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As both a new policy tool and economic phenomena bonded port zone emerged in China after the Reform and Opening up. In order to speed up the development and opening up of China's inland area, the State Council recently approved the establishment of two bonded zones in Chongqing, Chongqing Cuntan Bonded Port - China's first inland bonded port, granted in November 2008, and Chongqing Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Zone - China’s largest integrated Bonded area, ratified in February 2010, respectively. As the only municipality directly under the central government in western China, Chongqing is assuming the historical mission of leading the rise of the western China economy. However, compared with its eastern counterparts, Chongqing is constrained by its less opened up and weak export-oriented industries. Therefore, a significant yet challenging question to ask is that how to expand and grow export-oriented industries to build Chongqing into both the commodity processing center and foreign trade terminal for inland export-oriented industries, hence ultimately to achieve a coordinated development with other western China cities by taking advantages of the preferential policies entitled to the inland bonded zones. The fundamental solution lies in opening up logistical channels to the oversea market and seeking a coordinated export-oriented economic progress with other western China cities by following the principle of benefit sharing, therefore truly change the inland area into the frontier of the opening up and realize the fast growth of the“West Tri-angles”, fulfill the national macro economic development strategy.
     Under such background this dissertation studied the limitations of current transportation infrastructures, the measures to open up international passages, and the conception of a coordinated development of Chongqing international logistics corridor. First, the paper examined the restricting factors and constrains faced by the existing Chongqing Export Processing Zones; defined the main bonded functions and businesses in Chongqing bonded zones; quantitatively analyzed the economic benefits the in-house enterprises of the bonded zones may gain from the special tax incentives and policies (such as tax free, tax deduction, tax deferring, quota free and permit free); and proved that the sustainable development of bonded zones is fundamentally determined by the good basic geo-political-economic environment instead of the preferential policy using the open dynamic information gaming model. Then grey assessment of Chongqing Bonded Port’s attract investment conditions was carried out by the triangle whitening weight function, the assessment shows that Chongqing International Free Trade Zone have its strength and weakness compared with other bonded zone generally at a medium level. But the urgent thing is to strengthen its construction of international logistics channel. Based on these analyses the paper then formulated the conception of constructing Chongqing Y-shape international logistics is corridored according to the coordinate analysis and DEA analysis and distribution pattern of Chongqing international logistics nodes. The Y-shape corridor is centered in Chongqing and outflows in three directions: Eastern channel, southern passage, and northwestern pass-way. These three channels will greatly shorten the space-time distances between Chongqing and international market.Then based on the gravity model, the paper illustrates the Y channel is generally accepted in the southwest.Finally, the author articulated the idea of developing Chongqing export-oriented economy tiered by the O-shape hub-and-spoke logistics network and the differentiated consumption of the resources for imports and exports in neighboring provinces and cities to perfect inland port and international logistics channel.
     This thesis combines theoretical analysis with practical cases, qualitative analysis with quantitative illustration. It identified the suitable businesses of Chongqing bonded zones, including import distribution, export collection and consolidation, processing and production; using the open dynamic information gaming model, concluded that the effective operation of Chongqing bonded zones is determined by the level of the convenience of the international logistics other than the preferential bonded policy itself , and then grey assessment of Chongqing Bonded Port’s attract investment conditions was carried out by the triangle whitening weight function; then formulated the conception of constructing Chongqing Y-shape international logistics is corridored according to the coordinate analysis and DEA analysis and distribution pattern of Chongqing international logistics nodes. Finally, the author articulated the idea of developing Chongqing export-oriented economy tiered by the O-shape hub-and-spoke logistics network. It is hoped that this will lead the booming of the foreign trade economy in the western China.
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