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Today, in the world's ever-changing political and economic environment, with the rapid development of science and technology, enterprises must adapt to change themselves and make scientific and right decision in order to survive and develop. The decision-making activities has always been a basic activity throughout the management process. The problem of how to make rational decision exists in all of the enterprise various management functions. This paper takes systematic methodology as a guide to study some key technologies in complex production system decision-making. The research involves a wide range of diagnosis of complex problem, tactical optimization decision-making, group decision-making on strategic level, technical support for man-machine intelligent system and so on.
     Production-operation system is a large complex system that involves the intersection and integration of multiple disciplines. Therefore this paper summarizes the system methodology and the system of systematic science, and specially the status quo of diagnosing & decision-making, comprehensive integration approach for a complex system. On this basis, it gives the decision-making process of production-operation system, and highlights the main issues that should be studied. The core idea of this paper is that playing collective wisdom, exerting integrated qualitative and quantitative factors from the two angles of system approach and related knowledge work. It proposes general ideas of corresponding decision-making and builds a framework for decision-making process.
     Problem identification and diagnosis is the basis of good decision-making. On the basis of defination and classification of the‘problem’in production system, it establishes hierarchical model of problem identification. It sums up the method of excavating the‘problem’when facing different "problem structure" and the different interest groups. The paper discusses the semi-structured and unstructured‘problem diagnostic techniques’respectively. In particular, for the shortcomings of "Soft Systems Methodology Model", it proposes methods amendments, gives the analytical model and designs analysis steps and methods. Handling two corresponding types of cases to the two types of problems has received good results.
     As the level of cognitive rising, some uncertain type, non-structural decision-making problems can be changed from qualitative to quantitative decision-making. On the tactical decision-making level of production and management system, it solves the difficult of build quantitative models to optimize the decision-making due to the presence of time-delay factor. It creatively completed the following work:①for time-delay factor of the production system, it establishes a hierarchical model based on‘related prediction’of large scale system and disperses complexity of the system.②To solve problems of time-delay production system, it proposes dynamic programming based on“principle of optimality conditions”. It uses differential dynamic programming to solve the "curse of dimensionality" of dynamic programming and proves convergence of the algorithm.③The paper uses it to solve the problems of optimal coordination and production scheduling among multi-process in a factory. The simulation shows that a great energy-saving effect is achieved, and the validity of the method is proved.
     Complex strategic decision-making problems often require a few persons participating in decisions-making together. The paper studies group decision-making problems of complex production systems; and gives group decision-making process models based on the analysis of characteristics of group decision-making. Then it studies the factors that influence effectiveness of group decision-making, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures from the viewpoint of decision-maker’s behavior, role, and rules of group decision-making. It also studies knowledge interaction and collaboration strategies during group decision-making; and discusses killer-loop exists in decision-making. Through the engineering practice, it summarizes some of the ways to eliminate killer-loop. Finally, the paper studies impact of group decision-making communication’s technical environment and means. Experiment and statistical analysis results in effective ways to improve efficiency, which gives corresponding data.
     Considering every phase of decision-making within the production-operation system, knowledge is a must-be brace. Problem diagnosis and strategic decision could not be made without man-machine system. Thus, this paper studies the natural language understanding and diagnostic reasoning techniques in the field of engineering. Aims to those two problems:①this study proposes a layered expressed model of related objects with combinatorial matches. The constant, the characteristic constant and the variable was unified within the morphology characteristic labeling, in order to handle hierarchically when match searching which considering the rules of accuracy and the coverage;②based on this model, the paper proposes the method of segmentation- combination and rule scheduling, and the plan of access to affluent translation by translation rules;③when the rule’s match searching, it proposes a hierarchical intelligence researching method using a closed loop to eliminate the law decoupling which has proven to be rigorous. This method has avoided the massive recollections and the memory occupation during the search, as well as the problem of“combination explosion”.
     Finally, it makes comprehensive applied research on the theories and methods in this paper. It makes a technology systems strategic planning for an industry group and designs the whole process of the strategic decision-making. Through reasonable system disassembling, variety of group discussion ways, qualitative and quantitative methods, the paper effectively solves the cross-industry knowledge transfer, integration problems and reached agreement. It gives the prospects of the development of various products and points out the direction of development.
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