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This paper studies the use of space and location questions the relevance of theories and methods, on the premises of the Pre-Qin place, spacial expression, spatial phrases, location verbs and location preposition inspected in detail, on this basis with the parties and other issues related to sentence for further discussion. Thesis grammar belong to Chinese history dating study, the whole thesis is a "description - explain" the course of the study.
     The full text of a total of five chapters, about 140,000 words.
     Thesis of the Preface are part of the first chapter, this part of the first section of the Chinese space and location of the problem and the pre-Qin Chinese space and location research questions were introduced, and the significance of the research projects described. Section II are mainly involved in research-related issues, including research subjects and scope of instructions and symbols indicate corpus. Section III set out the steps of the research thesis and research methods.
     Expression of both parties with the terms related with the verb, preposition relevant. Simple noun or a simple verb, preposition that can not be completely expressed by the parties, and only combine the two in order to better understand the space and location. Pre-Qin Chinese space and location by the expression of the same. With the terms expressed by the relevant parties involved in place, spacial expression, spatial phrases; with verbs, prepositions related party involving the expression of location verbs and location preposition. These elements, at our Chapters II and III made a detailed analysis and description.
     Chapter II discussed with our terms expressed by the relevant parties, including the place, spacial expression, spatial phrases etc. Place can do object of the location verbs and location preposition that case happened, things exist and things tend to have a space area of the noun or pronoun characteristics, cognitive psychology are "intended as" the "backing", usually express the relative static and immovable things. Pre-Qin Place are divided into the premises it means the words and said the word on behalf of the two types of premises. It refers to are indeed the word of the premises has the meaning of the term, specific and post-secondary and non-professionals were divided. Professionals who have the country names, place names, town names, mountain, water, etc.; non-exclusive, including the name of palace architecture, mountain, water, territory, and so on. Pre-Qin Chinese actually refers to the word of the premises were the premises of post-secondary words and non-exclusive premises of the words with similar syntactic function, but similar does not mean the same. Pre-Qin Chinese professionals mainly for object, attribute, subject and complement; non-exclusive premises of the word can be object, attribute, subject, complement and adverbial, adverbial is designed to make the word of the premises do not have syntactic features.
     When the premises for the subject and attributive words, the premises just was not obvious, we are usually unable to determine that they are not the premises. Said premises on behalf of the word refers to the premises of the pronoun form, we are also called pronoun premises. Premises, including two types of pronouns:Pronouns and Demonstrative Pronouns. Table premises mainly demonstrative pronoun "此", "是", "之", "斯", "之", "彼", such pronouns are not specialized form of premises; Pronouns main "恶", "安" ,"焉", "何", "曷", "奚", "胡",於", "爰" .Among them, "恶", "安" ,"焉" is mainly used to asked about the premises; ""何", "曷", "奚", "胡" non-specialized form of premises;於", "爰" is not commonly used. "诗经" asked to have a premises "于以", "于以" not only asked about the premises, can also be asked about the instrument. "于以" semantic is "于何以何" omission, but in order to meet the "诗经" rhythm required only once a together. As the place table or instrument table, depending on subsequent A sentence may be.
     Azimuth direction or express words are things the relative position of the word. Pre-Qin Chinese spacial expression can be used alone, but also can be used in other word or phrase behind, have some of the attached. Pre-Qin Chinese spacial expression, including simple directions and synthetic speech two types of bearings, and the number of each category is limited. Simple directions from one-syllable words are composed of word direction, the pre-Qin Chinese simply position the main word there is "east, west, south, north, before, after, left, right, up, down, inside and outside, middle, the side next to" 16, concrete is divided into single-table and table space and the space, time, two types of abstract scope. Single-sheet position of the word space in this category only with the noun phrase constitutes a spatial position of the phrase table, there are "East, West, North and South," "left, right," "side, next to." And table space, time, abstract the scope of this type of simple azimuth direction Phrases Words can not only table space can also be table time, the scope of the abstract, as that depends largely on what kind of position in front of the word composition, the main word in this category there is "up and down", "inside and outside," "before and after," "Medium, Inter." Pre-Qin Place serve as a simple sentence elements position, the most common are for attributive and adverbial, can also serve as object and predicate , for the subject and the complement of a relatively small number. Synthesis azimuth two-syllable words are posed by the position of the word, the pre-Qin Chinese synthetic azimuth degree of vocabulary words are different, can be divided into once a specific, add after "方", the former add "正", "少", the former add "以","之" several categories. Pre-Qin Chinese, mainly used for synthesis of azimuth word attributive, adverbial, object, subject, predicate for the use case less, it is difficult to see the situation for the complement.
     Place and spacial expression used together constitute a position, the position of the pre-Qin period main two categories are "place + spacial expression", this type of position again Phrases can be divided into three specific categories: place + spacial expression; place +之+ spacial expression; place +以+ spacial expression. The category mainly for orientation Phrases complement, adverbial, object, subject and attribute, can not be predicate. The other is "spacial expression + place " mainly "medium + place ", such usage in Chinese history is a very special situation grammar. Appear at the end of the sentence of "medium + noun" rhyme from the perspective of interpretation, however, the perspective of the interpretation of rhyme must have are the limitations, there are a lot of "medium + noun" is on the end of non-sentence. We believe that the position of the pre-Qin period the word "Medium" is not the emergence of grammar on the requirements, but also did not provide much of the semantic content, it is natural that they will not be on grammar and semantic constraints, it constitutes a noun phrase position, word order also very flexible and can appear in the term before the term can also appear in the post. Semantic up, "noun + medium " = "medium + noun."
