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Teaching visualization and visualization have their inherent advantages to become the focus of educational researchers. This study attempts to construct a new teaching mode based on the characteristics of teaching visualization, the new technology, innovative ideas and new learning theory, and explores the empirical research. It joined the thinking about the future oriented in the exploration of the teaching model, taking innovation as concept, visualization as means, participation as the goal to construct the innovative visual participatory (iVEI) teaching model.This study provides both important application of ideas and empirical research methods for future research of classroom teaching.
     This study embodies the perspective, technologies, tools and methods of cognitive science, education and education technology disciplines in the study of visual teaching. The integration of the various theories, a variety of methods and means is the most important feature of this study.
     The study concludes the foundation of the theory, technology and application of visual teaching based on the study of future classroom, the research and development of visualization technology and visual teaching, and the development and application of both learning and teaching theory. It draws the visual teaching theory based on analyzing the models of visual teaching, explores the strategy used to analyze and apply teaching mode. And it put forward the key problems in the application of iVEI teaching model.
     The empirical study of this paper is divided into three parts:the design and implementation of teaching visualization environment, design strategy of content on the iVEI teaching model, study on application and evaluation of iVEI teaching model.
     In the design and implementation of teaching visualization environment,the study first determines the design concepts and principles of teaching visualization environment under the future classroom ideas, and then proposes the construct strategy of future classroom's physical environment on combining the questionnaires for teachers and students, interviews of teachers and hardware (wireless technology and screen display technology) used in future classroom, and it determines the construct strategy of platform technology based on comparing the software requirement and cloud technology. At last, it implements the software and hardware programe about the Teaching Visualization environment in the laboratory and design experience courses to analysis and evaluate on environmental acceptance.
     In the research of iVEI teaching model content design, the study first discusses the strategy of content design, then take the design of teaching content as the foundation to design two-eye movement experiments and one EEG experiment with different visual presentation as variable, and carries on the analysis of EEG and eye movement.It draws the effect of key elements of teaching content visualization design, provides a reference for the iVEI teaching model in the teaching content visualization design.
     In the application and evaluation of iVEI teaching mode, the study first constructs the teaching interactive behavior evaluation analysis index system based on the future classroom, and then designs a junior high school language lesson, a junior high school math lesson and a junior high school information technology lesson guided by iVEI teaching mode, and carries out these three lessons in future teaching classroom. At last, it analyzes and compares the behavior in these lessons with the software called Interact.
     In terms of the Educational Technology, visual teaching and research as a future classroom application is a new field, a prospective study, and an exploratory study. The appropriate visual teaching mode and teaching strategies can help not only to use good visual concept in teaching, ongoing future design and application of classroom practice, but supports innovation culture for future talent in learning environment and activities. Whether the innovation of the proposed visualization research ideas involved in the teaching mode, or the new method tried to provide a reference is only the lesson for the follow-up study of the visualization of the teaching.
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