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The thesis investigates the problem of anti-monopoly law related to transnational mergers and acquisitions. It points out the difficulties of transnational M&A when it is in conflict with anti-monopoly law in an independent country and brings about a series of regulation problems. The thesis discusses the indefinite nature of anti-monopoly law and the flexibility of the law enforcement in terms of international business. It analyzes the difficulty of WTO in regulating transnational M&A and the infeasibility of regional cooperation. Based on all these discussions, the author put forward several suggestions on how to put the anti-monopoly law into effect and how our enterprises sidestep relevant foreign laws so as to make their transnational M&A more smoothly.
     The first chapter discusses the basic issues in transnational M&A. It at first defines such frequent terms as enterprise, company and undertaking, M&A, acquisition, merger and concentration, transnational M&A. Then it analyzes the positive and negative effects of transnational M&A upon global economy. In the end, it elaborates the conflicts between international acquisition and national anti-monopoly law and the jurisdiction conflicts between countries in this respect.
     The second chapter analyzes the main rules of anti-monopoly law concerning transnational M&A. At the beginning it discusses the theoretical basis for anti-monopoly law---competition theory and democratic ideology in economics. It then introduces the practice of the United States and European Unions in terms of the regulating rules of anti-monopoly law guiding M&A. It finally analyzes the indefiniteness of anti-monopoly law and argues that the introduction of economic analysis can not solve the indefinite problem and the intervention of international factors increases such indefiniteness.
     The third chapter analyzes the difficulty of supranational cooperation concentrating anti-monopolistic regulation of transnational M&A at multilateral level, regional level and bilateral level. It argues that the supranational regulation will not come true actually in a short period because of national interests and various political, economic, cultural factors in different countries. It points that the bilateral cooperation concentrating anti-monopolistic regulation of transnational M&A is the eventual choice.
     The fourth chapter reviews and analyzes the M&A involved with Chinese enterprises, and then put forward several points related to the anti-monopolistic regulation: it is in the national interest and in conformity with national strategies; national treatment standard should not be mentioned excessively; different cases need to be analyzed differently; it calls for the co-operation of many government departments. Finally, it set forth several suggestions on how our enterprises sidestep relevant foreign laws: it should get the support from our government in advance; the relevant foreign laws should be known well; choose the right object and occasion; build the favorable environment for M&A.
    1 [德]弗里德里希·李斯特:《政治经济学的国民体系》,商务印书馆1961年版。
    2 [美] M. C.霍华德《美国反垄断法与贸易规则》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版。
    3 [美]保罗·A·萨缪尔森、威廉·D·诺德豪斯:《经济学》(第十二版),高鸿业等译,经济科学出版社1985年版。
    4 [美]博登海默著:《法理学——法律哲学与法律方法》,邓正来译,中国政法大学出版社1999年版。
    5 [美]理查德·A·波斯纳著:《反托拉斯法》,中国政法大学出版社2003年1月版。
    6 [美]乔治?J·施蒂格勒:《产业组织和政府管制》,上海三联书店1989年10月版。
    7 [英]亚当?斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》上册,商务印书馆1997年12月版。
    15贾鹏雷:《联想并购IBM PC业务获通过》,载《计算机世界》2005年3月14日第A01版。
    68 [日]滝川敏明:合并规制中的经济民族主义与趋同性》,王先林、唐星芝译,载《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2007年第3期。
    1 Alison Jones and Brenda Sufrin, EC Competition Law, Text, Cases and Materials, Oxford University Press 2001.
    2 Barry Hawk, International Antitrust Law and Policy, Transnational Juris Publications Inc., 1993.
    3 Bergh Roger van den, European Competition Law and Economics: a Comparative Perspective, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2006.
    4 C. J. Cook and C. S. Kerse, E. C. Merger Control, Third Edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 2000.
    5 Charles R. Van Hise, Concentration and Control: A Solution of the Trust Problem in the United States, Macmillan Publisher, 1912.
    6 Clarke Roger, New Developments in UK and EU Competition Policy, Cheltenham UK, Edward Elgar, 2006.
    7 David J. Gerber, Law and Competition in Twentieth Century Europe: Protecting Prometheus, Oxford University Press 1998.
    8 Ewing Ky P., Competition Rules for the 21st Century: Principles from America’s Experience, Aspen Publishers, 2006.
    9 Fine Frank L., The EC Competition Law on Technology Licensing, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2006.
