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The complex system of the stratiform and embedded convective percipitation is a main rainfall source over Beijing and adjacent regions one of the main weather systems over northeastern China. Observation shows that the complex system of stratiform and embedded convective percipitation has its own unique thermal and dynamic structure, the precipitation process has its own characteristics The studies of this type of cloud and precipitation are very useful to enhance the forecasting level, and also helpful to support the research and operation of weather modification.
     This paper conclude four parts: first part gives the review of The complex system of the stratiform clouds and embedded convective clouds, and point out the urgent issues to be solved. Then, the second part gives an introduce of the WRF-ARW model, especially the cumulus parameterization scheme and microphysics parameterization scheme. Basing on the issues mentioned in the first part, the third part shows a thermo-dynamic structure and microphysical characteristics study on one case of a complex system of the stratiform and embedded convective percipitation on September, 28, 2007, and forth part shows the other study on the case on October,4,2008. Both the two cases are analyzed by using encrypt ground-observing data, radar data, satellite data, and real simulation results from WRF-ARW, and sensitivity experiments about ice-phase microphysical processes are also applied to the two cases.
     The main results shows that, the clouds are weakened by the shear line, the formation of stratiform cloud development. It is also reveals that the complex of stratiform clouds and embedded convective clouds is not only the complex of clouds with different shapes, but also the complex of different microphysical processes. And the large-scale convergence on the middle level and the corresponding uniform updraft develop the stratiform clouds, while the dramatic fluctuations of updraft lead to embedded convective clouds, which may be conducted by conditional symmetric instability. The ice phase microphysical processes make the complex system of the stratiform and embedded convective precipitation a long life.
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