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With the development of economy of our country, the urbanization process is accelerated, the voice of improving the urban living environment grow to even greater heights, urban green land building, become a hot issue of city's development gradually, we can say, it is a kind of external manifestation of people's urgent psychology which is come back to the natural. Change perspective, the people has certain demands to the urban green land. Then how to go to meet this kind of demands. This is exactly what this text will explain.
    This text selects water-front green land of city as the research object, because it has certain representativeness, at the same time, it also has particularity. Representativeness means it has characteristics of general urban green land; the particularity refers to its water-front space. In addition, consider that cities often focus on the development of water-front district where water-front green land stays; they pay more attention on the water-front green land building, so this kind of research carried out some practical significance. In the article, authors have classified the water-front green land of city, and narrates its characteristics and functions in detail, Then combine the psychological knowledge of relevant behaviors through a large number of real investigations, analyzes people's behavior and universal law of the psychology, further deepen on this basis, probe into people what demands does it have in water-front green land of city. Also taking into account the different stages of the people have different characteristics, the demand for water-front green land also different, so the text divides the people into teenagers, the elderly and middle-aged person, combine existing statistical data, analyzes and discusses their characteristics especially.
    On the basis of analysis in the physical, psychological, this text regards meeting these demands as the ultimate goal, discuss humanization designations of layout, hard landscape, and soft landscape in water-front green land.
    To the space layouts, this text discuss external and internal space layout, focuses on the handling of some internal space humanization design measures. Also discusses how to deal with the space scales, space border.
    To the hard landscape, because the content that the hard landscape includes is very extensive, unable overall generalization and describe, choose some facilities which people use high-frequency, for example, rest facilities, hydrophilic facilities. The study focuses on the detail design of these facilities in the humanization design and quotes a lot of data, so the research will be more convincing. To the soft landscape, the research object is plant landscape, describes how to meet people from ornamental demand and physiology demand.
    Finally, this text brings for the case with the Xiangjiang River scenery that in Changsha city, evaluates its successes and shortcomings in humanization designation comprehensively, and gives recommendations.
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