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Since reform and opening, the economy has developed rapidly in the eastern region; however, due to rising costs of production factors or their own needs of industrial structure optimization and upgrading, they urgently need to transfer the labor-intensive or resource-dependent industries to the Midwest part of China. Chongqing has many advantages, such as convenient transportation、rich in land、labor and minerals、being strong at industrial base and potential market and so on, so it will be the key areas in industrial transfer form eastern region. With“314”strategic plan arranging, Chongqing needs to speed up urban and rural harmonious development, being a municipality with urban and rural harmonious development as soon as possible, leading to achieving well-off society in the west. It is a significant force for regional industry development to regional industrial transfer.It is an important support for urban and rural harmonious development to co-ordination between urban and rural industry. So it will be the urgent need to address issues to how to undertake industrial transfer form eastern region and the urban and rural co-ordination development combined. The paper is organized as follows:
     First, it describes the basic concepts of industrial transfer and co-ordination between urban and rural industry, and reveals the relationship between the two concepts. Then it summarizes the domestic and international literature on the industrial transfer, founding that it is few to combine the problems of undertaking the industrial transfer form eastern region and co-ordination between urban and rural industry.
     Secondly, it analyzes the status of undertaking industrial transfer form eastern region and urban and rural harmonious development, and the negative impact to co-ordination between urban and rural industry form undertaking industrial transfer from eastern now. The result shows that undertaking industrial transfer form eastern region hinders the improvement of efficient of industrial structure、widening the gap of industrial development in the three regions and exacerbating the irrationality of industrial distribution between urban and rural areas.
     Again, according to the industrial static、dynamic congregation model and relative industrial gradient model, we know the selecting industry being transferred form the eastern region for Chongqing, and then, as the co-ordination between urban and rural industry as the goal, applying Analytic Network Propose based on questionnaire method to analyzing the specific order of carrying on industry. The results are that Chongqing should cooperate with the Yangtze River Delta in depth, priority to undertaking the primary products processing and beverage manufacturing industry、contact with the southeast coast positively, initiative to undertaking medical manufacturing industry、contact with the Bohai Sea straightly, key to undertaking the Chemical fiber manufacturing industry and nonferrous mining and selecting industry.
     Then, for the industries transferred form the eastern region, we suggest the industrial distribution according to the county resources、industry positioning、industrial characteristics and so on. Urban core economic area undertakes high-tech industry such as modern pharmaceutical manufacturing industry; Rural economic circle undertakes nonferrous mining and selecting industry; Economic zone in the east and south of Chongqing undertakes primary products processing industry and medical manufacturing industry based on Chinese herbal medicines; New reservoir economic area undertakes gas producing and supplying industry.
     Finally, it gives the ideas and suggestions that undertaking industrial transfer from eastern region promotes the co-ordination between urban and rural industry. The ideas are that Chongqing needs targeted undertaking and rational distribution for industrial transfer form eastern region. The suggestions are that Chongqing must increase the strength hardware and software, enhancing the capacity of survive and development for the transferring industry; optimizing the industrial structure for the industries from the eastern region promotes the harmonious development in the three industries; rational distributing the undertaking industries promotes co-ordination between urban and rural industry.
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