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Entering the 21 st century, medical education field has fast-changing development as human paying more attention to their health and life. No matter from clinical diagnosis to surgery, or from medical equipment to treatment concept, all produced vicissitudes. Now, clinical medical skills training are considering a new revolution along with the development of information communication technology and distance medical education, namely computer software and hardware technology,3D graphics image, automatic control and navigation, robot, biochemistry and nuclear technology combined with traditional clinical medicine expedite advanced clinical medical treatment concept, methods, tools and equipment. Although medical equipment increasingly sophisticated, intelligent, efficient and medical systems are also high-speed towards information, digital and networked, but any modern high-quality precision instrument and new treatment technology are unable to substitute the basic clinical diagnosis and practical skills of medical workers. Therefore, how to carry out scientific, standardized, effective basic clinical skills training for medical workers (including reading medical students) has become one of the key for high-quality medical talents training in higher medical education reform, and it is also one very concerned research topic in the field of medical education.
     To the research target, the dissertation explores model and pathways for clinical medical knowledge and skill effective training, designs and implements the platform for supporting distance clinical skills training, based on education internationalization and medical teaching status of basic clinical skills in our medical education, and according to the reality of higher medical personnel training standards and "global medical education minimum basic requirements" and comprehensive utilization of education technology, modern virtual reality, audio and video, multimedia and network computer technology, and combining the requirements for staff and students in the medicine college of Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps of Chinese People's Liberation Army. The actual requirements include clinical theory knowledge, interrogation, physical check-up, routine operation, doctor-patient communication, comprehensive analysis, and severe cases processing. This is also an attempt for the corps modernization and information in education of clinical medicine.
     To the research content, the dissertation emphasis on analyzes the related theory of clinical medical education, clinical medicine situation and future development trend of distance education at home and abroad, and discusses the different learning theory and model:such as Miller pyramid medical model, the practice-based learning and improving (PBLI) theory, situated cognition learning theory, knowledge management theory, cognitive apprentice mode, and collaborative learning theory, etc. Combining network communication, multimedia and modern educational technology and the medical technology, aiming at the characteristics of distance medical education and the corps actual requirement for clinical medical talents, structure a new model for supporting distance training of clinical skills, design and realize the distance clinical skills training platform prototypes based on the new model. Finally, the rationality and effectiveness of model and platform will be examined and evaluated by practical application.
     To the empirical research, the dissertation chose four different cases study and a questionnaire survey to analyze and evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the platform prototype design from different dimensions and perspectives. The validation and evaluation of the case study focus on four main flows of clinical skills training, the clinical knowledge ability examination in two different groups, virtual and real operation simulation result comparison, and clinical anatomy teaching case analysis evaluation. The questionnaire survey focuses on the learner's practical feeling and effect and SPSS 13.0 tools is used for analysis of the questionnaire result. Statistics and analysis results primarily show that clinical skills training model and distance platform design have been achieved the design goal, whether in clinical medicine theory knowledge learning or skills training can well satisfy learners demand.
     Earlier this year, based on actual application and verified, the part achievements of this dissertation studies have been involved in "The Regional Health and Information Construction Planning of Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps" for the next ten years.
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