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For a long time, people think that life is priceless, so Government, individuals and families should invest human resources, capital and material resources to establish hospitals and other institutions to obtain medical services for the interest of the health The World Health Organization report shows that health care cost per capita is from$485to$900in2000to2009, an annual growth rate is more than6%, government health expenditures per capita increased from$280to$549, increaseing nearly2times. With the increasing global health expenditure, people want to get proper medical services and health. However, the fact is that a large number of medical resources has not translated into the ideal effect of medical services, prevalence of medical mistakes caused by medical malpractice, patients spend a lot of money does not achieve the desired therapeutic effect resulting in a waste of funds and medical equipment, medical staffthe technical differences, the lack of clinical trials and inadequate supervision lead to the waste and inefficient of medical resources.In addition,asymmetric information problems in medical services market such as moral hazard and adverse selection ultimately lead to medical services market failure.
     Therefore, the vast majority of countries in the world through the establishment of the medical security system to interfere with the medical services market, to protect the basic human rights of the people obtaining health. Government faces various problems in the process of intervention, such as unsound management practices, the bribery and fraud resulted in the waste of funds, the lack of professional knowledge of medical technology to perform its regulatory functions, limited government financial resources to run all aspects of the medical security system, etc.. Especially in the growing trend of population aging, on the one hand the problem which "medical treatment is expensive and difficult is not completely resolved, on the other hand, the Governments undertakes much pressure from rising medical expenditure.In this context, we believe that efforts to improve the efficiency of the medical security system can ease the pressure of rising medical expenditure, and can improve the functions of medical market. We selected OECD countries as the object of this study based on the nature and availablity of data. We can learn from the results of previous studies using the two-step method for the study:First, based on the ultimate goal of the medical insurance system is to improve the health level,we use health production efficiency to represent the efficiency of the medical security system.we build health production function, ues the methods of DEA and SFA to measure the efficiency of the medical insurance system. The second step,we construct a panel data model to measure the influencing factors of efficiency of the medical security system.
     The main content of the paper contains four parts:
     The First part is the literature rebiew.The paper introduces the literatures focusing on the following areas:the theory of the relationship between human capital, the fairness of the health service, medical service market failure and the medical security system, the theory and methods of efficiency,the theory of the efficiency of the medical security system.We introduce the theoretical and empirical thesis with great effects in these fields worldwide.
     The seconde part is the international experience.We introduce the typical operation of the medical security system in the OECD countries which can be divided into the regional universal public medical security system, the national medical security system, the legal medical security system and the commeicial medical security system according to four indicators including governments role, public financing on health, out-of-pocket expenditur on health and the medical coverage of low-income and elderly.This paper highlights on the history,operation and feature of the medical security system in Australia,Canada,United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, Japan and United States.
     The Third part is calculating the effciency of the OECD countries by the DEA method and the SFA method, in order to analyze the relationship between the medical security system and the efficiency.We select OECD countries as the object of this study because they have a strong representation because they include both high-income countries such as the United States, Japan, Britain, Germany and low-middle income countries such as Chile, Mexico, Turkey.Forthmore,these countries distributed in Asia, Europe, Oceania, North America and South America. Different medical security system has different funding mechanisms, level of protection, operation and management methods, which result in different economic efficiency,then is there a kind of medical security System in itself will generate higher economic efficiency? We hope that conclude the result through compare the efficiency of diffirent countries.Moreover, we hope that find the Factors affecting the efficiency by empirical analysis based on the panel data model.
     The final part is the policy proposal. Similar to the OECD countries, China also faces the problem of increasing medical expenses, inefficient medical resources and and difficulty for obtaining medical services, so we want to lern some experiences from OECD countries.Additionally,there are many other problems such as different people given different medical treatment, lack of development of the commercial health company and so on. So we put forward some advices on the improvement of medical security system.Of course, this does not mean that we can fully replicate the medical security system in the OECD countries.
1 数据来自2010年世界卫生报告:Ⅹ-Ⅺ页
    1 The Price of excess:identifying waste in healthcare spending.Pricewaterhouse Coopers' Health Rearch Institute,2009,来自http://www.pwc.com/us/en/healthcare/publications/the-price-of-excess.ihtml. accessed7 July 2010
    2 The financila cost of healthcare fraud.European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network,2010,来自 http://www.ehfcn.org/media/documents/the-financial-cost-of-healthcare-fraud-final-(2).pdf.accessed 2 July 2010
    1 《2010年世界卫生组织报告》第Ⅺ页
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    1 来自2000年世界卫生报告第50页
    Health Care Systems Efficiency and Institutions,OECD Publishing,2010(5)
    1 数据来自OECD Health Data 2011
    2 数据来自the World Bank的数据库
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    1 数据来自2012年中国卫生统计年鉴、2010年和2011年中国人力资源与社会保障事业发展统计公报
    1 数据来自国家统计局发布的2010年全国人口普查公报
    1 数据来自2011年中国卫生统计年鉴
    1 数据来自2001-2012年sigma杂志
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