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    1. L-band EDFA的理论分析与实验研究
    分析了L-band EDFA的增益特性;使用数值计算方法做了小信号增益特性模拟,从而理论上证明了L-band EDFA增益的本征平坦特性;进行了L-band EDFA的实验研究,获得了提高泵浦转换效率的预期结果。
    2. 增益平坦EDFA的实验研究
    利用光纤环形镜(FLM)和长周期光纤光栅(LPFG)做增益平坦滤波器进行了C-band EDFA增益平坦实验,在30nm波长范围内分别获得约20dB的增益,增益变化小于±0.9dB;对不同EDF长度的L-band EDFA增益特性进行了数值模拟和实验研究;用F-P滤波器对L-band EDFA的平坦ASE谱进行梳状滤波,在L-band 30nm带宽内获得多波长ASE光谱;采用串联结构进行C+L宽带EDFA实验,平坦增益带宽达70nm。
    3. 可调谐光纤激光器的实验研究
    4. 光纤喇曼放大器(FRA)的设计研究
This work comes from the Key Program of Tianjin Science and Technology Development Plan (2003), i.e. ‘Development of wideband tunable fiber lasers for communication application’. The contents of the fundamental work related to this program are as follows:
    1. Theoretic analysis and experimental research of L-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)
    Analysis of gain characteristic of L-band EDFA; Simulation of gain characteristic in small signal condition using numerical computation, which theoretically verified the intrinsic flat gain characteristic of L-band EDFA; Experimental research of L-band EDFA, achieving expected results of improved pump efficiency
    2. Experimental research of EDFA gain flatness
    Experimenting on gain flatness issue of C-band EDFA employing a fiber loop mirror (FLM) and a long period fiber grating (LPFG) respectively and both achieving average gain about 20dB and variation less than ±0.9dB in a range of 30nm; numerical and experimental research of L-band EDFA gain characteristic with different EDF lengths; comb-like filtering of L-band flattened ASE spectrum using a F-P filter and acquiring a multi-wavelength ASE source of 30nm wide; Experimenting with series structure C+L band EDFA and achieving a flattened gain as wide as 70nm.
    3. Experimental research of tunable fiber laser
    Experimenting with C-band tunable erbium-doped fibers (EDFLs) using filters based on fiber loop mirror (FLM), wedge thin-film F-P and angle tuning thin-film F-P, achieving line-width of 0.8nm, 0.1nm and 0.1nm respectively. Experimenting with L-band tunable EDFL using a conventional FLM, achieving tunable range about 40nm and line-width of 0.8nm; compressing line-width using compound filters based on Lyot and Solc type FLMs, achieving tunable laser output with line-width<0.1nm in a range of 40nm. Experimenting with C+L band EDFL
    applying conventional FLMs, achieving tunable range of 60nm and line-width of 0.8nm.
    4. Research of fiber Raman amplifier (FRA) design
    Study and discussion of FRA’s amplification characteristics; theoretically analysis of effects of employing distributed FRAs on improving system performance; Analysis of gain flatness of multi-wavelength pumped FRA and optimization of FRA+EDFA wide band amplifier design.
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