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With the development of economic globalization and networking, customers' demand is diversificated and individuated increasingly, and the life cycle of production is shorten gradually.As the same time,many competitors adopting the simulation stratege come forth,which is affecting the profits of the enterprises greatly. Accordingly, the traditional massive production fashion with volume-produce and single-function can not meet market demands with rapid changes. Enterprises must put up organizational changes.As a new organization pattern of enterprise, virtual enterprise(VE) is able to help the core enterprise maintain the core competence of itself, share more information and resource in the society,and catch hold of market opportunity.
     Virtual enterprises are set up under the generation of market opportunities, and disaggregate with the disappearance of market opportunities.VE has the characteristic of strong life cycle. Many taches can influence the length of VE life cycle, such as partner selection, tasks distribution, interest coordination, information communication and risks management, If we can not manage these taches well, these taches can make the termination of VE whenever.Therefore the market opportunities will not be realized. Some key taches of VE's life cycle are special studied in this article, which can provide the basic theories and methods for the operation of VE.Main content of this article as follow:
     At first, this article analysis the complexity and life cycle of virtual enterprise. Based on characteristics of virtual enterprises, this article presents frame system of VE, analysis complexity of VE, carve up life cycle of VE, defintude tasks and aims of VE, and sum up the reseach system facing the life cycle of VE.
     Aiming at the character of Uncontinuity and Discrete state space distribution in VE, isomerism character of VE is discussed in this article.Using Ontology, this paper introduces concepts of state function space and state function, and presents a model of virtual enterprises that is based on state function eigenvectors "Dimension-Layer-Attribute"(DLA model). Using DLA model, the paper constructs semantic description and map of virtual enterprise system.
     Select policy of partner in organization phase of VE is one of the most important elements for the success of VE that. With game theory, essence of cooperative and the concept of VE broker is advanced. This article constitutes partner selection model based broker of VE, making up the evaluation index system of VE partner. Index weight is computed by triangular fuzzy number and AHP.This article introduces the process of fuzzy optimization of VE partners by deviation degree and makes the number decision with cost analysis.
     Against demands of task allocation in the procession phase of VE based on the analysis of realization targets and restriction conditions of task allocation, this article constructs multi-objects model of task allocation. An improved genetic algorithm, which is named adaptive pseudo-parallel genetic algorithm, is proposed to solve the model avoiding the early maturity and quickening the convergence speed. Simulation experiments proved that the proposed algorithm is effective.
     Virtual enterprises will be impacted by the interferences and effects from the internal and external of it. We must enhance risk management of VE in order to avoid disaggregation at any moment. According to basic flow of risk management, this article brings forward types and occasion of internal and external risks of VE, consititutes the risk matrix of VE. In order to confirm the size of total risk in VE, multistage fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is advanced in this paper. At last, this article brings forward measures to keep away risks of VE with fundamentality analysis about risks.
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