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The citizen’s administrative participation means that the citizens directly participate a public administration activity. Currently, there are a lot of research results of this field, the reason is that public administration have meet some challenges, people in public administration practice and theory fields try to reply this challenge with it.
     Traditional theory of the public administration appears with the separate of government and market, politics and administration. But, get into over 20 centuries, the governmental function have unprecedented extended. Not only the boundary of government and market is break and the boundary of politics and administration isn't so explicit either. This variety impacts the traditional public administration theories and caused the rise of the citizen’s administrative participation research.
     The theories standpoint of the researchers' is incompletely consistent. Some researchers studied from the traditional angle of view, think that it can rectify reasonable bureaucrats system; Some researchers then think the representative democracy isn’t the democracy of complete meaning, the citizen’s administrative participation can achieve the value of democracy, are the trend of democracy development. This kind of standpoint actually wants to abandon the reasonable bureaucrats system.
     Still have many places of the shortages to the research of citizen’s administrative participation. First, the public administration reform is the process of value choice. The modern political system is established at the representative democracy and the bureaucrat system, so, inquiry into the citizen’s administrative participation theories has to put it in this frame.
     Therefore have to consider a reasonable bureaucrats system whether exist with continue of rationality, alternate theories can prop up the public administration or not. But this problem is exactly neglect by most researchers. Secondly, while mention Chinese problem, some researchers confused current administration mode and reasonable bureaucrats system. Still had many researchers confuse the differentiation of government and administration, momentarily replace administration by government, momentarily replace an all national organization by government. Because of this confusion, they can't find the source of these problems. Moreover, the researchers' analysis in promoting the objective condition of citizen’s administrative participation in China is also weak.
     This paper tries to makes up this research blank and study concentrative on predicament of citizen’s administrative participation. The paper tries to achieve two targets:
     Through the study of the theories predicament of citizen’s administrative participation on the widespread meaning, analyze the possibility it carries out the value of democracy and replaces the reasonable bureaucrats system.
     Study if the key problem in Chinese public administration can resolve through citizen participation, and what shortages is in promoting the condition of citizen’s administrative participation in China. Locate citizen’s administrative participation in the China public administration reformation.
     I think that speak from the widespread meaning, citizen’s administrative participation theories can't replace the reasonable bureaucrats system. Because it contains the standpoint of democratic administration neglected the different logic of politics and administration, lead the political conflict into administration realm, and damage the value of public administration. Secondly, the citizen’s administrative participation theory doesn’t notice the political failure, but the problem of these political levels can't find out a solution in administration realm. The third, citizen’s administrative participation theories conflicts with other reformation scheme. The end, carry out participation in public administration still has the hard nut to crack of technique.
     China's citizen’s administrative participation has a special real predicament. China is still confronted with scientific decision-making procedures have yet to be established, participation space is limited and civic interest groups to participate in the development of such issues are too much few. These problems make citizen’s administrative participation of the objective conditions inadequate.
     This paper believes that citizen participation's position in China's public administration reform will depend mainly on the following points: in the general sense, if citizen’s participation can realize the values of democracy, the main objective of public administration reform in China, and if conditions in China have matured to promote citizen participation.
     To sum up, the conclusion is, the citizen’s administrative participation can’t realize democratic value, or be unable to replace the democratic and rational bureaucrat's system of representative system, but it is that the rational bureaucrat makes the public administration route a kind of improvement under an excessively ripe condition. Primary goal of China's public administration reform still improves the rational bureaucratic system. Administering according to the laws, improving the administrative efficiency, all of that do not face the rational bureaucratic system which is excessively ripe, so that carrying out the citizen’s administrative participation is not the primary goal of China's public administrative reform.
     But, citizen’s administrative participation is the motive force of the public administration reform. It is the political democracy, the motive force of running the country according to the laws, and the important method of the citizen safeguards one's own right. The condition of pursuing citizen’s administrative participation in China is not ripe yet, so we should improve these insufficiencies which are met in carrying out the citizen’s administrative participation during the administrative reform.
     First, expand the space that citizen in public administration participates in legal; relax the restriction that the citizen starts the legal procedure. Second, make the citizen closer to the authority centre of decision. Third, improve the decision procedure of science, set up the institutionalized route that citizen's administration participates in. Fourth, promote the interest group to develop rationally, enable them speaking on behalf of disadvantaged groups. As long as create the condition only during the reform, the reform could last.
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    ① 有一个耐人寻味的案例,国家环保总局曾就圆明园湖底铺设防身薄膜的事件举行一次座谈会,在回应学者的发言时,有官员称学者所提到的一些法律他们并不清楚。可见,如果此事不进入公众视野,没有社会的压力,很难奢求官员做到依法执政。相关案例见下条注释。
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