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    性,并具有多蘖、耐旱、高蛋白含量等多种优良特性。黑麦(S.cereale L.,2n=14,
     I+5.95II+0.55ill+0.22IV(xta二9.72),phlb突变体与簇毛麦杂种 F;中部份同
     源染色体配对明显增加。将基因组荧光原位杂交技术GISH)用于杂种 F;u七8,
     ABDV)的染色体配对分析,清晰、直观地揭示出的 基因对小麦与簇毛麦染色
     体部分同源配对具有较强的促进作用,其配对类型和频率分别为 0.98 W(小支)
     -D(簇毛麦),0.11w-W-D,0.02 D-W-D。phlb基因强烈地诱导了小麦剖份 l。Ji
     染色体配对。同时,这一结果也说明簇毛麦中不存在Ph或Ph he基冈。
     常现象。杂种厂自交严重不育。CS X g VjllOSurk F杂种回交结实率为 6.67见
     +肚b之下,山于Ph b基因干扰了杂种厂减数分裂的恢复分裂,(CSph o X
     fi。1”11OSugh‘.的凹交结实率大大降低,只有 0.61%。
     4.尽管杂种 F;回交困难,在含有的 fo组合的回交一代仍然获得了 7株 11C
     (Zn=48-72)植株。在 Zn=72植株根尖细胞有丝分裂 GISH观察中发砚一对小交
     -簇毛麦染色体臂间易位以及一个可能的小片段易位,从而证实利用Phlb 11)”以
     种质材料 ADI 34(Zn二42+Zt)。该材料整个生育期对白粉病免疫,分醛![t盛,成
     穗数较高(平均 7——8个),籽粒蛋白质含量高达 18%,并具有与面包烘烤品质有
     与黑麦染色质的非整倍性三属杂种,附加端体为簇毛麦染色体 6V短臂“VU,
As in most other crops, the genetic variation of cultivated wheat has been eroded
     under modem agricultural system. Narrow genetic background not only makes wheat
     increasingly vulnerable to biotic and abiotic stress, but also limits the further
     improvement of yield and quality. A large of genetic variation in the wild relatives of
     common wheat are useful resources for wheat improvement. D.villosutn (2n=14,VV),
     a wild related species of wheat, possesses attractive traits, such as high resistance to
     powdery mildew, abundant tiller, dough tolerance, high protein content. S.cereale
     (2n=14,RR), another important alien gene donor, possesses many useful
     characteristics including resistance to several wheat diseases and tolerance to
     adverse environment, as well as high yield porential controlled IRS. I R/l B
     translocation lines as important resistant parents have been used in wheat breeding
     successfully. In spite of their resistance loss, wheat breeders still think highly of
     IR/IB lines for their contribution to variety yield and stability. Using many molecular
     cytobiological techniques and genetic methods, The aim of this study was to search
     for the preliminary theory of a new method to transfer alien gene and the possibility
     of direct genetic transfer of genes from D. villosum to wheat using ph lb mutant, as
     well as the development, identification and cytogenetic characteristics of a trigeneric
     hybrid germplasm with useful genes from Tavestivum, D.villosum and S.cereale.
     Results are shown as follows:
     1. The miotic root-tip cells of rye (S. cereale L.) and D. villosum were treated
     under different combinations of Brdu solution concentrations and times for
     culture. Results indicated that chromosomal fragile sites were observed in 9.3%
     cells of rye and appeared on four locations of three rye chromosomes, with
     1.4%, 2.1%, 4.3% and 5.9% respectively, only afler vigor root-tip cells were
     treated with Brdu (5OugIml) for 20-21 h, but were not on D. villosum
     chromosomes under any treatment. This result not only showed that there were
     fragile sites on plant chromosomes, but also suggested that expresstion of
     fragile sites on many rye chromosomes could be related to complicated
     chromosomes translocation in the evolution of rye, and alien gene transfer
     through reak-reunion?could be induced by the expression of chromosome
     fragile sites.
     2. Meiotic chromosome pairing analysis revealed that the average chromosome
     configuration were 2n~2813.55 I +5.95 II +0.55111+0.22 IV (Xta=9.72) and
     2n2826 I +111 (Xta0.48) in CSphIbXD.villosum and CSph X D.villosum
     F1 hybrids respectively,indicating that homoeologous chromosome pairing
     increasing dramatically in PMCs of F1 hybrid involving ph lb. Meiotic GISH
     analysis of Fl hybrids with phlb gene further detected three types of
     chromosome pairing with different frequencies, that is, 0.98 W-D, 0.11 W-W-D
     and 0.02 D-W-D, showing that phlb greatly promoted homoeologous
     chromosome pairing between wheat and D.villosum, but more dramatically
     between wheat genomes. P1db or Phlb-like gene didn't existed in D.villosum,
     3. Many abnormal meiotic phenomena were observed during microsprorogenesis
     of F1 hybrid of wheat and D. villosum. F1 hybrids were self-sterile seriously.
     Decreased backcross seed set of F1 hybrid with phlb, only 0.61%, was due to
     phlb interfering the meiotic restitution division compared to 6.67% of F1
     hybrid without phlb,. Although the backcross
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