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     (1)小波去噪是信号处理领域中的重要方法,如何确定小波分解层数是一个关键问题。本文针对加性高斯白噪声的情况,提出了基于blockbootstrap进行白化检验确定小波分解层数的新方法。主要包含三个步骤:首先对信号进行小波分解,利用延迟自相关量考察小波系数的相关性;其次,根据每层系数相关性的程度,采用block bootstrap过程或者bootstrap过程对原始的小波系数进行采样产生新的bootstrap样本;最后,由于有用信号和噪声在小波空间上不同的传播特性,对获得的小波系数样本进行白化检验,继而确定合适的分解层数。实验表明,该方法对白噪声污染信号能够获得合适的分解层数和良好的去噪效果。
     (2)小波阈值的选取是小波去噪的另一个关键因素。本文提出了一个基于Advanced False Discovery Rate (AFDR)的多假设检验方法确定小波阈值的新方法,该方法基于对真的原假设数目的估计,选择合适的step wise过程(step-up,step-down,step-up-down)。AFDR过程与标准的FDR过程相比,有两个主要特点:通过减少比较的次数,提高了多假设检验的效率;提高了检验的势。对应的的自适应小波去噪方法主要包含两个步骤,第一,模型在小波域得到更紧凑的表示,第二,根据小波系数本身的特点,选择最合适的FDR过程。仿真数据和实际实验表明,算法能够灵活调整显著性水平的大小并有效去噪,本方法滤波效果与其它经典的滤波技术相比,具有一定的优势。
     (4)提出了基于粒子群相关向量机(Relevance Vector Machines withParticle Swarm Optimization,PSO-RVM)的智能诊断方法,其中粒子群算法用于优化相关向量机核函数的参数,各二值相关向量机按二叉树的组织形式构成系统的诊断模型。实验表明该方法所得模型需要的相关向量个数很少,而且能够得到比较高的诊断精度,适合对实时性要求高的在线诊断系统。另外,针对机械运行最初阶段,往往只有正常状态的样本,到一定阶段后故障样本才逐渐增多,常规故障诊断模型无法进行有效的训练这一问题,本文提出了一个基于蚁群支持向量数据描述(SupportVector Data Description with Ant Colony Optimization,ANT-SVDD)新异类检测和Davies Bouldin指数(Davies Bouldin Index,DBI)K均值聚类方法结合的机械故障诊断框架。首先对正常状态样本建立SVDD模型,并利用蚁群算法对SVDD模型参数进行优化。当拒绝样本数目累积到设定的阈值时,对这些样本利用K均值聚类方法进行处理,获得能够进行标记的类别,其中,K均值聚类的类型数目由Davies Bouldin指数辅助确定。最后,对这些标记出的各类样本,分别建立SVDD模型进行训练,由这些SVDD分类器按照二叉树形式组成对系统状态的完整诊断模型。实验验证了所提算法的有效性。
     (5)提出了汽车起重机智能维护总体框架设计和数据库系统设计,并利用本文所提出的状态监控和故障诊断关键技术,进行汽车起重机主泵基于小波预处理技术的状态监控分析和基于PSO-RVM、ANT-SVDD聚类的智能诊断研究。信号消噪前后的包络谱表明,利用所提出的预处理技术,可以明显改善信号质量,提高状态监控的准确性。针对汽车起重机柱塞泵6种状态,包括正常,轴承内圈故障,滚动体故障,柱塞故障,配流盘故障,斜盘故障,建立PSO-RVM诊断模型,并与后向传播神经网络(Back-Propagation Artificial Neural Network,BP-ANN),蚁群优化神经网络(Ant Colony Optimization Artificial Neural Network,ANT-ANN),相关向量机方法(Relevance Vector Machines,RVM),粒子群支持向量机(Support Vector Machines with Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO-SVM)进行比较。诊断结果表明,PSO-RVM比BP-ANN、ANT-ANN、RVM具有更高的识别精度,与PSO-SVM识别精度相当,分别达到99.17%和99.58%,但是所需相关向量的数目远小于支持向量的个数,每个二分类RVM的相关向量数目是对应SVM的支持向量数目的1/12-1/3。进一步验证了PSO-RVM更适合在线实时监控。利用主泵相同的数据,首先对主泵正常状态建立ANT-SVDD模型,然后对异常样本根据DB指数进行聚类,将由新发现类型样本建立的ANT-SVDD分类器组合进系统诊断模型,实现了主泵新增故障类的智能诊断。
The safety and reliability of equipments during their service life hasarisen increasing attention in group in the industry and customer. Crane is animportant construction machinery to ensure the successful completion ofmany major infrastructural projects. Since the machinery always works in thesevere working condition, it is one of the special machines with the highestaccident rate. Once the key parts break down, the whole equipment may bedestroyed even whole production, the efficiency will be affected and even thecatastrophic accidents will occur. The real-time condition monitoring andon-time fault diagnosis of crane is an effective measure to avoid it unplanneddowntime and ensure safety in production.
