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Foreign banks business has been developing swiftly in our financial market after China joined the WTO. The entry of foreign banks results from open economy and it is an irreversible historic tendency. That entry is a rapier. On the positive, firstly it would develop and improve Chinese financial market, secondly it would improve the management and administration, and thirdly it would improve the management and administration of Chinese banking. On the negative side, it would challenge and strike Chinese banking seriously. The huge bad assets and the poor capital funds in Chinese banks would not only weaken their competition abilities but also harm their system safeties.
     This article analyzes the development of foreign banks in China in the frame of the finance deepening theory and the finance developing theory. Through the integration of theory with practice, this article takes notice not only the reality in China but the new tendency of banks internationalizing, adopts the combination of general and special, experts some theories correlated to economics and finance .On the train of thought, this article analyzes the positive and passive effects of foreign bank entry and its reason, at the same time, points out the methods of promoting core competition of Chinese banks: we should enhance the supervision and control of foreign banks ,and expedite the implement of ,quicken the advancement of the market interest rate by macroscopic policy which is meaningful not only to the stable running of banking system but also to the economy safety, politics and society stability.
1 FIR=FT/WT,其中,FT代表金融活动量,WT代表经济活动总量:全部金融资产价值除以全部有形资产价值(即国民财富)所得出的比率。
    2 刘澄、蓝天祥,《金融发展理论》,辽宁民话出版社,2000:36-37。
    3 雷蒙德·W·戈德史密斯,《金融结构与发展》,中国社会科学出版社,1968:329-334。
    4 刘澄、蓝天祥,《金融发展理论》,辽宁民话出版社,2000:48-49。
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    1 韩文霞,论金融全球化与中国对外开放策略,南开经济研究,1999(1):20-21。
    2 对外贸易依存度(Foreign Trade for Existence Degrees)是指一国进出口总额与其国内生产总值或国民生产总值之比,又叫对外贸易系数。一国对国际贸易的依赖程度,一般可用对外贸易依存度来表示。比重的变化意味着对外贸易在国民经济中所处地位的变化。
    3 来源于《2002年中国金融研究报告》。
    4 杨浩,外资银行在华扩张的方式及策略研究,世界经济研究,2003(2):16-17。
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    1 如汇丰银行欲占广州商业银行50%的股份(安邦,2003),花旗银行参股上海浦发银行时,原意是持股30%(胡锰,2002)。
    2 强调国家控股,外资不能控股,主要考虑到国有银行在国民经济中的特殊作有,它涉及整个国计民生,提供的融资占90%以上;其次,国家控股也是保证经济安全的一种需要,因为它承担了整个社会经济运行的支付清算功能;第三,银行作为最主要的融资渠道,国家必须掌握一些资源,用于政策上调控的需要。
    3 人民银行对外资银行参股的比例的指导意见为:单个外资银行参股比例最高为15%,多个外资银行参股比例最高不超过25%。
    4 存款保险作为一种金融保障制度,是指由符合条件的各类存款性金融机构集中起来建立一个保险机构。当其成员机构发生经营危机或面临破产倒闭时,存款保险机构向其提供财务救助或直接向存款人支付部分或全部存款,从而保护存款人利益,维护银行信用,稳定金融秩序的一种制度。
    5 金融业的混业经营,是指银行、证券公司、保险公司等机构的业务互相渗透、交叉,而不仅仅局限于自身分营业务的范围。
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