     Pre-Qin Chinese, refers to all the people associated with them, and material usage, we call the space and location of the allegations. Space and location Metonymic allegations, including allegations of alleged and culture. The pre-Qin period, "the first step," "Majesty", "left and right" through "metonymy" means associated with the alleged person. Cultural allegations are referring to because of cultural reasons, the expression space and location of the word to refer to other elements of the pre-Qin period, spacial expression "East" has to mean "Spring" usage.
     Chapter III of us with a verb, preposition expressed by the relevant parties, including location verbs and location preposition. Location verbs means the requirements of the verb with a space and location of the argument for the object of a verb, belong to the transitive verb syntax. Verb bring the premises in accordance with the different semantic object, we will be divided into location verbs exist, arrive, "cis, along the" trend and direction of several categories. Pre-Qin period, the premises after the verb object directly with the premises, but the pre-Qin Chinese verbs can have a number of premises belt "in the (in) + premises Object", and semantically equivalent to "location verbs + object." We believe that, although the premises of the object express the same semantic role, but do not add add "in the (in)" express different semantic relations. Premises before the object does not add "in the (in)" express the premises and the premises verb close relationship with the semantic object, while the premises before the object "in (to)," said the two semantic relations were relatively loose in order to distinguish between these two different semantic relations, so there are two different kinds of usage. In addition, the rhythm on the requirements of syntax, economic principles of language are also relevant in this situation grammar. Location preposition are premises primer-mediated component of prepositions, the Pre-Qin Chinese location preposition mainly mediated primer acts thing or action is located, and from, by, in the final analysis point. Where mainly“于(於)”、“乎”、“自”、“从”、“道”; by from the main there is“自”、“从”、“由”、“于(於)”、“乎”、“道”、“以”; by the main there is“自”、“从”、“于(於)”; attributed point, there are“于(於)”、“在”、“乎”. Pre-Qin Chinese location preposition with the following characteristics: 1, premises development preposition main premises are the grammar of the verb, and every degree of premises nor grammar preposition; 2, the premises are mainly distributed in the two prepositions Location: before the verb and verb after, and the distribution of the verb at the premises after the preposition in larger quantities and higher frequency of use; 3, the relationship between synonymous preposition more premises, the premises, many prepositions can be one level more common; 4, the premises could object of preposition in advance.
     Pre-Qin Chinese prepositional phrases different premises has a different word order, we think this is the "abstract principle" and "the principle of copying " common work results.“于”、“於”、“乎”and L constitute a prepositional phrase on the premises after the verb, mainly "abstract principles" play a role, in order to pursue the language of symbols and tidy. "于(於) + L" is located in front of the verb usage, very few use cases, are a temporary phenomenon Pragmatics. Can only be located in front of the verb "location preposition + L" is used to express the main action where the starting point and through, and there is no express end of the usage of action, it is consistent with "the principle of chronological order."自+ L" can be located before the verb can also be located after the verb is "abstract principle" and "the principle of copying" common work results. "自+ L" Word Order Change are the requirements of pragmatics, this request is in order to emphasize the focus and seek a flexible and rhyming sentences.
     Pre-Qin period, complement the premises, the premises, between the object and adverbial premises close contact, all of them and express things, actions relating to the premises, but the difference between each other is existing, and this distinction with location verbs and location preposition also there is a certain relationship. Complement verbs used in the premises after the conduct of actions to add notes; premises object can only be used after the verb in the premises, the premises are the premises of the verb dominant element; premises adverbials in the verb before, including for Jiebin Phrases for adverbials adverbials and noun two types of movement and restrictions on behavior modification.
     Chapter IV with the space and location of the sentence related research. Pre-Qin period, and side-related sentence, including common and special Sentence. Common sentence refers to the pre-Qin literature there is substantial use case, a higher frequency of occurrence, has become one of the basic syntactic rules of the sentence. Common sentence patterns in the major components of word order has been basically stereotypes, these basic word order in a large extent, confirms the Chinese mainly SVO language. Patterns special at the pre-Qin literature are rarely used cases, frequency of occurrence is very low, both syntax and pragmatics mandatory part of the requirements part of the sentence. With the pre-Qin period compared to the other sentence, sentence exist, sentence "所", passive "于(於)+ L" relatively unique, so we put them as cases to study. The existence of pre-Qin Chinese sentence include "有/无" words, "在" words, as well as some other unmarked sentence exist, and exist in modern Chinese sentence difference is that the Pre-existence of the function of the main sentence are narrative rather than descriptive. "所" in the words "有所VP /无所VP" is the verb "有/无" and the form of alleged "所VP" consisting of verb-object structure, this sentence is "所" justice of the basic premises on the development of up. "于(於) + L" is the passive form, required for their transformation, transform the premise that L must be homogeneous, when L when viewed doer, the "于(於)+ L" are passive.
     Chapter V Conclusion of the thesis are. First, the full text of summing up the article to further clarify the context; Second, the study pointed out the inadequacies and the need for further reflection.
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