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For both Buluoto and Panhu are the most representative fables in Zhuang nationality and Mianyao . Thousands years ago, the two fables were created on the need of economic culture of the ethnic groups. With the nourish of sorcery cultures, they had become the basic narrations of ethical doctrine, providing the theories and ideas support for the religions. Therefore, there are many similararities in Buluoto fable and Panhu fable in foundation of transmitting and being accepted ( readers), influence( function of text ) and deducing direction. Also both Buluoto fable and Panhu fable used to spread widely in the two nationalities. However, after collision and communications of Zhongyuan culture and the two nationalities’sorcery cultures for more than 2000 years, people find that great changes have taken place in spreading and accepting of the two fables. Panhu fable is still being well transmitted and accepted through religion, customs and dress, etc. On the contrary, nowadays few Zhuang people who even in the areas where this fable used to be spreaded and accepted well know about Buluoto fable. This text holds that the main reasons of the result is due to the fact that diversified culture coexisting and developing without basic essence changed, the two kinds of different cultures development method. What’s more, the two development methods were inseparable with given social history, concept of value, the culture root of Zhuang and Mianyao ethnicity. It also hold that diversified culture coexisting and developing without basic essence changed are the two representative attitudes and ways of ethnical culture intercourse, each of these has its strong point. In culture globalizing trend, it would be helpful to search for a right way to accelerate our culture development and preserve its idiosyncracy by chewing about them.
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