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As to the development tendency of regional economic disparity under marketeconomic system, there has not formed a common economic theory. Some economistsbelieve that because of the resources scarcity, the market economy will enlargethe regional economic gap, while others think that with the free flow of goods andproduction factors, the prices of them will tend to be equal, so it will narrow theeconomic gap between different regions. Regional economic integration means thatthe members join the regional organization will eliminate the barriers which restrictthe free flow of goods and production factors. The essence of it is to establish acommon market across national borders, and within the market it will remove all theobstacles that restrict the free flow of goods and production factors. So the study onthe economic disparities between EU members, as well as within the member states isan ideal example for the analysis of the relationship between market economyand regional disparity. Based on the background of EU regional integrationprogress, this paper systematically analized the change of regional economicdisparities between the EU members and within the member states, and furtherexplored the relationship between the market economy and regional disparity.
     Therefore, started from the background of economic integration, took regionaleconomic disparities as research subjects, this article first analyzed respectivelythe change of regional economic disparity both between EU member states and withinthe EU member states. Empirical results showed that the economic disparity betweenEU member states had been narrowed, sigma convergence test and beta convergencetest also proved this point; while regional economic disparity within the EU memberstates represented an expansion tendency, which would affect the whole economic disparity of EU more and more. Secondly, this article expounded the evolutionprocess of regional economic policies of EU, analyzed the important function ofstructure funds, cohesion funds, pre-accession assistance funds to the backwardregions and the important complementary role of European Investment Bank tothese funds. Then evaluated the effect of EU's regional economic policies using themacro economic models, results showed that the impact of regional economic policieson cohesion countries was significant, besides, the effect of policies was permanent,which would still exist after the end of the policy period. Finally, this article analyzedthe new problem arised in the process of EU integration, namely the European debtcrisis, which was also the biggest problem that threatened the process of EUintegration, expounded the background, causes, effects and spillover effects of thedebt crisis, and put forward the comprehensive strategy to solve the problem.
     The research on the regional economic disparities of EU in the context ofeconomic integration and the analysis of the function and effects of EU regionaleconomic policies on economic cohesion, first could expand the theoretical premise ofregional economic integration from homogeneity and non-diversification toheterogeneity and diversification; second could expand the study object of EUregional economic disparities from EU15countries and between old member states toEU27countries and between old member states and new member states; last theregional economic policies and various funds tha EU used to solve the problem ofregional economic disparities could bring important enlightenment and reference forChina to solve relevant problems.
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