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In China, it is still mainly dependent on indirect financing. The banking as the main carrier of financial operations, its efficient operation is important for China's economic development. Therefore, how to analyze the performance of banking operations, and then make recommendations for improvement become an important research topic of the academic and the industry common concern.
     Using EVA to measure shareholder value, and then as a bank performance indicators, compared to the traditional financial indicators is more reasonable, and therefore based on this measure to study shareholder value efficiency of commercial banks, and the factors influencing it is of very important theoretical and practical significance for improving the performance of banks.
     Using EVA index to study banks shareholder value efficiency, compared to general financial indicators, an advantage in that it can better restore the financial situation before accounting profits manipulation, another advantage is that the introduction of opportunity cost of capital invested into the scope of inspection can better help us examine whether commercial banks can create maximum shareholder value for shareholder under certain inputs and outputs, which can help us to study a series of reform measures such as China's joint-stock reform of commercial banks that are to be effective help to improve the governance of commercial banks, help them to become real modern commercial banks which make the real maximum value creation for shareholders.
     Many China's commercial banks were listed, increasing the proportion of its market value and the quality of its operations plays an important effects on the capital market, it should be based on the point of interests of shareholders to create the maximum value for shareholders, to win the trust of investors, thus to obtain additional investment and development opportunities. Therefore, the listed commercial banks have become the mainstream of development in China, Chinese commercial banks should focus on ways to improve its ability to create value for shareholders that is to improve shareholder value efficiency.
     In addition to the introduction this thesis is divided into eight chapters, the main contents are as follows:
     Chapter one:Literature review of banks shareholder value. After review of banks shareholder value and related research,it is found that the combination study of bank efficiency and bank shareholder value are small, especially for commercial banks in China.
     Chapter two:Shareholders value efficiency in banking and its influencing factors overview. The EVA are calculated on 4 state-owned commercial banks and 10 shareholding commercial banks in china from 1995 to 2008, as a measure of banks for the creation of shareholder value. shareholder value the efficiency of the banking is estimated, and decomposition of it the net after-tax operating profit efficiency and capital cost efficiency are estimated. By the analysis on the evolution of the above efficiencies, it is found that shareholder value efficiency of China's commercial banks overall reduced at a slow trend, more significant reduction of state-owned commercial banks. Chinese commercial banks should increase net operating profit and focus on saving the cost of capital.
     Chapter Three:Efficiency factor measurement and impact on shareholder value efficiency of banks. Measure of revenue, cost and profit efficiency factor, and the theoretical analysis of impact on shareholder value efficiency of banks.
     Chapter four:Revenue diversification and impact on shareholder value efficiency of banks. It is summarized the impact of revenue diversification on shareholder value efficiency of banks.
     Chapter five:Risk factors and impact on shareholder value efficiency of banks.Risk of banks, such as credit risk, market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk,capital risk(leverage) are analyzed, and its impact on shareholder value efficiency of banks are analyzed.
     Chapter six:Other factors and impact on shareholder value efficiency of banks. It is analyzed impact of other factors on shareholder value of banks such as deposit growth and loan growth, bank assets, banking concentration, per capita
     Chapter seven:Factors influencing the of bank shareholder value efficiency empirical analysis. Through empirical analysis of commercial banks in China from 1995 to 2008, factors influencing bank shareholder value efficiency and the decomposition of shareholder value efficiency (after tax net operating profit efficiency and capital cost efficiency) are studied. In the sample period, it is found that significant factors affecting shareholder value efficiency of banks are revenue efficiency, income diversification, operational risk, leverage, liquidity risk, loan growth, bank assets, banking concentration, the per capita GDP and not significant factors are cost efficiency, credit risk, market risk, deposit growth.
     Chapter eight:Main conclusions and policy recommendations. It summarizes the main conclusions, and propose policy recommendations, limitations and further research on this direction are described.
     The main conclusions are:
     1. Enhance the ability to obtain income, proper control of operating costs.
     Enhance the ability of banks to earn income is significantly beneficial to create more value for shareholders at this stage, but also to prevent the pursuit of revenue growth over the potential negative impact.
     At this stage, China's commercial banks, the negative impact of cost control is not significant, but the effect of time lag, so banks can not focus too much on cutting costs and investment so as not to lack of stamina of banking revenue growth.
     2. Adjust the income structure, focus on non-interest income business, appropriate development of securities investment business.
     Bank non-interest income business expansion is beneficial to create more value for shareholders, and as more future expansion for non-interest income business, its effect on the capital cost savings will become more apparent, it should be the main endeavor of the bank's future business development.
     At this stage commercial banks to participate in the securities and market investment increased,it is detrimental to shareholders value, banks should pay attention to prevention of market risk caused by participating in the market investment.
     3. Control financial leverage, modest pursuit in the deposit growth.
     Under certain capital, excess debt development is significant not conducive for banks to create more value for its shareholders, the emphasis on capital adequacy, control the degree of expansion of business scale, control of financial leverage, not only meet regulatory requirements to achieve financial stability and also the needs of banks themselves improve their business.
     If only one-sided pursuit of bank deposit growth, rather than on the refinement of management, is not obvious the benefits of shareholder value efficiency of banks.
     4. Moderate expansion of assets, prevent operational risk.
     Commercial bank assets in China is increasing, and at this stage it has a certain economy of scale for banks to create more value for its shareholders, also showed a greater positive effect. However, the increase of business amount of commercial banking, operational risk will increase, will significantly damage the banks ability to create value for its shareholders. From the development trend, China's commercial banks will further develop and grow, and at this stage and in the future should strengthen prevention of operational risk.
