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This paper analyses the factors that affect the transnational employment in the world and China under the globalization, the economical and social significance of labor migration, the issues and development trend of transnational employment from the point of both sociology and demology. Meanwhile, the paper compares the law and policy framework on international migration in original and destination countries or areas and also explores the characteristics and limitation of law enforcement and policy implementation in China. Based on the analysis, the paper puts forward to setting up a human-centered administration and service mode on transnational employment in China. The main aim of the mode is to facilitate the regular and orderly overseas employment, to protect the rights of migrant workers and help the migrants integrate into the society. To achieve the goal, the paper brings forward six pieces of suggestions. First, to speed up the lawmaking process on transnational employment and improve relevant policies. Second, to clarify a proper governing organ as the administration unit in charge of transnational employment and strengthen and coordination. Third, to strengthen the supervision of transnational employment agencies and improve vocational training so that the transnational migrants have more awareness and ability to protect their rights. Fourth, to reinforce bilateral and multilateral negotiation on employment, social security and free trade agreement, make efforts to combining the protection and integration of transnational migrants into national law framework of the destination countries. Fifth, to appoint labor diplomats in China foreign mission in certain countries or districts, which can help transnational migrants for their rights protection and social integration. Sixth, to improve employment promotion policy and help the transnational migrants to reintegrate into the society when they come back to China from other countries.
     The paper adopts the comparative study and case study as the main methodology, which refers to a lot of cases based on the daily work combining theory and practice. After pertinent analysis on the main issues and difficulties during the transnational employment, the paper raises innovative point of view and suggestion which includes four elements: i Clarifying the definition of transnational employment in theory from the point of sociology, i.e., transnational employment is a kind of migration behavior, social activity and employment instead of simple active labor export. Therefore, the transnational employment is essentially different from the labor export. ii Pointing out that rights protection and social integration of transnational migrants are the key and main issues that should be paid attention to. iii Regading the service trade negotiation and building of harmonious society as the media factor that affects transnational employment. iv Putting forward the idea on building up a human-centered transnational employment administration and service system, making suggestions on measures that should be taken to facilitate rights protection and social integration of transnational migrants.
     The paper includes eight chapters. The first chapter is an introduction on the background and significance of choosing the topic. This chapter also reviews what other experts and scholars have achieved on transnational employment study. According to review, the chapter points out that migrants protection and integration has not been given enough attention during the past research. Therefore, this paper will put focus on it and put forward creative ideas. The second chapter analyses the trends and problems existed during transnational employment based on the description of the concept and theories of economic globalization and transnational employment. This chapter points that migrants' protection and integration are still serious problems to be improved although the scale and the portion of women migrant workers has been enlarged during the past few years with the stepped-up globalization. The third chapter analyses the main factors that affect the transnational employment, which include economy development, population structure, social systems and culture and service trade. During the factors analysis, some viewpoints of pull-push theory on migration and migration network theory are tested. The fourth chapter focuses on comparing the law and policies in sending and receiving countries. Considering quite a number of migrants between China main land and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, the law and policies on foreign labor administration in these districts are also under analysis. Then the chapter five and six are closely related with the situation in China, which includes the character of Chinese working in other countries and districts, the factors that affect Chinese working abroad, the sense of Chinese working abroad and problems during the migration. Chapter six finds that the poor administration and service is the main reason that causes poor migrant protection and integration. Therefore, chapter seven puts forward to setting up the human-centered administration and service mode on transnational employment, which should insist on the rule of human centered and comprehensive coordination.
     Chapter eight goes the conclusion of the paper. Generally speaking, there are three points: First, transnational employment is different from the labor export, which means the labor gets paid by supplying hard work overseas. It's not simply economic behavior, but also social behavior. Sometimes they go actively, but sometimes passively. Second, there are two serious problems to be solved during transnational employment, i.e., migrants' rights protection and migrants' integration into the society. Third, there are lots of factors that affect transnational employment, which include pull factors, push factors and media factors. Service trade negotiation and harmonious society building should belong to media factors. Fourth, the key to solve the above two problems is to set up a human-centered administration and service mode of transnational employment through improving law and policy, solidifying enforcement mechanism and supplying efficient service.
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