    10 Herbert Hovenkamp, Federal Antitrust Policy, the Law of Competition and its Practice, West Publishing Co. 1994.
    11 J. William Rowley QC and Donald I. Baker, International Mergers: The Antitrust Process 3rd edition, Sweet & Maxwell, 2001.
    12 Joseph Wilson, Globalization and the Limits of National Merger Control Laws, The Hague and the Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2003.
    13 Jose Rivas and Margot Horspool, Modernization and Decentralization of EC Competition Law, Kluwer Law International, TheHgaue-London-Boston, 2000.
    14 Meredith M. Brown, Imitational Merger and Acquisitions: An Introduction, Kluwer Law International, The Hague-London-Boston, 1999.
    15 Michael E. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, 1990.
    16 Norbert Horn, Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and the Law, Kluwer Law International, 2001.
    17 Phillip Areeda and Louis Kaplow, Antitrust Analysis: Problems, Text and Cases, the fifth edition, Aspen Publishers, Inc, 1997.
    18 Robert H. Bork, the Antitrust Paradox——a policy at war with itself, Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1978.
    19 Robert H. Bork, The Antitrust Paradox——A Policy at War with Itself, The Free Press, second edition, 1993.
    20 Richard A. Posner, Antitrust Law, The University of Chicago Press, 2001.
    21 Robert Bernard Reich, The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalism, Knopf, New York, 1991.
    22 Taylor Martyn D., International Competition Law: a New Dimension for the WTO, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
    23 Vaughan David, EU Competition Law: General Principles, Richmond Law & Tax, 2006.
    1 Alina Kaczorowska, International Competition Law in the Context of Global Capitalism, European Competiton Law Review, 2000.
    2 Allen N. Berger and David B. Humphrey, Megamergers in banking and theuse of cost efficiency as an antitrust defense, the Antitrust Bulletin, Fall, 1992..
    3 Anu Bradford, International Antitrust Negotiations and the False Hope of the WTO, Harvard International Law Journal, summer, 2007.
    4 Barry J. Rodger, U. K. Merger Control: Politics, the Public Interest and Reform, European Competiton Law Review, 2000.
    5 Bernard Shull, The Origins of Antitrust in Banking: An Historical Perspective, 41 the Antitrust bulletin 255, 1996.
    6 Bernard Shull, Banking, Commerce and Competition under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the Antitrust Bulletin, Spring, 2002.
    7 Charles W. Smitherman III, The Future of Global Competition Governance: Lessons from the Transatlantic, 19 American University International Law Review, 2004.
    8 Claus-Dieter Ehlermann and Isabela Atanasiu, The Modernisation of EC Antitrust Law: Consequences for the Future Role and Function of the EC Courts, European Competiton Law Review, 23(2), 2002.
    9 D. Daniel Sokol, Monopolists without Borders: The Institutional Challenge of International Antitrust in a Global Gilded Age, Berkeley Business Law Journal, Spring, 2007.
    10 Daniel E. Lazaroff, Entry Barriers and Contemporary Antitrust Litigation, Business Law Journal University of California, Davis, School of Law, Fall, 2006.
    11 David P. Cluchey, Competition in Global Markets: Who Will Police The Giants? Temple International and Comparative Law Journal, spring, 2007.
    12 Edward T. Swaine, The Local Law of Global Antitrust, William & Mary Law Review, December, 2001.
    13 F. Amel and Timothy H. Hannan, Defining Banking Markets According to Principles Recommended in the Merger Guidelines, the antitrust Bulletin, Fall, 2000.
    14 Gavin Murphy, Responding to the Challenges of a Globalised Marketplace, European Competiton Law Review, 23(5), 2002.
    15 Gerald A. Hanweck and Bernard Shull, The Bank Merger Movement: Efficiency, Stability and Competitive Policy Concerns, the Antitrust Bulletin, Summer, 1999.
    16 Giorgio Monti and Ekaterina Rousseva, Failing Firms in the Framework of the E. C. Merger Control Regulation, E. L. Rev. 2, 1999.
    17 Georgios I. Zekos, the New E. U. Approach to Mergers and Market Integration, European Competiton Law Review, 21(1), 2000.
    18 H. E. Supachai Panitchpakdi, The Evolving Multilateral Trade System in the New Millennium, George Washington International Law Review, Vol33, 2001.
