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E-government has playing a very crucial role as the service platform between national authorities and civil society. With the development of the Internet, the contradiction between the "plentiful quantity" and the "inferior quality" has an harmful effect on e-government development. It is urgent to find a way which can discover the user's internal needs and provide recommenderation information sevice. Personalized recommendation system has become a vital way to solve these problems.
     The construction of personalized information resources is a system engineering work. In order to meet the needs of the e-government development, firstly, a personalized information service system construction method is proposed with a core of portal website, including the object, pattern, target and principle of the system.afer information integrated, the authority management and access control are introduced to enhance system security. Secondly, a unified model is established to describe the integration of information resources and user profile. Thirdly, the data mining methods are used to discover the user interest in the integrated information and the classic collaborative filtering algorithm is improved by the stability degree. Finally, a fuzzy semantic model of personalized recommendation system is proposed, and a kind of fuzzy description logic language is used to implement the model.
     Taking the Portal website of Maritime Administration of Yunnan Province as an example, the proposed personalized e-government system, related models and algorithms were verified. The case showed that the proposed fuzzy semantic personalized recommendation system and methods are practical and feasible, which can provide users with more accurate and personalized recommendation service, and make e-government information resources highly efficient utilized and meet the user's personalized needs.
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