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The agrarian change is a topic that could not be ignored In China. Following the path of theory of Knowledge Archaeology, this research looks back on the period from1978to date, which the entire country indulged into the advocacy of development, and explains the perception and role of Nong in the context of modernization during last three decades. In the other hand, by using the analysis framework of post development theory, technocracy, modification and new rurality could be perceived as three salient mechanisms, so as to find the basic motivation of agrarian change in rural China. Meanwhile, with a method of field survey procedure, the research accumulates a large amount of materials base on the long-term study on Liu village, Qinglin County in Hebei Province. And it completes an intergrated ethnography by way of thick description that clarifies the relationship between small community and macro-history.
     In this intergrated ethnography, a detailed narrative about Liu villagers is given in aspects such as changes of livelihood, attitude and life trajectory at individual level, with development of village appearance, culture and structure at social level. In the one hand, distinctive experiences from different peasants convincingly represent the historical course of changes; in the other hand, the history of an ordinary village undoubtly expresses the current developmental demands of state. The author suggests that the direction of agrarian changes could be confirmed tightly links with three dimensions. Firstly, the discourse of Nong repeatly constructed by state has been a signal both for showing what Nong is defined and illustrating the significance of Nong in different period. Secondly, the modernization of Nong is continuously designed-by enhancing standard of peasants' material living in order to squeeze their time and space; by limiting peasants' freedom of market behavior, so that they are partly excluded by the large market; by buiding new rurality to recreat peasants' envision. Thirdly, on this basis, the research not only attempts to discuss the situation of the small village in the context of state development and urban construction, but also intends to locate it in the background of rural development in entire globe, for the purpose of exploring how the global culture influences on the local people, who is used to immerse in agricultural environment. At last, the author attempts to put forward a possibility of collaborative governance in the context of strong state and strong peasants society. By doing so, the research looks forward to alleviating some social contradiction and guiding people into a much adaptable path.
     The innovative meaning of the research lie in that most studies on rural changes focus excessively on "development" and "increase" or the depression of rural culture. At the macro level, the research emphasizes on historical discourse regarding the genealogy of Nong; at the micro level, it investigates on a small village, forms a contrast with macro-history by constructing micro-history and life history to better understand the emotions and lives of ordinary people as well as the position of small community in mighty history torrent. It also inherits post development theory and its perception of "development", considers post developmet theory could be used as a analysis framework to explain the development history of both rural China and the state, but also has significance for development studies on rural China.
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    ① 有关县级史料均来自《青林县志》。
    ① 青林县志。
    ① 王为径:解构发展——后发展研究的学术理路与问题表达,未刊稿。
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