    19 Howard A. Shelanski, Antitrust Law as Mass Media Regulation: Can Merger Standards Protect the Public Interest? California Law Review, March, 2006.
    20 Jae Sung Lee, Towards a Development-Oriented Multilateral Framework on Competition Policy, San Diego International Law Journal, spring, 2006.
    21 Joel Davidow, United States Antitrust Development in the New Millennium, World Competition, Vol.24, 2001.
    22 Johan Ysewyn, The New World of the Merger Task Force, European Competiton Law Review, 23 (10), 2000.
    23 John H. Barton, The Economics of TRIPs: International Trade in Information-Intensive Products, George. Washington International Law Review, Vol33, 2001.
    24 John Temple Lang LL. D., European Community Antitrust Law: Innovation Markets and High Technology Industries, Fordham International Law Journal, March, 1997.
    25 John Vickers, Merger Policy in Europe: Retrospect and Prospect, European Competiton Law Review, 25(7), 2004..
    26 John Vickers, Competition Economics and Policy, European Competiton Law Review, 24(3), 2003
    27 Malcolm B. Coate, Merger Enforcement at the Federal Trade Commission in Three Presidential Administrations, The Antitrust Bulletin,Summer, 2000.
    28 Mario Monti, EU Competition Policy after May 2004, Fordham Annual Conference on International Antitrust Law and Policy, New York, October 24, 2003.
    29 Mario Monti, The EU Gets New Competition Powers for the 21st Century Newsletter (speeial edition), 26 April, 2004.
    30 Maurice E. Stucke, Behavioral Economists at the Gate: Antitrust in the Twenty-First Century, Loyola University Chicago Law Journal, spring, 2007.
    31 Paul B. Stephan, Global Governance, Antitrust, and the Limits of International Cooperation, 38 Cornell International Law Journal, 2005.
    32 Richard Hofstadter, What Happened to the Antitrust Movement? In the Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays, Alfred A. Knopf, 1965.
    33 Thomas L. Boeder and Gary J. Dorman, The Boeing/McDonnell Douglas Merger: The Economics, Antitrust Law and Politics of The Aerospace Industry,The Antitrust Bulletin, Spring, 2000.
    34 Timothy J. Muris, Improving the Economic Foundations of Competition Policy, George Mason University Law Review’s Winter, Antitrust Symposium January 15, 2003.
    1 Joseph Wilson, Globalization and the Limits of National Merger Control Laws, The Hague and the Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2003.
    2 D. Daniel Sokol, Monopolists without Borders: The Institutional Challenge of International Antitrust in a Global Gilded Age, Berkeley Business Law Journal, Spring, 2007, p118.
    3 Charles W. Smitherman III, The Future of Global Competition Governance: Lessons from the Transatlantic, 19 American University International Law Review, 2004, p880.
    1 Case C-41/90, [1991] E. C. R. I-1979, at para. 21, [1993] 4, Common Market Law Report, p306.
    1 See The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., volume 8, 15th Edition, 1993, p34-35.
    3 Article 3.1 of the Merger Regulation.
    1 [美]乔治?J.施蒂格勒:《产业组织和政府管制》,上海三联书店1989年10月版,第3页。
    1 Charles W. Smitherman III, The Future of Global Competition Governance: Lessons from the Transatlantic, 19 American University International Law Review, 2004, p777.
    1 [英]亚当?斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》上册,商务印书馆1997年12月版,第303页。
    1 The structure of the market determines the firm’s conduct and that conduct determines market performance.
    2 Peter Asch, Industrial Organization and Antitrust Policy, revised edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1983.转引自卫新江:《欧盟、美国企业合并反垄断规制比较研究》,北京大学出版社2005年3月版,第18页。
    2 Royall M. Sean, Symposium: Post Chicago Economics, Editor' s Note, 63 Antitrust Law journal 445, 1995.
    1 Brown Shoe Co. v. United States, 370 U.S. 294, 325 (1962).
    2 Brown Shoe Co. v. United States, 370 U.S. 294, 326 (1962).
    1 [美] M. C.霍华德《美国反垄断法与贸易规则》,中国社会科学出版社1991年版,第23页。
    1 Europemballage Corporation and Continental Can Co. Inc. v. Commission, Case 6/72, [1973] E. C. R. 215; [1973] Common Market Law Report, p199.
