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本研究针对干旱半干旱区造林成活率和保存率低,植被恢复困难,原有森林培育技术难以有效地解决这一问题的实际,尝试采用菌根生物技术恢复和重建当地的植被。在多年的植被调查和菌根真菌资源调查的基础上,选用樟子松(Pinus sylvestris L var mongolica)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr)、虎榛子(Ostryopsis davidina Decne in Bull)三个树种,选用Suillus sp3、Suillus sp4、Suillus99、Nsp、Cenoccum geophilum-AM51、Cenoccum geophilum-54、Paxillus involutus 、Rhizopogon rubsescens八个菌种,确定菌根合成条件,进行菌根合成实验,而后在各菌种对苗木生长效应的基础上,根据菌根效应,在同一树种不同菌种和同一菌种不同树种两个层次上进行优良外生菌根真菌的筛选,综合形态指标和生理指标进行评价,实验结果初步认定:干旱半干旱区,樟子松优良外生菌根是Suillus sp4,油松优良外生菌根真菌是Cenoccum geophilum-AM51,虎榛子优良外生菌根真菌是Suillus sp3;在进行菌根化育苗时,乡土菌种是我们优先考虑的对象。
In accordance with low survival rate and low conservatory rate of afforestation and difficulty of recovering the vegetation in arid and semi-arid areas, and the old silviculture technique which is difficult to effectively resolve the problem, the study attempts to adopt mycorrhizal biology technique to restore and reconstruct local vegetation. In the base on many years’ investigation of vegetation and ectomycorrhizal fungi resources, the research selects three tree specieses named Pinus sylvestris L var mongolica, Pinus tabulaeformis, Ostryopsis davidina with eight fungi named Suillus3, Suillus4, Suillus99, Nsp, Cenoccum geophilum-AM51, Cenoccum geophilum-54, Paxillus Involutus , Rhizopogon rubsescens. Firstly, it defines artificial systhesis conditions of ectomycorrhizae. Then it does experiments on ectomycorrhizal synthesis. Finally, in the foundation of different fungi effect on different seedlings growth and mycorrhizal effect, it selects excellent ectomycorrhizal fungi at two levels about the same tree species with the different fungi and the same fungus with different tree specieses, evaluates the seedlings from the morphology index and physiology index . The preliminary results of the experiment maintain as follows. In arid and semi-arid areas, the excellent ectomycorrhizal fungus of Pinus sylvestris L var mongolica is Suillus sp4. The excellent ectomycorrhizal fungus of Pinus tabulaeformis is Cenoccum geophilum-AM51. And the excellent ectomycorrhizal fungus of Ostryopsis davidina is Suillus sp3. The local ectomycorrhizal fungus is prior to the exotic fungus.
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