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As the system of racial segregation was ended, South Africa accomplished the steady transition of politics, and payed more attention to the economic reconstruction and development, especially in attracting the foreign investment. The present South Africa is not only the country with typical hybrid legal system in Africa, but also the most developed country of Africa. It is considered as a developed country of the developing countries by the world. The trade between China and South Africa started in the 1990s. Right now, South Africa has already become China’s biggest trading partner in Africa. As the economic trading activities between China and South Africa become frequently day by day, to know and understand the investment laws, regulations, policies of South Africa is getting more and more important. Therefore, the study on South Africa's investment laws has not only academic meanings but also practical value.
     South Africa is a country with hybrid legal system, which is formed by the interaction of English common law, Rome– Dutch law, the modern law, and the traditional inherent law. The investment laws of South Africa are an outcome during the forming and developing process of this hybrid legal system. In the thesis, firstly the author takes the history of this hybrid legal system as the legal background, using the historical analytical method of dialectical materialism to investigate the historical development of the investment laws, and then concludes that the formation and the development of the investment laws are differ from that of countries which have the legal background of common law or continental law. And it also offers the model for studying investment laws of other countries that have the same legal background. Afterwards, the author has briefly introduced the main content of South Africa's investment laws and the ways of disputes resolution. At the present, South Africa hasn’t made a special investment code, but formed an investment legal system with various special legislation, some relevant separate laws and regulations, and policies. In content, it mainly introduces the basic policies of utilizing foreign investment, the policies of investment promoting and encouragement, the organizations and systems of trading investment management, and some relevant laws of establishing the foreign investment enterprises. When introducing the dispute settlement of investment laws of South Africa, it recommends non- judicial route, judicial route and arbitration by way of integration of theory with practice. After introducing the content, it analyzes its forming origin, and then summarizes three characteristics. Finally, the author carries on the overall appraisal to the investment laws, and points out the advantages which worth our country studying from.
① 新华网:南非概况,http://news.xinhuanet.com/ziliao/2002-06/19/content_447646.htm(2006-11-05)。
    ② 非洲投资网:南非投资须知,http://2005.invest.net.cn/News/ShowInfo.aspx?NewsID=500(2006-07-11)。
    ③ 非洲商务网:2005 南非贸易投资环境报告, http://www.africa.gov.cn/ArticleView/2005-7-24/Article_View_337.Htm(2006-10-14)。
    ① 详见非洲投资网:中国与南非双边经贸投资发展迅速, http://www.invest.net.cn/News/ShowInfozfhz.aspx?ID=6096(2006-07-16)。
    ② 详见朱伟东著:《南非共和国国际私法研究——一个混合法系国家的视角》,法律出版社 2006 年版,第 4—5 页。
    ③ Hahlo/Kahn, The Union of South Africa, The Development of Its Laws and Constitution(1960),pp.221-222.转引自朱伟东著:《南非共和国国际私法研究——一个混合法系国家的视角》,法律出版社 2006 年版,第 11—12 页。
    ④ Conrad 教授是南非开普敦大学的法学教授,主要研究领域为南非公司法。 2006 年 10 月 23 日至 11 月 6 日,来自南非、加纳、纳米比亚、博茨瓦纳、乌干达、坦桑尼亚的 15 名非洲法学家参加了由中国商务部主办、湘潭大学非洲法律与社会研究中心承办的“非洲国家法学与社会经济发展研修班” (Symposium on Law and Socio-Economic Development: A Comparative Study of China and African States)。在会议期间,笔者曾就本论文的写作与 Conrad 教授进行了多次富有成效的交流,文中若干观点系 Conrad 教授的见解。在此,笔者对 Conrad 教授的热情帮助致以诚挚的谢意。
    ① 洪永红、夏新华著:《非洲法导论》,湖南人民出版社 2000 年版,第 398 页。
    ② [法]勒内·达维德著:《当代主要法律体系》,漆竹生译,上海译文出版社 1984 年版,第 514 页。
    ③ 南非/日本大宝石出版社编:《南非》,刘东妮、孟琳译,中国旅游出版社 2001 年版,第 360 页。
    ① 夏新华著:《非洲法律文化研究》(中国人民大学 2005 年博士论文),第 82 页。
    ② An OECD Peer Review, Competition Law and Policy in South Africa, May 2003, p. 11, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/43/58/34823812.pdf (2007-02-18).
    ③ An OECD Peer Review, Competition Law and Policy in South Africa, May 2003, p. 11, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/43/58/34823812.pdf (2007-02-18).
