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Hong Kong was world famous of its rapid mutation from a fishing village to a global city as a typical newborn colonial city in just around 150 years. It blends the best from the East and West, creating a unique harbour townscape. In the urbanization progress of rapidly evolving into an international trade, economy and finance center, it was under the colonial control of England while the laissez-faire doctrines being undertaken. During this period, the town planning legislation and town planning system were popularized and instilled into these colonies to serve the British citizens'needs for keeping steady status at first. Later the local colonial government improved the town planning by the motivation of local needs, just like the housing programmes under the pressure of time were taken by the colonial government in Hong Kong and Singapore. The process of colonization unavoidable developed from planting to conflicting and then to merging.
     This article focuses on the history of early-modern town planning and construction in Hong Kong during 1841-1997, on the view of town planning history research. By the way of document studies, field survey, statistical analysis and comparative analysis, considering the variable background of the international politics and economy, it reviews the development of the town planning, the content of the town planning practices, and the evolvement of city planning administrative department. Then the historical stages and the characteristics of town planning can be inferred. It also explores the motives which affect the early-modern town planning and construction in Hong Kong from its birth to development, and concludes its characteristics. This article takes Hong Kong as a special case of the early-modern town planning to discuss the historical status and the present revelation in China.
     This article consists of six chapters. The first chapter introduces the origin, the object and the significance, the present research condition about this study domestic and overseas, the main conclusion and the innovations, the method and the research framework. The second chapter summarizes the social background of Hong Kong urbanization in the field of geography, politics, economy and culture, then discusses the inner causes of the formation and development of the early-modern city. The third chapter divides the historical stages of 'early-modern' period of the town planning and construction in Hong Kong, and separately illuminates the main content of the early-modern town planning and construction in Hong Kong by three stages, especially the post-war period. The fourth chapter concludes the characteristics of the Hong Kong early-modern town planning in the aspects of city position, colonial town planning, land-use planning, legislation and operation mechanism of town planning. The fifth chapter dissects the characteristics of the early-modern city construction in Hong Kong by analyzing the typical affairs such as transportation, reclamation, public houses, new town and urban renewal.
     The sixth chapter as the conclusion sums this article up by analyzing the evolution progresses and essential features of early-modern town planning and construction in Hong Kong, discusses the futher study, and put forwards to the future urban development.
    1查尔斯·义律(Charles Elliont,1801-1875),英国侵华全权代表。
    1霍普金斯(Keith Hopkins),《工业殖民地——香港的政治、社会及经济概览》(Hong Kong:the industrial colony:a political, social and economic survey),1971,p56
    11980年12月,香港财政司长夏鼎基(Sir Charles Philip Haddon-Cave)在向香港工业总会发表的演说中所阐述的积极不干预政策。
    2 Baker, H.D.R. "life in the cities:The emergence of Hong Kong man", Narrating Hong Kong Culture and Idendity. Hong Kong:Oxford University Press,2003,p165
    1于尔根·哈贝马斯(Jiirgen Habermas)《现代性的哲学话语》,曹卫东译,译林出版社,2004年。
    2安东尼·吉登斯(Anthony Giddens)《现代性的后果》,田禾译,译林出版社,2000年。
    3Tani E.Barlow,Formations of Colonial Modernity in East Asia(Durham:Duke University Press,1997).
    引译自M. Roger Bristow, Land-use planning in Hong Kong:history, policies and procedures, p.25
    2艾德文·查德维克(Sir Edwin Chadwick) (1800-1890),英国社会改革家,致力于推动英国公共卫生和环境。
    3引译自Rosen O, From Medical Police to Social Medicine:Essays on the History of Health Care, p.195
    1奥斯伯特·查德维克(Sir Osbert Chadwick) (1844-1913),英国皇家工程师。
    2即1882年香港环境卫生报告(Mr. Chadwick's Report on the Sanitation Condition of Hong Kong 1882)。
    3引译自Building Law Handbook, Butterworth, Hong Kong,2000, p.5
    1引译自Mr. Chadwick's Report on the Sanitation Condition of Hong Kong,1882, p.11
    2该条例遭到华人业主及社会精英的联合反对,认为当局的做法违背了1841年港督义律(Charles Elliot)“保持华人习俗”的政策,并由华人医生何启带领并收集了四万七千个签名,反对公共卫生条例,建议洁净局议员应由选举产生。
    1辛普森·威廉(Simpson William.J),1903年香港瘟疫起因与持续的报告(Report on the Causes and Continuance of Plague in Hong Kong,1903)。
    1香港统计处Hong Kong Census Reports,1841-1941
    2《1923年住房委员会报告》(Report of Housing Commission,1923)
    1W. H. Owen, Report of the Housing Commission 1935, p.282
    2Roger Bristow, Hong Kong's new town:a selective review,1989, p.38
    31940年报告写道:“该报告致力于机构与管理,立法和房地产管理的补偿和改善等问题。希望能够实现’城市规划和住房计划’(Town Planning and Housing Schemes)。'
    4W. H. Owen, Report on Town Planning and Housing,1940, p.40
    5W. H. Owen, Report on Town Planning and Housing,1940, p.41
    1见1947年欧文(W.H.Owen)致殖民地部(Colonial Office)的信。
    2见D. J. Owen,《香港港口管理与发展的未来1941》(Future Control and Development of the Port of Hong Kong),Hong Kong:Public Recod Office.
    2Hong Kong Preliminary Planning Report 1948,也称“阿伯克隆比报告”,以下简称“报告”。
    31903年的莱奇沃思花园城(Letchworth Garden City)和1920年的韦林花园城(Welwyn Garden City)。
    汉普斯特德田园城郊(Hampstead Garden Suburb)是一个依附于中心城市的郊外居住区而非“田园城市”那样是独立的自给自足的城市。
    11909年,英国通过了《住房与城市规划法》(Housing and Town Planning Act,1909),是第一部涉及城市规划的法律,是英国城市规划法规体系建立的标志。该法于1919年修订,并于1932年与住宅法分离为独立的城市规划法——《城乡规划法》(The Town and Country Planning Act,1932)。
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