    2 Council Regulation (EEC) 4064/89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of Concentrations between Undertakings (OJ 1990 L257/14).下文简称《并购条例》。
    3 A. M. Arnull, A. A. Dashwood, M. G. Ross & D. A. Wyatt, European Union Law, Sweet & Maxwell, Fourth Edition, 2000, p200.
    1 [美]博登海默著,邓正来译:《法理学——法律哲学与法律方法》,中国政法大学出版社1999年版,第11页。
    2 Timothy J. Muris, Improving the Economic Foundations of Competition Policy, George Mason University Law Review’s Winter, Antitrust Symposium January 15, 2003, Washington D. C.
    3 Robert H. Bork, the Antitrust Paradox——a policy at war with itself, Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1978, p177.
    1 Robert H. Bork, the Antitrust Paradox——a policy at war with itself, Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, New York, 1978, p176.
    2 Commission Notice on the Definition of the Relevant Market for the Purpose of Community Competition Law, [1997] OJ C 372/5, [1998] 4 Common Market Law Report, p177.
    1 [日]滝川敏明:合并规制中的经济民族主义与趋同性》,王先林、唐星芝译,载《上?煌ù笱аП?(哲学社会科学版)》2007年第3期,第22-30页。
    1 Lawrence Anthony Sullivan, Handbook of the law of Antitrust, West Publishing Co. 1977, p4.
    3 Robert Bernard Reich, The Work of Nations: Preparing Ourselves for 21st Century Capitalism, Knopf, New York, 1991, p39. 89
    1 See Charles R. Van Hise, Concentration and Control: A Solution of the Trust Problem in the United States, Macmillan Publisher, 1912, p276-278.
    2 Thomas L. Boeder and Gary J. Dorman, The Boeing/McDonnell Douglas Merger: The Economics, Antitrust Law and Politics of The Aerospace Industry, The Antitrust Bulletin/Spring 2000, p143.
    3 Case No IV/M. 877-Boeing/McDonnell Douglas, Commission Decision of 30 July 1997, O.J. L336/16 [1997], para.12.
    4 Thomas L. Boeder and Gary J. Dorman, The Boeing/McDonnell Douglas Merger: The Economics, Antitrust Law and Politics of The Aerospace Industry, The Antitrust Bulletin/Spring 2000, p143.
    1 Statement of Chairman Pitofsky & Commissioners Janet D. Steiger, Roscoe B. StarekⅢ& Christine A. Varney, with separate of Commissioner Mary L. Azcuenaga; In re Boeing CO., File No. 971-0051 [1997] 5 Trade Reg. Rep. (CCH), para.24 123 (July1, 1997).
    1 D. Daniel Sokol, Monopolists without Borders: The Institutional Challenge of International Antitrust in a Global Gilded Age, Berkeley Business Law Journal, Spring, 2007, p83.
    3 Edward T. Swaine, The Local Law of Global Antitrust, William & Mary Law Review, December, 2001, p641.
    3 Jae Sung Lee, Towards a Development-Oriented Multilateral Framework on Competition Policy, San Diego International Law Journal, Spring, 2006, p299-300.
    2 John H. Barton, The Economics of TRIPs: International Trade in Information-Intensive Products, George. Washington International Law Review, Vol33, 2001, p585.
    2 H. E. Supachai Panitchpakdi, The Evolving Multilateral Trade System in the New Millennium, George Washington International Law Review, Vol33, 2001, p432.
    3 Anu Bradford, International Antitrust Negotiations and the False Hope of the WTO, Harvard International Law Journal, Summer, 2007, p421.
    4 Paul B. Stephan, Global Governance, Antitrust, and the Limits of International Cooperation, 38 Cornell International Law Journal, 2005, p217.
    1 Joel Davidow, United States Antitrust Development in the New Millennium, World Competition, Vol.24, 2001, p439.
    2 Joseph Wilson, Globalization and the Limits of National Merger Control Laws, The Hague and the Netherlands, Kluwer Law International, 2003, p157-158.
    2 Barry Hawk, International Antitrust Law and Policy, Transnational Juris Publications Inc., 1993, p23.
    6贾鹏雷:《联想并购IBM PC业务获通过》,载《计算机世界》2005年3月14日第A01版。
    2 [德]弗里德里希·李斯特:《政治经济学的国民体系》,商务印书馆1961年版,第141页。
    3 Michael E. Porter, The Competitive Advantage of Nations, Free Press, 1990, p662.

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