    ① [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨著:《比较法总论》,潘汉典、米健、高鸿钧、贺卫方译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第342 页。
    ② 分别是指:1856 年撤销的《股份公司法》(the Joint Stock Companies Act 7﹠8 Vict c 110)和 1857 年撤销的《有限责任法》(the Limited Liability Act 18﹠19 Vict c 133)。
    ③ 这是一部相当详细和明确的 1908 年英国法翻译本。
    ④ Wa Joubert, The Law of South Africa (volume 4, part 1), Butterworth Publishers,1995, p.15.
    ⑤ Wa Joubert, The Law of South Africa (volume 4, part 1), Butterworth Publishers,1995, p.6.
    ⑥ 又称为阿非利加语或 Afrikander。
    ① C. G. Van Der Merwe, J.E. Du Plessis, M. .J. De Waal, South Africa(Report 2),Vernon Valentine Palmer, Mixed Jurisdictions Worldwide: The Third Legal Family, Cambridge University Press,2001,p.140. 转引自朱伟东著:《南非共和国国际私法研究——一个混合法系国家的视角》,法律出版社 2006 年版,第 17 页。
    ② [德]K·茨威格特、H·克茨著:《比较法总论》,潘汉典、米健、高鸿钧、贺卫方译,法律出版社 2003 年版,第343 页。
    ③ 夏新华著:《非洲法律文化研究》(中国人民大学 2005 年博士论文),第 86 页。
    ④ 朱伟东著:《南非共和国国际私法研究——一个混合法系国家的视角》,法律出版社2006 年版,第 18 页。
    ① [法]路易·约斯著:《南非史》,史陵山译,商务印书馆 1973 年出版,第 332 页。
    ② Wa Joubert, The Law of South Africa (volume 4, part 1), Butterworth Publishers,1995, p.15.
    ③ 钟丽著:《1973 年南非公司法初探》(湘潭大学 2006 年硕士论文),第Ⅰ页。
    ④ 夏登峻、何联昇编著:《英汉法律词典》,法律出版社 1999 年版,第 137 页。
    ① 杨立华:“南非经济——放眼非洲谋发展”,载《西亚非洲》2005 年第 6 期,第 55—62 页。
    ① See South African Government Information: No.71 of 2002: International Trade Administration Act, 2002.p.2. http://www.info.gov.za/gazette/acts/2002/a71-02.pdf (2006-10-20).
    ② 钟丽著:《1973 年南非公司法初探》(湘潭大学 2006 年硕士论文),第Ⅰ页。
    ③ 这里的委员主要是指《公共投资委员法》(the Public Investment Commissioners Act)第二部分里所提到的公共投资委员。
    ① 曲如晓:“南非的对外贸易与环境”,载《国际经济合作》2001 年第 12 期,第 47—50 页。
    ① 马祖涛、杨兴礼:“南非对外贸易简论”,载《西亚非洲》2001 年第 6 期,第 24—28 页。
    ① 非洲商务网:2005 年南非贸易投资环境报告,http://www.hncom.gov.cn/wto/nf.doc (t2006-10-14)。
    ② 非洲投资网:南非口岸通关指南,http://www.invest.net.cn/invest_news/shownews.asp?id=113(2007-04-15)。
    ③ 非洲商务网:2005 年南非贸易投资环境报告,http://www.hncom.gov.cn/wto/nf.doc ( 2006-10-14)。
    ① 非洲投资网:南非海关和进口管制,http://www.invest.net.cn/invest_news//shownews.asp?id=137 ( 2007-03-15)。
    ① 详见非洲国家网:南非投资鼓励政策,http://www.all-africa.net/Get/nanfei/maoyi/235139904.htm ( 2007-01-14)。
    ① 所谓贴现,是指银行应客户的要求,买进其未到付款日期的票据,或者说,购买票据的业务叫贴现。办理贴现业务时,银行向客户收取一定的利息,称为贴现利息或折扣。具体程序是银行根据票面金额及既顶贴现率,计算出从贴现日起到票据到期日止这段时间的贴现利息,并从票面金额中扣除,余额部分支付给客户。票据到期时,银行持票据向票据载明的支付人索取票面金额的款项。详见股票财经网:http://www.gupiao001.com/waihui1/shuyu/200608/3776.html(2007-05-06)。
    ② 详见非洲国家网:南非投资鼓励政策,http://www.all-africa.net/Get/nanfei/maoyi/235139904.htm( 2007-01-14)。
    ① See South Africa Investment Management Industry Profile, p.12.
