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In recent years, the metal-organic frameworks (Metal-Organic Frameworks,referred to as MOFs) from metal ions and organic ligands became a hot researchfield of functional materials, because of their charming, variety of topology structure,and widely potential applications, such as catalysis, gas storage, selective gasadsorption and separation, optical and magnetic materials. So far, people haveprepared a lot of MOFs. The studies showed that MOFs with specific topologystructures and properties could be designed through choosing appropriate metal ionsand organic ligands.
     Multi-carboxylic ligands, with the strong coordination ability and flexiblecoordination mode, were often chosen as the organic ligands to build MOFs. Most ofprevious ligands were synthesized from non-renewable petroleum, however, ourrosin-based ligands with multiple carboxyl coordination sites were obtained fromnatural rosins by modification, which possessed semi-rigid structures with tricyclicphenanthrene skeleton. And three novel MOFs based on our rosin acid ligands weresynthesized using solvothermal method. The study may lead to expand rosin newapplication areas, and develop new fine chemical products.
     The main research contents were as follows:
     (1) In order to prepare rosin-based MOFs, the acrylpimaric acid andfumaropimaric acid were synthesized, and purified by sodium salt method. Thepurity was more than95%. Their structures were characterized by FT-IR,1H-NMRand melting point determination.
     (2) Two novel MOFs,{[Cd_2(LA)_2(DMF)(H_2O)_(0.5)]·0.5H_2O}_n(1) and[Zn3(LA)_2(μ3-OH)_2]_n(2), were successfully prepared by a solvothermal methodusing acrylpimaric acid (H_2LA)(containing two carboxyl groups) as the ligand andtransition metal salts. The complexes were characterized with single-crystal X-raycrystallography, powder X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis and FT-IR.Single-crystal structure analysis revealed that complex1was a2D layered structureresulting from intermolecular hydrogen bonding of1D chains.1D chains wereconstructed by the butterfly-shaped tetranuclear Cd(Ⅱ) unit (SUB)(with eightconnection) and the bidentate carboxylic acid (with two connection). Thetetranuclear Cd(Ⅱ) unit contained three crystallographic independent Cd(Ⅱ) ions,different from previously reported four nuclear units. The Ligands in complex1showed two different coordination modes:(a) two carboxylate groups were respectively coordinated to two Cd (Ⅱ) ions in a chelated-bridge tridentatecoordination mode;(b) one carboxylate group was coordinated to two Cd(Ⅱ) ions ina bridging bidentate (syn-syn) coordination mode, the other carboxylate grouplinked with two Cd (Ⅱ) ions in a chelated-bridge tridentate coordination mode.Complex2was a2D layered structure constructed by1D chain connecting with thebidentate carboxylic acid.1D chains were built by the butterfly-shaped tetranuclearZn(Ⅱ) unit (with four connection) with a unique ‘zig-zag’ structure. The tetranuclearZn(Ⅱ) unit contained three crystallographic independent Zn(Ⅱ) ions. In complex2,each carboxylate group in the ligand linked with two Zn(Ⅱ) ions by a bridgingbidentate (syn-syn) coordination mode. TGA showed that the frameworks ofcomplexes1and2began to collapse above the temperature370, and373oC,respectively, which exhibited that complexes1and2had good thermal stabilities.Solid-state fluorescence measurements revealed that complex1and2displayedmedium strong emission peaks.
     (3) A novel MOF,{[Cd(H_2LF)_2(H_2O)_2]·10H_2O}_n(3), was successfully preparedby a solvothermal method using fumaropimaric acid (H3LF)(containing threecarboxyl groups) as the ligand and transition metal salt. The complex wascharacterized with single-crystal X-ray crystallography, powder X-ray diffraction,elemental analysis and FT-IR. The Single-crystal structure analysis revealed thatcomplex3was a2D layered structure resulting from intermolecular hydrogenbonding of1D chains.1D chains were constructed by M2(H_2LF~-)_2macrocyclic (SUB)connected each other via Cd(Ⅱ) along the b axis. Specifically, there were a largenumber of water molecules between the1D chains. These water molecules formedone dimensional water chains along the b axis through hydrogen bonding. Incomplex3, the carboxyl groups of the ligand were not fully deprotonated. Thecarboxyl group connected with tertiary carbon atom was not coordinated with Cd(Ⅱ),the other two carboxyl groups coordinated to Cd(Ⅱ) ions in monodentate andchelating bidentate coordination modes, respectively. TGA showed that theframework of complex3began to collapse above the temperature of355oC, had goodthermal stability. The solid-state fluorescence measurements showed that thecomplex3displayed medium strong emission peak.
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