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With the rise of the knowledge-based economy, knowledge is gradually replaced by financial capital and natural resources, has become the most important factor of production. Determines the level of knowledge management organizations can achieve in a competitive value-added knowledge capital and, ultimately, enhance the core competitiveness of organizations. As the basis and core of knowledge management, knowledge transfer is the other step to achieve the prerequisite. Only through inter-organizational knowledge transfer, organization of knowledge in order to promote efficient management, achieving organizational value and competitiveness of the economy.
     In today's era of rapid economic development, production and operation of transnational corporations as a vector of globalization, the international technology transfer, as well as the main carrier of an important channel for foreign direct investment, more and become the engine of global economic development. On the competitive advantage of multinational companies from the initial size of the assets of the advantages and advantages of the transaction are into the gathering of knowledge, innovation and transfer. Business knowledge as the fundamental source of competitive advantage, its parent company in the multinational companies with overseas subsidiaries within an effective transfer of multinational corporations in an increasingly fierce global competition, the key to remain unbeaten. With the increasingly global economic environment showing a dynamic, complex and the characteristics of uncertainty, multinational companies will pay greater attention to knowledge within the multinational corporations in the effective transfer and integration, at the same time, the world of modern information economy and the rapid development of communication technology, within multinational corporations as well as the effective transfer of knowledge to create the conditions.
     Impact on the success of knowledge transfer within multinational companies a number of factors, from a sociological perspective, social capital and social relations with the network description of economic activity has become the economic and social phenomena to understand an important foundation. Social capital through corporate access to and use of resources in order to reduce transaction costs to affect corporate performance. At the same time, a lot of multinational corporations as a result of its internal network system, as well as the geographical span of the great have been the growing number of scholars as a huge internal social systems, its internal complexity of complex social relations, staggered layers. Therefore, to the knowledge transfer within multinational companies for the study, through structural dimension, the dimension and cognitive dimension of the relationship between social capital and so on to verify the measurement of different dimensions of social capital in the context of how they affect cross-border dimension to the overseas parent company a subsidiary of the performance of internal knowledge transfer.
     In the past, knowledge transfer within multinational corporations in the literature, some scholars consider a number of social capital on the performance of internal knowledge transfer, but they are taken into account only the distance around the organization, external factors such as geographical disparities were discussed, and no between parent and subsidiary companies substantive discussion of the impact of the factors. In conclusion, this study will be based on corporate social capital theory to study the formation of cross-border inter-company parent of social capital on knowledge transfer performance of the internal mechanism of action.
     Clear background in the study and research topic, the paper the theory of multinational companies, multinational corporations theory of internal knowledge transfer and social capital theory and other theories related to the basis of detailed analysis and study, the study of transnational corporations in the parent and subsidiary social capital on knowledge transfer performance of the internal mechanism of the four sub-questions:
     1. The division of social capital variables and the interaction between variables
     2. Social capital variables between parent and subsidiary companies of transnational transfer of internal knowledge of the impact of performance
     3. The transfer of the mother's willingness to accept the will of subsidiaries of the impact of knowledge transfer performance
     4. In the social capital variables on the impact of the performance of knowledge transfer, the subsidiary general manager of the nationality of the adjustment effect
     Summary of some of the theoretical knowledge base of multinational companies view the theory of knowledge transfer and multinational corporations to form a systematic theory of the recall, first of all pointed out the theoretical basis of transnational corporations; followed by the traditional theory of knowledge transfer perspective of multinational companies into knowledge transfer the perspective of transnational corporations as an effective vector for knowledge transfer raison; At the same time, this article sets out the current analysis of knowledge transfer within multinational corporations several classic model of the theory in this study as the starting point and reference. The meaning of social capital literature and the dimension is part of one of the elements of the.
     Second, transnational corporations in the existing basis of the theory of knowledge transfer, the study summed up the potential of transnational corporations knowledge transfer, knowledge transfer between parent and subsidiary companies, as well as the characteristics of social capital based on the perspective of transnational corporations under the existing research knowledge transfer theory, existing research which points out the inadequacies;
     Transnational corporations in the full analysis of theory, theory of knowledge transfer, social capital theory and the theory of social capital-based transnational corporations under the characteristics of internal knowledge transfer, this study of social capital between the parent and subsidiary company of the transnational transfer of internal knowledge of the impact of research performance conceptual model. Social capital on cross-border intra-company knowledge transfer mother and the impact of the performance of the conceptual model of study consists of three levels:1) antecedent variables:the internal knowledge transfer in the three dimensions of social capital; 2) the intermediary variables: between parent and subsidiary companies to send and wishes to receive, as well as 3) the results and adjust variables:a subsidiary of knowledge transfer performance and general manager of the nationality of a subsidiary. This study integrated research on the basis of the mother against the multinational companies of the characteristics of knowledge transfer will be measuring the impact of factors of social capital into the property rights structure (structural capital), cross-cultural differences (knowledge capital), and responsibilities and agree flu (relational capital), these three factors are very precise integration between parent and subsidiary companies of multinational companies and the characteristics of this study is a major innovation.
     Social capital through cross-border intra-company knowledge transfer mother and the impact of research on the performance of the design and issuance of questionnaires, the study of more than 300 subsidiaries of multinational corporations in China to carry out empirical research and data collected through research methods such as structural equation factors affecting the performance of knowledge transfer and thus the main point of view this study provide the necessary empirical basis.
     In this study, through the establishment of a complete analysis of the theoretical framework of social capital based on the internal angle between parent and subsidiary companies of transnational corporations knowledge transfer performance of the internal factors, especially between mother and son in this article for the multinational capital dimensions of specific social factors selected to fill the impact of social capital for knowledge transfer within multinational theory and evidence on the missing, has enriched the study of multinational companies influencing factors of internal knowledge transfer literature. Therefore, the results of this study not only the development of knowledge transfer theory of multinational corporations, but also for those who want to top the list of advanced Chinese enterprises in the international arena to improve the competitiveness of the provision of the necessary theoretical basis and practical guidance.
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