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The development of resource-based region is a global issue, the focus of concerns to the regional policy for many countries, and an important area of the region research. Since the late 1990’s, the resource-based urban problems have arisen from the people's strong concern, such as resources reducing and regional systemic recession. Academic resource areas have achieved fruitful results on the understanding of its recession rule and development orientation, but the study on how to really solve the problem is relatively weak. Government's emergency intervention policy has been quite successful, under the special attributes of resource region, they start building a long-term mechanism for regional scientific development, but facing a shortage of theory support and the limitations of vision problems. For having a profound understanding and the realization of China's resource-based regional development, the innovation requirement of theory and practice is still very strong and compelling.
     The paper stresses to create and improve the scientific development mechanism of the resource-based region, from the angle of regional perspective compensation and assistance. External theory is the theoretical cornerstone of this paper, the paper considers that resource-based regional issues can be fundamentally attributed to the external issues, and achieving compensation and assistance can be overcome its external problem. The paper doesn’t only use the general external theoretical achievements as a basic theoretical basis, but also advances the "regional external", the special type of external, as an important foundation, so as to provide the theory support of compensation and assistance from the external region to resource-based region. Based on the study object not only concerned about resource development in the latter part of the resource-based city and resource depletion region, but also in the early development of natural resources that the general academic and policy research relatively neglected, this paper can be of a broader scope of coverage the resource-based region and even other types of regional resource development activities.
     The practice of the paper will primarily be based on northeast China, in accordance with this to conclude the law and recognize the theoretical knowledge. Almost all of the resource-based regional type and resource-based regional issues has been concentrated in Northeast China, and the paper discusses the compensation and assistance for the typical problems of resource-based region in the northeast China, to a considerable extent which on behalf of resource-based regional general situation in China. To discuss the theory and practice of resource-based regional compensation and assistance in northeast China will enlighten and promote the rebuilding of Northeast old industrial base.
     The paper is divided into two parts: theoretical study and practice study, which includes six chapters. The theoretical research provides the basis and guidance for the practice discussion, and practice analysis provides support and validation for theory discussion.
     The theoretical study includes the first chapter and the second chapter. The first chapter analyses the basic concept of the resource-based region, defining the basic scope and the problem of resource-based region in the northeast China, putting forward its compensation and assistance, and discussing its contents. The second chapter generally analyses the compensation and assistance for the typical problem of resource-based region, including home and abroad experience, the fundamental basis and the implementation of priority.
     The practice study includes the third chapter, the fourth chapter, the fifth chapter and the sixth chapter, in the guidance of theory which discusses the compensation and assistance for the typical problems of resource-based region in the northeast China. The third chapter discusses the compensation and assistance for the industry develop, the fourth chapter discusses urban poverty and anti-poverty assistance, the fifth chapter discusses the ecological environment issues and ecological compensation, the sixth chapter discusses the regional cooperation of energy exploitation between three provinces in the northeast part and the east of Inner Mongolia.
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