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The development of small towns is a great strategy, which drives the
     development of society and economy of country. After reformation and
     opening, with the acceleration industrialization and urbanization, small
     towns have been developed in China. People usually pay more attention to
     the economic development in many small towns, while ignoring the benefits
     of ecological and social, and many environmental problems were brought.
     In this case, we must study ecological planning of small towns to remind
     people to create small towns?amenity settlements. This paper is composed
     of several parts: At first, the constitutions, functions and main
     characters of small towns?ecosystem were analyzed. Then environmental
     problems and the reasons were numerated in many facets, such as population,
     resource, environment etc. It tells people must chance ideas, insist on
     the principle of sustainable development, build up harmonious
     relationship between human and nature, and in the end to establish
     ecological towns. Ecological planning was the fundamental approach to
     establish ecological towns and achieve sustainable development. Secondly,
     the conception and principle of ecological planning were defined, and the
     contents of ecological planning include many parts. Such as population
     moderate scale, ground utilization planning on the base of ecological
     feasibility analyses, the division of ecological function areas,
     environment pollution prevention and cure planning, ecological green
     system planning, resource utilization and conservation planning, disaster
     defense planning etc. At the last, ecological idea was publicized at the
     end of the paper, so that promotes small towns?healthy, harmony,
     sustainable development. New ideas and viewpoints were tried to present
     to planner in this paper, which contribute to the realization of
     sustainable development of small towns.
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