     The study of condition monitoring and on line intelligence faultdiagnosis of construction machinery is one of the hot spot. However, it stillhas many challenges, such as the real signal recovery from the contaminatedoriginal signal, the effective features extraction, the establishment of real timefault diagnosis model, and the diagnosis model for the absence of faultcondition samples. This dissertation focuses on the key technology ofcondition monitoring and fault diagnosis of construction machinery, and itsapplication on plunger pump in large truck crane in the complicated workingconditions. The main contents are as follows:
     (1) Due to its good localization and multi-resolution features in thetime-frequency domain, the wavelet transform has been widely used, andvarious signals with different signal to noise ratio (SNR) have correspondingsuitable decomposition levels to obtain effective filtering results. This studydescribes a novel scheme of selecting the appropriate decomposition levelbased on block bootstrap and white noise test. The scheme consists of threemain steps. Firstly, decompose the vibration signal into wavelet domain, andthe correlations between the wavelet coefficients are measured by lag autocorrelations. Secondly, according to the intensity of correlation at eachlevel, either the block bootstrap or general bootstrap procedure is adopted toproduce new pseudo-samples from the original wavelet coefficients series.Finally, as actual signal and noise have different translating characters alongthe levels in wavelet domain, the suitable decomposition level is achievedthrough whitening test on the wavelet coefficients, and the accuracy of thetest is also obtained by the pseudo-samples. The simulation and experimentresults show that the proposed procedure can be used to determine the seemlydecomposition level adaptively and obtain the superior filtering capability forthe signal contaminated with white noise.
     (2) The threshold is another key factor for wavelet denoising. A novelapproach is proposed by using advanced false discovery rate procedure(AFDR). The main idea is based on controlling false discovery rate (FDR)through combination of all three stepwise procedures (step-up, step-down,step-up-down) and estimation of the number of true null hypotheses. TheAFDR procedure differs from the standard FDR procedure in two respects,i.e., enhancing the efficiency by reducing the number of tested hypotheses andimproving the power. The proposed procedure consists of two main steps:firstly, the signal is represented more parsimoniously in wavelet domain;secondly, a most appropriate stepwise FDR procedure is selected according tothe character of wavelet coefficients. Both the numerical simulation resultsand the experimental results show that the proposed approach is a competitiveshrinkage method compared with other popular techniques.
     (3) A novel method based on wavelet leaders multifractal features formachinery fault diagnosis is proposed. The multifractal features, combined byscaling exponents, multifractal spectrum, and log cumulants, are utilized toclassify various fault types and evaluate various fault conditions of rollingelement bearing, and the classification performance of each feature and theircombinations are evaluated. Eight wavelet packet energy features are alsointroduced together with multifractal features. Experiments on11fault datasets of bearing show that a promising classification performance is achieved. At the same time, the experimental results show that the classificationperformance of the classifier trained with eight wavelet packet energy featuresin tandem with multifractal features outperforms that of the classifier trainedonly with wavelet packet energy features, time domain features, ormultifractal features, and it is also superior than that of wavelet packet energyfeatures in tandem with time domain features, or multifractal featurescombined with time domain features. The feature selection method based ondistance evaluation technique is exploited to select the most relevant featuresand discard the redundant features, and therefore the reliability of thediagnosis performance is further improved.
     (4)Promptly and accurately dealing with the equipment breakdown isvery important in terms of reliability and downtime decreasing. A novel faultdiagnosis method based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) and relevancevector machine (RVM) is proposed. The particle swarm optimizationalgorithm is utilized to determine the kernel width parameter of the kernelfunction in RVM, and the two-class RVMs with binary tree architecture aretrained to recognize the condition of mechanism. For multi-fault modesamples, the experiments show that a very sparse diagnosis model is realizedand a promising classification performance is achieved, which is veryappropriate for on-line real-time application. In addition, at the initializationrunning period of the rotating mechanism, the collected samples are alwaysones in the normal condition, and the fault signals only appears after a certainrunning time, so the general fault diagnosis model can not be trainedeffectively. In this paper, a hybrid fault diagnosis scheme for rotatingmechanism is proposed based on ant colony SVDD (Ant-SVDD) and DaviesBouldin index (DBI) K-Cluster method. Firstly, the SVDD model isconstructed for the samples in the normal condition, and the ant colonyalgorithm is utilized to optimize the SVDD parameters. Secondly, when thenumber of rejected samples reaches the given threshold, the K-Cluster methodis employed to classify these samples and the labels is obtained. Furthermore,the number of the classification is determined in accordance with the Davies Bouldin index. Finally, the one class samples are trained with SVDDindividually, and the SVDD classifiers are combined to a complete diagnosismodel based on a binary tree structure. For the multi-fault mode samples ofrolling element bearing, experiments show that a promising classificationperformance is achieved.
     (5) The system architecture and the database system of the intelligentmaintenance are designed for truck crane, and with the proposed keytechnology of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis, the wavelet transformpreprocessing based condition analysis and PSO-RVM, ANT-SVDD clustermethod based intelligent diagnosis for pump in truck crane are realized. Theenvelope of the signal before and after denoising shows that the signal qualitygets a great improvement, which improves the accuracy of conditionmonitoring. The proposed diagnosis methods are employed in the diagnosis ofplunger pump in truck crane. The six states, including normal state, bearinginner race fault, bearing roller fault, plunger wear fault, thrust plate wear fault,and swash plate wear fault, are used to test the classification performance ofthe proposed PSO-RVM model, which compares with the classical models,such as back-propagation artificial neural network (BP ANN), ant colonyoptimization artificial neural network (ANT ANN), relevance vectormachines (RVM), and support vector machines with particle swarmoptimization (PSO-SVM), respectively. The experimental results show thatthe PSO-RVM is superior to the first three classical models, and has acomparable performance to the PSO-SVM, the diagnostic accuracy achievingas high as99.17%and99.58%, respectively. But the needed number ofrelevance vector is far fewer than that of support vector, and the former isabout1/12to1/3of the latter, which indicates that the proposed PSO-SVMmodel is more suitable for applications that requires low complexity andreal-time monitoring. With the same pump data, the ANT-SVDD model isbuilt for the normal state, and then the DBI K-cluster method is employed forthe novelty samples. The ANT-SVDD classifier for the new labeled samplesis constructed and combined into the total diagnosis model. This technology realizes the intelligent diagnosis for the new fault class.
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