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This thesis is aimed at establishing a numerical method for the thermal analysis of a satellite. The 3-D temperature model of the whole satellite is presented. According to the characteristic of the satellite, the measures of thermal control are selected. The method of thermal network is used to establish the thermal network model of the satellite and the temperature distribution of the whole satellite is calculated and analyzed, while the satellite is working in the space. The result indicates the use of the measures of thermal control arrive the anticipated aim.
    Before the thermal analysis of the satellite, two aspects works had been done.
    One is that the 3-D temperature model of honeycomb is proposed and applied to computing the effective thermal conductivity of honeycomb-structure materials. During the process of the calculation, the relationship of the temperature and the effective thermal conductivity is considered. Based upon the results, the major influence factors of the effective thermal conductivity are determined and the advantage of the numerical method can be seen when it is compared with the method of thermal resistance.
    The other is that the 3-D temperature model of the mounting platform is built and the unstructured grid created by the advancing front method is applied to the faces of the mounting platform. The linear interpolation is used to deal with the staggered grid and the mounting platform anisotropy is considered. The Monte Carlo method is introduced to calculate the radiative transfer coefficient. The finite difference method is chosen to calculate the temperature distribution of the mounting platform.
    These two aspects of work both are the absolutely necessarily parts of the thermal analysis of the whole satellite.
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