     5. Relatively abundant liquidity, but the loan should be moderate growth.
     At this stage more loans is significantly favorable for banks to create more value for its shareholders, its causes are relative to relative abundance of liquidity of commercial banks in China. However, pay attention to the degree of loan growth to to prevent negative impact from excessive loans.
     6. Promote the reduction of concentration of the banking sector will help banks improve their business.
     Such as increasing the concentration of the banking sector at this stage is significantly more favorable for banks to create value for its shareholders, but in the long term, the improvement of the banking industry concentration, is not conducive to the promotion for competition of banks to improve their operations and therefore should adhere to the banking industry competition reform objectives, reduce the concentration of the banking industry.
     7. Pay attention to changes in the macroeconomic environment, preventing massive credit risk.
     GDP per capita growth significantly benefit banks to create more value for its shareholders. But credit losses would adversely affect shareholder value, although not significant at this stage, but this is related to our external economic environment continues to improve, once the big fluctuations in the external economy,there is the potential for large credit bad debts. Therefore, commercial banks should be concerned about China's macroeconomic trends, if economic tends to good may be appropriate to increase the scale of business to make profit for shareholders, but if the signs of the economic situation is deteriorating, the credit scale should be compressed timely.
     Innovation of this thesis is:
     1. To promote the combination of two separate field, bank efficiency and shareholder value of banks. Study from home and abroad reflect research studies of the bank efficiency and shareholder value are rich, as well as shareholder value of banks, but which stays management accounting, corporate governance level, after review of study home and abroad, this thesis attempt to make contribution to the combination of two separate field, bank efficiency and shareholder value of banks, for the situation of China's commercial banks.
     2. To resolve study difficulties from China's listed banks compared to non-listed banks relatively few. China's commercial banks are gradually listed, new opportunities to the study of banks, namely the introduction evaluation of the capital market for banks to study bank performance better. But the situation is similar in China and Europe, listed banks are all relatively small number of non-listed bank, is not conducive to carrying out empirical research.To address this difficulty, the foreign researchers use EVA concepts and methods, making non-listed banks with reference to capital market evaluation on listed bank, so a certain extent, to solve this difficulty. On the basis of the study, this thesis, with the actual conduct of China's commercial banks, study shareholder value efficiency of banks and influencing factors,to make contribution for the introduction of evaluation of the capital market to study bank performance.
     3. On the decomposition of EVA of banks. EVA of Banks is net operating profit after tax minus the bank's capital costs (that is, opportunity cost for shareholder of invested capital to banks).Based on this decomposition this thesis make two decompositions:First is in the study of shareholder value efficiency of banks, and further decomposition by net operating profit after tax efficiency and capital cost efficiency, in order to enrich and deepen shareholder value efficiency(that is ability of banks to create shareholder value); Second is the study of factors influencing shareholder value efficiency of banks, further decomposition by the study of factors influencing net operating profit after tax efficiency and capital cost efficiency in order to enrich and deepen understanding of the impact of various factors on shareholder value efficiency of banks.
     4. The introduction of a more comprehensive study of factors influencing shareholder value efficiency of banks. Study abroad on the performance of banks have already begun to focus on the introduction of a variety of factors, in order to do full analysis on bank performance factors and mechanism, domestic study of the performance of banks, also pay attention to this trend, but the factors are not comprehensive and systematic, this thesis introduces factors from the bank characteristic factors (including bank efficiency factor, bank risk factors and other factors such as leverage, scale, deposit growth, loan growth, etc.), industry characteristics factors (such as market structure), macroeconomic factors (such as per capita GDP),it is more comprehensive and systematic introduction of factors, in order to gain more comprehensive and profound understanding of factors of value creation for shareholders and their mechanism of action to improve the effectiveness of policy recommendations.
     5. This data is long term. This collection is from 1994 to 2008, including 14 of China's major commercial banks in the data (the data in accordance with the end of 2008, the assets of them accounted for more than 85% of the total assets of commercial banks, representative of the overall situation of China's commercial banks). Long term data favorable for empirical research, but also from a more comprehensive study on the time dimension of effectiveness of various reform measures of commercial banks and the economic environment changes to China's commercial banks.
2 张健华.国有商业银行股份制改革完满收官.金融时报.2011年1月21日.
    3 Fiordelisi,F.,2007.Shareholder value efficiency in European banking.Journal of Banking and Finance 31 2151-2171
    4 中国人民银行研究局局长张健华指出,国有商业银行逐渐朝真正的商业银行迈进,但其所取得成绩并非全靠自身努力,仍面临经济周期波动、利率市场化、人民币可兑换、监管标准提高、内控机制不完善等多方面的挑战。(张健华.国有商业银行股份制改革完满收官.金融时报.2011年1月21日.)
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    6 银行EVA与一般企业EVA的计算不同在于,银行EVA的资本成本不包括债务成本因为银行主要业务就是吸收存款发放贷款,如果把存款像一般企业一样作为债务的一种引入到资本成本的考察范围,将会造成对商业银行资本成本的过高度量,所以商业银行在计算EVA时应把债务处理成类同于一般企业的生产用的原材料成本费用,而不在税后利润的基础上再加上利息费用。(高莉和樊卫东,2003)。
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    35 中央财经大学中国银行业研究中心主任郭田勇指出由于中间业务占用资本金较少,银行通过大力发展中间业务,可以摆脱资本金的约束:而且经济向好后,随着居民收入、消费的增加,居民的投融资需求有可能会有增长,中间业务将会是未来盈利的主要挖掘点。因此,银行应大力发展投资银行、债务融资工具承销、银行类理财、企业年金、银行卡以及电子银行等新兴中间业务。(孟扬.走出资本充足率窘境:商行须转变战略模式.金融时报.2010年03月20日.)
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