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     To know the clinical therapeutic effects ,security and the influence on Atrialnatriuretic peptide made by using huxinjiaonang and low dose of amiodaronein the clinical study on treating patients with atrial fibrillation.Methods:
     60 patients with atrial fibrillation were divided into 2 group at random by the single blind method. Each group contains 30 cases. The control group took the amiodarone in the routine method;while the treatment group took both huxinjiaonao and low dose of amiodarone.The Course of treatment was 3 month.After the treatment I assayed the patients' blood Atrial natriuretic peptide and recorded the condition of the atrial fibrillation changing into sinus rhythm,at last draw the conclusion.
     (1)Three month after the treatment the effective rate of the treatment group was 80% ,while the control group was 66%,and the,well-healed rate on the treatment group was 93.3%,while the contol group was 76.6%, so the clinical effects of the treatment was better than that of the control group(P<0.05).
     (2) Before treatment the blood atrial natriuretic peptide in both groups when the atrial fibrillation emerged had no significant differences(P > 0.05),but three months after the treatment the blood atrial natriuretic in both groups decreased and the treatment group had much less atrial natriuretic peptide than the control group(P<0.05).
     (1)Huxinjiaonang was a safe remedy in treating the patients with atrial fibrillation.
     (2)Using Huxinjiaonang and low dose of amiodarone was better in treating the patients with atrial fibrillation than using amiodarone only. Huxinjiaonang and amiodarone had the effects of synergism.
     (3)Huxingjiaonang can discrease the blood atrial natriuretic peptide of thepatients with atrial fibrillation.
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