    ② See Financial Services Board Act No.97 of 1990, p.4, http://www.info.gov.za/documents/acts/index.htm ( 2007-04-14).
    ① See South Africa Investment Management Industry Profile, p.12.
    ② See Financial Services Board Act No.97 of 1990, p.4, http://www.info.gov.za/documents/acts/index.htm ( 2007-04-14).
    ① 余劲松主编:《国际投资法》,法律出版社 1997 年版,第 223 页。
    ① See THE ASSOCIATION OF ARBITRATORS (Southern Africa), http://www.icon.co.za/~arbitrators/arb-gen.htm( 2006-12-16).
    ② 夏雅丽、赵海怡、杨粉米主编:《国际投资法学》,西北大学出版社 2005 年版,第 308 页。
    ① 详见中国与南非于 1997 年 12 月 30 日共同颁布的《中华人民共和国政府和南非共和国政府关于相互鼓励和保护投资协定》, http://law.ec.com.cn/pubnews/2004_09_17/102383/1049281.jsp (2007-04-28)。
    ② The case of Eskom v Hiemstra NO and Others (Case No: J2091/98) is selected from Copyright 1999 Butterworth Publishers (Pty) Ltd, Butterworths Constitutional Law Reports, Labour Court, Johannesburg. https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/ (2007-03-18).
    ③ Ms Samuels 是一个有色人种,Ms Van Coller 是一个白色人种。
    ④ 主要是指非洲人、亚洲人等有色人种。
    ⑤ See Labour Relations Amendment Act 2002, Republic of South Africa, p.4. http://www.info.gov.za/documents/acts/2002.htm(2006-12-24).
    ⑥ See Jrt Gibson, South African Mercantile and Company Law, Juta and Company Limited, Cape Town, Wetton Johannesburg(1983), p.8.
    ① 汤树梅著:《国际投资法的理论与实践》,中国社会科学出版社 2004 年版,,第 296—297 页。
    ② Eugene Cotran(ed.), Arbitration in Africa, published by Kluwer Law International(1996), p.221.
    ③ The case of Eskom v Hiemstra NO and Others (Case No: J2091/98) is selected from Copyright 1999 Butterworth Publishers (Pty) Ltd, Butterworths Constitutional Law Reports, Labour Court, Johannesburg. https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/ (2007-03-18).
    ① See Labour Relations Amendment Act 2002, Republic of South Africa, p.20. http://www.info.gov.za/documents/acts/2002.htm (2006-12-24).
    ② See Labour Relations Amendment Act 2002, Republic of South Africa, p.24. http://www.info.gov.za/documents/acts/2002.htm (2006-12-24).
    ③ See Labour Relations Amendment Act 2002, Republic of South Africa, p.40. http://www.info.gov.za/documents/acts/2002.htm ( 2006-12-24).
    ① See Labour Relations Amendment Act 2002, Republic of South Africa, p.40. http://www.info.gov.za/documents/acts/2002.htm ( 2006-12-24).
    ② 案情详见 Carephone (Pty) Ltd v Marcus NO and Others(简称卡瑞宏尼有限公司诉马奎斯和其他人)1998 (10) BCLR 1326 (LAC); [1998] 11 BLLR 1093 (LAC); (1998) 19 ILJ 1425 (LAC)(2007-03-18)。
    ③ 案情详见 Dickenson and Brown v Fisher's Executors(迪肯森和布朗诉菲斯尔的遗嘱执行人)1915 AD 166, https://www.lexisnexis.com/ap/auth/ (2007-03-20)。
    ① 朱伟东著:《南非共和国国际私法研究——一个混合法系国家的视角》,法律出版社 2006 年版, 第 27 页。
    ① A. B. Edwards, Conflict of Laws, W. A. Joubert, The Law of South Africa, Vol. 2, Butterworths, Durban, 1993, P.301; George Wille, Principles of South African Law, 5th edition, Juta & Co.Ltd,1961, p.48. 转引自朱伟东著:《南非共和国国际私法研究——一个混合法系国家的视角》,法律出版社 2006 年版, 第 38—39 页。
    ② 非洲投资网:中非合作频道,http://www.invest.net.cn/News/ShowInfo.aspx?ID=449(2006-10-26)。
    ① 颜运秋:“非洲国家外商投资法的基本特征”,载《外交学院学报》2005 年第 2 期,第 81—87 页。
    ① 非洲投资网:南非警方查封两中国商城,http://2005.invest.net.cn/News/ShowInfo.aspx?NewsID=2661 (2006-11-16)。
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