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With the development and wider applications of wireless sensor networks, underwater sensor networks are attracting increasing interest from researchers in terrestrial radio-based sensor networks. Underwater sensor network with autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) is a novel network paradigm that is envisioned to enable applications for oceanographic data collection, pollution monitoring, on-shore exploration, disaster prevention, assisted navigation and tactical surveillance applications.
     Although underwater sensor network has a great future, a remarkable character, limited by energy, puzzles all the researchers and it has become the bottleneck. How to save energy, especially to save energy for sending the data, and extend the life of underwater sensor network becomes a hotspot all over the world. Besides, the AUVs’mobility brings a question, which is the efficient communications between AUVs and underwater sensor nodes. In addition, underwater sensor networks channel characteristics, such as low available bandwidth; highly varying multipath, and large propagation delays, restricts the efficiency of underwater sensor networks.
     This paper is proposed to solve the above questions. It first describes the composing、characteristics、applications and design factors of underwater sensor network; Then in chapter two, introduces the current energy efficient protocols for underwater sensor networks. In chapter three, this paper proposes an energy-efficient underwater sensor network model, and emphasizes the forming of cluster and the channel establishing process; Many of the developing underwater applications both commercial and military are now calling for real time communication with AUVs not only in point to point links but also in network configurations. To make these applications viable, there is a need to enable underwater communications among underwater devices. So chapter four analyzes the AUV’s control mechanism and its moving mode, then proposes a energy-efficient routing protocol for real time communications between underwater sensor nodes and AUV, which could track the migrating AUV and forward message to it along the shortest route; Reducing the underwater sensor network’s energy consumption as more as possible is an important problem, so this paper adopts the listen-sleep mode in the underwater sensor network to save more energy, the goal of chapter five is to propose an energy efficiency scheme based on energy-latency-velocity (ELV) for communication between underwater sensor network and AUV in order to analyze its applicability to underwater acoustic channels. Besides, this paper proposes the conception of message delivery rate (MDR); Finally,in chapter six sums up the paper and gives several important works that we will do in the near future.
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