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     定义 0.1(ⅰ)称u(x,t)是Schr(?)dinger方程的Cauchy问题(1.4)或热传导方程的Cauchy问题(1.5)的自相似解,如果(ⅱ)称u(x,t)是波方程的Cauchy问题(1.6)的自相似解,如果研究自相似解的经典方法是通过求解椭圆型方程的解来实现的。例如,就热传导方程
     (1 .10)
    的解,则试二,约=。一去v(t一告幻是(l .9)的自相似解.其中称v是。的波阵面.当。=1时,
    常微分方程(1 .10)相对来说容易研究;当n全2时,通过椭圆方程(例如(1.10))来求解自相
     二(x,0)二。。(x),(1 .11)
     “‘+A”=F(“),。(o)=必(二),价cX,(1 .12)
    (1 .13)
    方程而言,x=H‘(R勺,。cR;对热传导方程而言,X=H”,3〔R,1    到非线性问题时,已有的结果表明,当X是临界或次临界空间时,间题(1.12)或(1.13)在
     11。。(x)11方。。.;=11入誉。。(*x)l!方二。.p,v入>o,vi<;     l}。。(x)11方:。=11*荟。。(入x)日户。。,v入>o,
    (1 .14)
    (1 .15)
    下面仅验证(l .14)不成立.事实上由公。(劫二。圈卜“可知
    因此经典的结果不能用于形如二。(:)=}:}一景的cauchy间题(l .4),(l .5)的研究.为此需将
    (1 .16)
    t月(,,,)}}。(x。t)}}方。,,    中的存在唯一性,从而当初始函数。。(x)同时满足
In this dissertation, we use the tool of harmonic analysis to study the problem of self-similar solution and low regularity of wave and dispersive wave equations.
    In Chapter 2, Chapter 3, we establish the generalized well-posedness of the Cauchy problem of complex Ginzberg-Landau(CGL) equation, which includes the self-similar solutions. Furthermore, we also prove the self-similar solutions to a group of CGL equations converge to the self-similar solution to the limiting equation under suitable conditions.
    In Chapter 4, we give the new nonlinear estimates in spaces of Besov type. Using the estimates, we prove the global well-posedness of Schr dinger equation with general nonlinear term. This extends the known well-poseness results.
    In Chapter 5, we study the self-similar solution of nonlinear wave equation. By using the nonlinear estimate in Chapter 4 together with the Strichartz estimates of linear wave equation, we prove the global well-posedness of the self-similar solution of the wave equation with general nonlinear term.
    In Chapter 6, the Cauchy problem of Schr(?)dinger equation with the initial data possessing infinite L2 norm is considered. Using the method introduced by Bourgain, we prove the Cauchy problem of Schr(?)dinger equation is global well-posed for a class of initial data as the above. Since the global well-posedness of Schr(?)dinger equation in Hs, s < 0 has never been obtained to our best knowledge, our result is an improvement in some sense.
    In Chapter 7, we consider the global well-posedness of two dimensional Schr(?)dinger-Boussinesq coupled system when the initial data belong to Hs, 0 < s < 1. We show the solution is globally wellposed when s > 8/(11), and is locally wellposed when s > -1/4.
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