Rhetores Graeci,8.转引自George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.272.
    [3]Plutarch.Progress in Virtue,81e.
    [4]Hippolytus.The Refutation of All Heresies,5.3.
    [5]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.275.
    [6]Tertullian.Against the Valentinians,1.
    [2]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.273.
    [3]Homeric Hymns:To Demeter.478-480.
    [3]George Mylonas.Eleusis and Eleusis Mysteries,p.280.
    [4]Isocrates.Concerning the Team of Horses,6.
    [2]Aristotle.Nicomachean Ethics,3.1.17.
    [3]Diogenes Laertius.2.8.101.
    [5]Plato.The Republic,365e.
    [2]Porphyry.On Abstinence From Animal Food,4.16,pp.155-157.
    [3]Porphyry.On Abstinence From Animal Food,4.22,pp.168-169.
    [4]Simon Price.Religions of the ancient Greeks,Cambridge Press,1999,Reprinted 2003,pp.26-27.
    [5]IG~26 B,David G Rice and John E.Stambaugh.Sources for the Study of Greek Religion,published by Scholars Press,1979,p.184.
    [5]埃里安也称克劳狄乌斯·埃里安(Claudius Aelianus,公元175年—235年),出生于普雷尼斯特 (Praeneste),古罗马杂史作家和修辞家,生活于罗马皇帝塞普狄米乌斯噻维鲁(Septimius Severus,145年—211年)统治时期(193年—211年)。主要著作有《历史杂录》(Varia Historia,Various History)、《论动物》(On the characteristics of Animals)等。此外还有另外两部著作的残篇存留下来。
    [1]Aelian.On the characteristics of Animals,9.65.
    [2]Porphyry.On Abstinence From Animal Food,4.16,pp.155-157.
    [1]Lucian.The Fisherman,33.
    [2]Aelian.Fragments,12,58.8.参见George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.226.
    [3]Quintus Horatius Flaccus.Odes,3.2.
    [1]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.15.
    [3]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,pp.19-20.
    [4]Hippolytus.Refutation of All Heresies,5.8.39.
    [6]Carl Kerenyi.Eleusis:archetypal image of mother and daughter,p.92.
    [7]Carl Kerenyi.Eleusis:archetypal image of mother and daughter,p.22.
    [1]Carl Kerenyi.Eleusis:archetypal image of mother and daughter,p.22.
    [4]Plutarch.On Exile,607b.
    [2]Homeric Hymns:To Demeter.120-125.
    [1]Martin P.Nilsson.The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and its Survival in Greek Religion,p.559.
    [2]B.C.Dietrich.The Origins of Greek Religion,press in Walter de Gruyter,Berlin,New York,1974,p.18.
    [3]Mylonas,George.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,pp.16-19.
    [4]Martin P.Nilsson.A History of Greek Religion,translated from the Swedish by F.J.Fieledn,Oxford,at the Clarendon Press,1956,p.211.
    [1]Sarah B.Pomeroy.Goddesses,Whores,Wives,and Slaves:Women in Classical Antiquity,published in the United States by Schocken Books Inc.,New York,1975,p.76.
    [2]William Keith Chambers Guthrie.The Greeks and Their Gods,p.282.
    [1]Michael Ventris and John Chadwick.Documents in Mycenaean Greek,2nd.ed.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1973,p.289.
    [1]Carl Kerenyi.Eleusis:archetypal image of mother and daughter,pp.19-20.
    [3]B.C.Dietrich.The Origins of Greek Retigion,p.87.在帕罗斯(Paros),埃蕾希亚主要是治愈女神,人们常将埃蕾希亚看成是阿尔忒弥斯。
    [4]Martin P.Nilsson.The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and its Survival in Greek Religion,p.577.
    [1]Homeric Hymns:To Demeter.122-125,150-155.
    [2]Homeric Hymns:To Demeter.105-108.
    [3]Homeric Hymns:To Demeter.200-210.
    [3]由于现实条件所限,本章所涉及的神庙考古方面的信息主要是依据希腊考古学家米劳纳斯的《埃琉息斯和埃琉息斯秘仪》(Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries)。
    [1]以上考古引文详见George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,pp.57-60.
    [2]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,pp.59-60.
    [3]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.63.
    [1]P.E.Easterling and J.V.Muir.Greek religion and society,with a foreword by Sir Moses Finley,Cambridge;New York:Cambridge University Press,1985,p.90.
    [1]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,pp.64-70.
    [2]Clifford Herschel Moore.The Religious thought of the Greeks,Cambridge,Harvard University Press,1925,p.66.
    [3]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,pp.78-81.
    [1]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,pp.107-111.
    [3]Vitruvius Pollio.On architecture,7.16.
    [4]George Mytonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,pp.114-115.
    [3]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.117.
    [1]Clifford Herschel Moore.The Religious thought of the Greeks,p.66.
    [1]Walter Burkert.Ancient Mystery Cults.p.52.
    [1]Matthew Dillon.Girls and Women in Classical Greek Religion,London and New York:Routledge,2002,p.196.
    [4]Carl Kerenyi.Eleusis:archetypal image of mother and daughter,pp.59-60.
    [1]Louise Bruit Zaidman.Religion in the ancient Greek city,translated by Paul Cartledge,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1992,p.47.
    [7]Aristophanes.The Birds,1070-1075.Diodorus.13.6.7.
    [1]IGI~276.1-46.引自 David G.Rice and John E.Stambaugh.Sources for the Study of Greek Religion,p.185.
    [1]Joseph Fontenrose.The Delphic Oracle,Its Responses and Operations with a Catalogue of Responses,University of California press,1978,p.294.
    [2]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.7.
    [3]Joseph Fontenrose.The Delphic Oracle,Its Responses and Operations with a Catalogue of Responses,p.247.
    [4]Rhodes and Robin Osborne Greek Historical Inscriptions 404—323BC,p.280.
    [4]Jon D.Mikalson.Religion in Hellenistic Athens,p.105.
    [5]Jon D.Mikalson.Religion in Hellenistic Athens,p.106.
    [1]Jon D.Mikalson.Religion in Hellenistic Athens,p.105.
    [3]Edward Gibbon.The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire,William Picketing,London,D.A.Talboys Oxford,1895,p.133.
    [4]Carl Kerenyi.Eleusis:archetypal image of mother and daughter,p.101.
    [5]IGII~23592,Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,p.37.
    [6]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Elesinian Mysteries,pp.37-38.
    [7]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,pp.161-162.
    [2]Jon D.Mikalson.Religion in Hellenistic Athens,p.107.
    [3]Jon D.Mikalson.Religion in Hellenistic Athens,p.107.
    [4]Jon D.Mikalson.Religion in Hellenistic Athens,p.286.
    [1]Eunapios.Lives of the Philosophers,in Maximus,475-476.
    [1]西塞罗:《国家篇 法律篇》,第203页。
    [2]Clifford Herschel Moore.The Religious thought of the Greeks,pp.65-66.
    [1]Eunapios.Lives of the Philosophers,in Maximus,475-476.
    [1]George Mylonas.Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.237.
    [1]IGI~276.1-46,引自 David G.Rice and John E.Stambaugh.Sources for the Study of Greek Religion,p.185.
    [2]IGI~276.1-46,引自 David G.Rice and John E.Stambaugh.Sources for the Study of Greek Religion,p.186.
    [3]IGI~26,C,引自 David G.Rice and John E.Stambaugh.Sources for the Study of Greek Religion,p.184.
    [4]Kevin Clinton.The Sacred Officials of the Eleusinian Mysteries,p.8.
    [2]Martin P.Nilsson.A History of Greek Religion,p.241.
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